Title: Funding Opportunities for SMEs within FP6
1Funding Opportunities for SMEs within FP6
- FFG/EIP - Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Marcus Bidmon
- Austrian National Contact Point for SME
- A-1220 Wien, Donau-City-Str. 1
- http//www.ffg.at
- review SMEs in the EU- Framework Programme (FP)
so far - small projects for SME
- Collective Research
- SME-participation in EU-large projects
- Integrated Projects
- FFG- initiatives to support SME participation
3SME definition
- An SME is an enterprise which
- has fewer than 250 employees
- has either an annual turnover not exceeding 50
M or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding
43 M - For calculation of the enterprise data,
connections/integration with other enterprises
need to be considered
4The importance of European SMEs
tech SMEs create two-times more innovations per
employee than large companies
LARGE COMPANIES 50 of SMEs are subcontractors
especially micro-firms are the main source of
new jobs
5Euro - Myths
- participation is a high-risk
- participation is expensive
- EU- research is only for big enterprises
- EU- research is only for high-tech-enterprises
- EU- research is a closed club
6Euro - Myths vs. RealitySME in FP5 (1)
- participation is a high-risk19.000 SME have
submited project ideas in FP538 have been
selected (CRAFT, Exploratory Award) - participation is expensivean average
CRAFT-Project (700 kEURO, 6 Partner) requires 70
kEURO own investment per SME - expectation for SME3,5 EURO for 1 EURO
investment in CRAFT
7Euro - Myths vs. RealitySME in FP5 (2)
- EU- research is only for big enterprises 77
of participants are small enterprises (lt50
employee) - EU- research is only for high-tech-enterprises
35 of CRAFT- participants come from traditional
sectors - EU- research is a closed club 65 of SME were
newcomers in FP5, 50 of the projects were new
8Participation of SME in EU- Framework Programme
- 10.000 High-tech SMEhigh research intensity
- 10.000 medium/low-tech SMElimited research
overall approximately 20.000 SME received 1,4
billion EURO
9SME in FP6
large projects
small projects
approx. 1,7 Mrd. Euro
approx. 400 Mio Euro
- 3 - 7 years
- some Mio 10 Euro
- at least 3 countries
- 1 - 3 years
- 0,5 - 5 Mio Euro
- at least 3 countries
10Comparison of project sizes
In terms of budget, duration, size of consortia
legend CRAFT..... Cooperative Research Action
for Technology STREP..... Specific Targeted
Research Projects
Coll. Res.......... Collective Research IP........
............. Integrated Projects NoE.............
..... Network of Excellence
11Horizontal research activities
Specific schemes in the form of actions on
Collective and Cooperative Research (any topic)
Individual SME
Cooperative Research (CRAFT)
Industrial associations or industry groupings
Collective Research
12SME in FP6
CRAFT (Cooperative Research for
Technology) Marcus Bidmon FFG/EIP - Austrian
Research Promotion Agency
13CRAFT - 300 Mio Euro
scheme of project
at least 3 SME from at least 2 nations
universities, research institutes, high-tech
SME, research lab of Industry
14CRAFT- example HIGHMAG Ecological and
effective high-speed-machining of magnesium
- partner
- AT Anton Anger
- AT ERKU Präzisionsteile
- AT Profactor Produktionsforschungs
- D Almü Präzisionswerkzeug
- D Zentrum Fertigungstechnik
- E Fundacion Tekniker Innovation
- E Brugarolas S.A.
FotosQuelle Firma Anger
cost 1.432.000 EURO support 716.000
EURO duration 01/00 - 12/01
15CRAFT- example Wasserglassin leather
production (in order to reduce tannery wastes)
07/98 - 12/99
partner AT Werner Vogl Co. DE
Lederfabrik Josef Heinen IT Industria Conciaria
Nobel IT Conceria Martucci Teresa AT HBLVA
für Chem. Ind. DE, IT leather institutes
horizontal consortium producer of automobile
upholsters shoe leather leather goods shoes
clothes shoes
16CRAFT- example Cardboard
partner 3 AT, 2 DE, 1 IT cost 987.500
EURO support 493.750 EURO duration 08/98 -
Manufacturing plant to produce a new corrugated
17CRAFT- example Know-CoMKnowledge and
Co-Operation based engineering for die and Mould
making SMEs
- partner
- AT Burg Informatics
- AT Meusburger Georg
- AT Profactor
- D Universität Halle-Wittenberg
E Fundacion Tekniker E Troqueles y Calibres E
Analisis Simulacion LV Ripo-1
simulations of injection-moulding processes using
special polymers for small parts
RTD AT polyconcent Plastics engineering and
development DE Technische Hochschule Aachen
Inst. f. Kunststoffverarbeitung NL Netherlands
Organiszation for Applied Scientific
Research AT UNI LINZ Physikalische Chemie AT
Montanuniversität Leoben Inst. f.
