Title: Dynamics of Work Zone Incident Management
1Dynamics of Work Zone Incident Management
- Lynn Berges, PE KDOT- Bureau of Local Projects
- Lieutenant Robert BakerKansas Highway Patrol
2What groups are represented here today?
3Why are you here?
- Involved with crash response in some way
4Who is at a scene?
- Law Enforcement
- Fire Rescue
- EMS / Ambulance / Air Ambulance
- Towing
- DOT / Road Bridge / Public Works
- Coroner's Office
- Hazardous Materials Team
- Utilities
- Media
5Who else is there?
6What is your purpose there?
7Traffic Incident ManagementWhat is it?
Traffic Incident Management refers to the
coordinated, preplanned, procedures utilized by
agencies charged with responding to traffic
incidents, to rapidly and efficiently detect,
respond to, and clear an incident.
8Needs of Partners
- Training
- Management, field personnel,
- communications
- Support
- Coordination between partners, follow-up meetings
- Equipment
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Flagging
- Coordination at incident
- Signs
- High Visibility clothing
- Paint
- Surveying (crash mapping)
11Construction Zones
Should they be different?
12Construction Zones
- Pre-plan
- Understand the phasing and progression
- Select alternate routes for various scenarios
- Know who the contacts are for quick action
13Traffic Incident Management
- National Traffic Incident Management Coalition
(NTIMC) - 19 transportation groups
- http//timcoalition.org
- National Unified Goal (NUG)
- Responder Safety
- Safe, Quick Clearance
- Prompt, Reliable, Interoperable Communications
14Special thanks to Rusty James
15For more information, contact
- Lt. Robert Baker
- Kansas Highway Patrol
- (785) 296-6800
- RDBaker_at_khp.ks.gov
- Lynn C. Berges
- KDOT- Bureau of Local Projects
- (785) 296-0410
- LBerges_at_ksdot.org