Kunststoffverarbeitung DE SIMCON
kunststofftechnische Software
partner SME AT Awender
Kunststofftechnik IT Westan Syste AT CAMO
Formen-und Werkzeugbau CZ TERMOPLAST Lisova
Plastü DE Weißer Grießhaber MT FILDAN
Accossories NL Dollwin Tooling
19CRAFT - 300 Mio Euro
- topic any topic science technology
- partner - at least 3 SME from at least 2 nations
and - - at least 2 RTD from 2 nations
- size total cost 0,5 - 2 Mill. EURO
- EU-share gt 50 of project costs
- duration 1-2 years
- property rights ownership to the SMEs
proposers - support research innovation up to 50
consortium management up to 100
20Cooperative research (CRAFT)
21Opportunities for SMEs through CRAFT
- more money for RTD
- additional personnel resources
- know-how
- sharing risks
- accelerated innovation processes
- strengthening market positions by new
technologies - new markets through international contact
- building strategic alliances
22CRAFT-results in FP6increasing quantity and
- 1st CRAFT - deadline
- Austrian CRAFT- Co-ordinators
- almost all Co-ordinators consulted by FFG/EIP
- 7,4 of all successful proposals
- 35 success rate (EU- average 19)
- Austrian CRAFT- participation
- 3,29 (according to PD)
23SME in FP6
Collective Research Marcus Bidmon FFG/EIP -
Austrian Research Promotion Agency
24Collective research - 100 MEuro
- Industrial Association/Grouping assigns
scientific- and Innovation activities to external
research providers - Themes (bottom-up) of interest for a large number
of SME or SME-sectors, e.g. - Research aimed at reinforcing the technological
basis of particular sector(s) - Development of technological tools (e.g.
diagnosis, safety equipment) - Pre-normative research (research to provide a
scientific base for European norms and
standards) - Research aimed at addressing common
problems/challenges (e.g. to meet regulatory
requirements, such as health safety at work
legislation, environmental performance).
25Collective research
26Collective research - 100 MEuro
- theme any topic of science technique
- partner - 2 national Indust. Associations/Groupin
gs or 1 European Indust. Association/Grouping
- SME-core group with at least 2 SME - at least
2 RTD - size total cost 2 - 5 Mio EURO
- EU-share gt 50 of Project costs
- duration 2-3 years
- support research innovation up to 50
consortium management up to 100 training up
to 100
27Collective research - Supported activities
- Research and innovation-related activities
- Well-defined, sharply focused research programme
- Dissemination conferences, publications,
workshops, web-based activities to large
communities of SMEs - Training activities
- Focused on results generated by the project
- Targeted to technical and managerial staff from
Industrial Associations and SMEs - Consortium management activities
- Led by one Industrial Association OR one RTD
Performer - Overall management (legal, contractual,
financial) - Coordination of technical activities
- Knowledge management
28What is an IAG
- Industrial Associations/Groupings are enterprise
groupings, meaning any - legal entity
- made up, directly or indirectly, for the most
part of SMEs, - and representing their interests.
- Examples
- sectoral industrial associations, regional
industrial associations, chambers of commerce,
29Collective research - Roles of Industrial
- Lead Steering Committee
- Take care of links with their SME members
- Disseminate and exploit the results and
exploitation - Training their staff and SME members staff
- Use their networks
- If appropriate, scientific and administrative
30Collective research - Roles of Core Group SME
- Input to demands
- Participation in project meetings
- Active role in different work packages
- Key role in technical management
- Test, validation and exploitation of results
- Installation of pilot production plant
- Training their staff and other SME
- In return direct and immediate access to project
results Time advantage in the market.
31Collective research - Roles of RTD Performers
- Carrying out research
- Reporting, presentation of results in meetings
- Close co-operation with Industrial Associations
and Core Group SME - Preparing dissemination material
- Training Industrial Associations and Core Group
SME staff
32Collective research - Specific conditions
- Balance between the participantsRTD Performers
at least 40 of the RI activities total
eligible cost - RTD Performers fully paidThey will receive 100
of their RI total cost within a ceiling to be
agreed by the consortium - Consortium agreement mandatory (to be ready by
the signature of the contract)
33Collective research examples of pilot-phase of
- Oil-Free Powertrain - reducing the burden on oil
reserves and the environment - Chromatex - phasing out cancer-causing chromium
VI from the automotive industry - Space2Tex - solving the waste water recycling
problem in textile production - Ultra-Melt - energy-saving tool for injection
moulding - FASTOOL - Fast and Automated Tooling
34example1 Oil-Free Powertrain - reducing the
burden on oil reserves and the environment (1)
- European industry used around 5 million tonnes of
oil-based lubricants a year under one-third of
this is collected, recycled or properly disposed
of. Using an innovative approach, a consortium of
industrial associations from four different
countries want to develop an oil-free
transmission system to help SMEs improve their
products. - Project Costs 2.567.630 Euro
- Duration 36 month
- EC-Contribution 1.262.240 EURO
35example 1 Oil-Free Powertrain - reducing the
burden on oil reserves and the environment (2)
- partners
- 5 Associations
- VDMA - Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und
Anlagenbau, D - FMS - Fachverband der Maschinen- und
Stahlbauindustrie, AT - National Association of Hungarian Engineering
Industry, H - Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of
Engineering Technique, CZ - Automotive Industry Association, CZ
- 19 SME-Partners
- 4 RTD-Performers
36example 2 Chromatex - phasing out
cancer-causing chromium VI from the automotive
- SMEs working in the automotive metal protection
industry using chromium (CR6) plating may suffer
if a proposed law is passed to ban this
environmentally harmful and potentially
carcinogenic substance, according to a group of
four industry associations from four different
countries making up the Chromatey project. They
plan to raise awareness of this issue and help
SMEs wishing to phase out Cr6 by 2007. - Duration 24 Months
- Budget 2,500,000 EURO
- EC-Contribution over 1,2 million EURO
37example 3 Space2Tex - solving the waste water
recycling problem in textile production
- Inspired by space technology, a consortium led by
the European textile association, and composed of
26 SMEs from six countries, have come up with a
unique idea for more cost-effective and efficient
waste-water recycling in textile finishing. - EC-Contribution almost 1,1 million EURO
38example 4 Ultra-Melt - energy-saving tool for
injection moulding
- Because of high production costs, Europes SMEs
are relying too heavily on plastics being moulded
in countries outside the EU. A consortium of four
industrial associations from 4 EU countries want
to create an ultrasonic melting system and
equipment to improve plastic flow. Reducing
energy consumption in polymer processing by 30.
The cost savings will allow some 2 000 European
SMEs to produce such plastics in-house. - EC-Contribution 1,3 million EURO
39example 5FASTOOL - Fast and Automated Tooling
- Develop automated procedures to generate NC
programs for pre-milling moulds and electrodes by
high speed milling in much reduced timescales (up
to 95) using a knowledge-based system which will
determine the optimum set of tools and operating
parameters for each geometry. - Use the electrodes to EDM the premilled mould
cavity to the finished geometry. - Generate that part of the electrode geometry that
is not pre-milled in much reduced timescales (up
to 90), using Boolean operations and a
knowledge-based tooling system. - Integrate high speed milling machines for
electrode generation and electro-discharge
machines (EDMs) for mould production, to increase
machine tool efficiency from 16 to 50.
Existing machine controllers will be used, to
enable the developed system to be retrofitted.
40example 5FASTOOL - Fast and Automated Tooling
- Partners
- 4 Associations
- Metaal Unie (NL)
- NCG NC-Gesellschaft (D)
- ASCAMM Catalan Association of Mould Die
- Manufacturers Foundation (E)
- 4 RTDs
- 4 SME Cluster
41The next deadlines forCRAFT Collective
- CRAFT last deadline
- 14.09.2005
- Collective Research last deadline passed
- next possibility in FP7
42SME in FP6
SME - participation in large projects Marcus
Bidmon FFG/EIP - Austrian Research Promotion
43SME - participation in large projects
- 1. Integrated Projects (IP)
- 2. Network of Excellence (NoE)
- 3. Specific Targeted Research Projects
large projectsin the 7 thematic
priorities 1,7 Mrd for SME
44The 7 thematic priorities
(11,285 M, gt15 for SMEs) 1 - Life
science 2 - Information society technologies 3
- Nanotechnologies 4 - Aeronautics and space 5
- Food quality and safety 6 - Sustainable
development 7 - Citizens and governance
45How can SMEs participate?
- as coordinator
- as individual participants
- as member of participating SME groupings
- (as subcontractors)
46SME - participation in large projects
- Participation of SME groupings possible
- integration of SME evaluation criterion in
quality of the consortium - targeted calls in SME relevant areas (e.g. IP
for SME / nanotechnology) - pre- allocated budget for Take-up measures
- possible contract enlargement for additional SME
in ongoing EU-projects (internal call)
47Roles of a participating SME
- technology / service provider
- RTD-performer
- technology user
- take-up-measures assessment / testing /
validation of promising technologies - training of SME executives / technical personnel
- exploitation / dissemination
- involved in management
- at an early stage application and exploitation of
technologies - easy access to / transfer of Best Practice
48Integrated Projects
- Average data
- Duration nb. partners Funding
- IP 3-5 30 12,5 Mio
- Project activities
- protection of IPR
- training activities
- dissemination of results
- demonstration projects
- application of results (take-up activities)
- technology foresight
- management
49SME - IP EuroTooling 21Integrated project to
preparare the European tooling industry for the
21st century
- Goals of the Project
- to improve competitiveness in European
Mouldmaking and Special Tooling Industries. - Bottom-up Approach
- The starting point are the industrial needs, in
order to allow the adequate and competitive
choice of the different technologies for the
development of RD activities within an
industrial application purpose. - These developments enable mouldmaking companies
to position themselves in increasingly higher
levels of the value chain of large and complex
final products. - The project achievements will be materialized in
the development of three Case Studies, whose
requirements drive 3 Research Activities.
More Info under http//www.eurotooling21.com/
50SME - IP Eurotooling 21
51SME - IP Eurotooling 21
This project's 34 Partners represent 10 European
countries, namely Portugal, Spain, Germany,
Belgium, France, Italy, United Kingdom, The
Netherlands, Austria and Poland.
52SME in FP6
FFG - EU - initiatives for SME Marcus
Bidmon FFG/EIP - Austrian Research Promotion
53FFG-EU-initiatives for SME
- Industrial technologies
- Plastics PLASTeam
- Nano- and Mikro- technology NaoMITec
- Nano- technology implementation NanoRoadSme
- Wood Woodism
54FFG-EU- initiative Plasteam
- Goal of the Project
- treatment of specific SME technology requests
through the European plastics -expert platform. - Involvement of Austrian SME in EU-projects in the
6. EU- Framework Programme in the plastics
sector. - Advantages for SME
- analysis of the research- and development
needs(Online Tool for technological diagnoses). - Specific solution proposals of plastics expert .
- Free consulting and training in terms of a
participation at EU-Projects. - Information about existing EU-supports,
EU-Project deadlines, policy and procedures of
the 6. EU-Framework Programme
Contact Marcus Bidmon (marcus.bidmon_at_ffg.at),
Susanne Dragosits (susanne.dragosits_at_ffg.at)
55FFG-EU- initiative Plasteam Expert Tool Maker
- More info under http//www.plasteam.org
56FFG-EU- initiative Plasteam Expert Tool Maker
- WARWICK http//
57FFG-EU- initiative Plasteam Expert Tool Maker
- Spontaneus profiles
- http//www.plasteam.org/library/profiles_library_f
58FFG-EU- initiative NaoMITec(Nano and Micro -
TEC SMEs in IPs and NoE)
- Goals of the Project
- increasing participation of SME in Nano- and
Micro- technology- projects in FP6 - access of SME to new technologies
- Advantages for SME
- Information about supported or planned European
research projects in the field of Nano- and
Micro- technology - assistance and consulting for your participation
in big European research projects - integration with experts in this fieldcontacts
with other European SMEs and researcher
Contact Marcus Bidmon (marcus.bidmon_at_ffg.at),Rit
a Ebner (rita.ebner_at_ffg.at)
59Partnering market NaoMITec
- Genf, CERN, 11.01.2005
- International partnering meeting
- Nanotechnologies, Multifunctional Materials, New
Processes, - Information Society technologies
- facilitate the setup of consortia
- in particular the collaboration between SMEs and
RD institutions - project co-ordinators present their project ideas
- high-tech SMEs present their skills
- consortia can be completed
- take advantage of CERNs technology transfer
60FFG-EU- initiative NanoRoadSme(Development of
Advanced Technology Roadmaps in Nanomaterial
Sciences and Industrial Adaptation to Small and
Medium sized Enterprises)
- Goals of the Project
- identification of research- and development
trends, new products and application in the field
Nanomaterials - development and implementation of technology
roadmaps for SME, to permit the integration of
n-Technology-results factor of the ability to
compete! - Advantages for SME
- access to new trends of Nanomaterials
- Information about possible application and
advantage of Nanomaterials for your enterprise - guideline for implementation of Nanomaterials in
your products and/or in your processes
Contact Marcus Bidmon (marcus.bidmon_at_ffg.at),
Rita Ebner (rita.ebner_at_ffg.at)
61FFG-EU- initiative WOODISM
- Goals of the Project
- increasing of participation of SME from the field
forest- and wood industry and relative
technologies in 6. EU-FP - forestry and environment (incl. agriculture,
monitoring, risk management, ecology, etc.) - wood processing
- saw industry and slab production
- carpentries, joinery, furniture fabrication
- fibre-, pulp- and paper- production and
-processing - packing materials
- waste wood
- wood processing-machinery
- etc.
- access to new technologies
Contact Marcus Bidmon (marcus.bidmon_at_ffg.at),
Susanne Dragosits (susanne.dragosits_at_ffg.at)
62Initiatives Our range of services offers
- Information of suitable support to find a
solution of your specific request/ for further
development of your technologies - strength analysis / weaknesses of your
enterprise, your innovation potential and your
technological needs - Information of current calls and EU-support
programmes, about deadlines, project partner and
themes - assistance at the formulation or your
Projectidea/application - Finding international partners
- common creation of an organisations-profile, to
permit new co-operations (European Databases). - Information to new possibilities of application
of Nano- and Mikro-technologies in your branch
(technology-RoadMaps). - Contacts with other European enterprises and
experts (conferences, Partnering market , working
group, etc...). - etc.
63SME participation in FP6 instruments
With RD needs, all topics
With RD capabilities in the 7 thematic
Partner in CRAFT, Collective Research
Partner in IP, NoE, STREP, (technology
provider or end-user)
Technology transfer from IP, NoE
min. 15 of budget ca. 1.8 billion EURO
ca. 400 Mill. Euro
64What you have to do!?!
- As a project co-ordinating organisation
- innovative idea
- rough concept
- partners? Partner search with networks of FFG
- financing through national funding body
- composition of the project proposal
- submission in time
- As a Project partner
- observation Which Projects are looking for
partners? - Partner search with networks
- elaborate your company profile
- entry in the European Databases of FFG-initiatives
65Further co-operation possibilitiesfor small
and medium-sized enterprises
66Innovation Relay CentreTechnology cooperations
- What? - technical co-operation, RD
- - product.-, distribution-, licensing agreement
- - Know-how transfer
- How? 1) co-operationsprofile
- 2) Email Newsletter
- Time? input 2 - 8 hours
- Int. contacts 1 - 12 weeks
- framework? none
- advantage?
- Many solutions at RD Problems
- quicker implementation techn. developments
- access to new foreign market
Comp. Riess (NÖ) MTR-Recycling
(Bgld) Theme stress crack Handy Recyling at
enamel (no Know-how for Hightech Lab) battery
Recy. was missing How search- Profile Email
Newsletter Partner BRD (12 provider) battery
Recy. (UK) Duration 4 month 8
month advantage RD Know-how deployment of a new
recipe common. Recycling system
www.IRCA.at Innovation Relay Centre Your Access
to international technology co-operation
67 Useful links
- 6th Framework Programme http//europa.eu.int/comm
/research/fp6/ - Research programmes and projectshttp//www.cordis
.lu - SME Websitehttp//www.cordis.lu/sme
- SME National Contact Pointshttp//sme.cordis.lu/a
68Thank you for your attention Marcus
Bidmon Austrian National Contact Point for
SME FFG/EIP - Austrian Research Promotion
Agency A-1220 Wien, Donau-City-Str.
1 http//www.ffg.at