Thai History III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thai History III


He maintained his position and power from 1938 until the end of World War II. Chinese ... most people both in Thonburi and Ayutthaya integrated to ... Chinese ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Thai History III

Thai History III
  • Rattanakosin Period Chakri Dynasty

9 Kings of Chakri Dynasty
9 Kings of Chakri Dynasty
Rattanakosin/Bangkok (since 1782)
  • When King Buddha Yod Fa Chulaloke, or King Rama I
    succeeded to the throne of Chakri dynasty, he and
    his younger brother started to establish
    Rattanakosin city or Bangkok in 1692. When the
    city was nearly completely found, most people
    both in Thonburi and Ayutthaya integrated to
    settle down in the new capital city.

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Rama I (1782 - 1809)
  • Rama I (Buddha Yod Fah Chulaloke) became a king
    together with the inauguration of the Chakri
    dynastry on April 6, 1782. He moved the capital
    across the Chao Phaya River from Thonburi to

  • He restored most of the social and political
    system of the Ayutthaya kingdom, promulgating new
    law codes, reinstating court ceremonies and
    imposing discipline on the Buddhist monkhood.

  • In 1792 the Siamese occupied Luang Prabang and
    brought most of Laos under indirect Siamese rule.
    Cambodia was also effectively ruled by Siam. By
    the time of his death in 1809, Rama I had created
    a Siamese over lordship dominating an area
    considerably larger than modern Thailand.

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Rama II (1809 - 1824)
  • In 1809, Rama II or King Buddha Loet Lah, son of
    Rama I took the throne until 1824. He devoted
    himself to preserve the Thai literature that had
    remained from Ayutthaya period and produced a new
    version of Ramakien or Thai Ramayana, the
    classical literature. 

  • The Chakri dynasty now controlled all branches of
    Siamese government since Rama I had 42
    children, and Rama II had 73, there was no
    shortage of royal princes to staff the
    bureaucracy, the army, the senior monkhood and
    the provincial governments. (Most children were
    of concubines and thus not eligible to inherit
    the throne.)

British Occupation
  • In 1785 the British occupied Penang, and in 1819
    they founded Singapore. Soon the British
    displaced the Dutch and Portuguese as the main
    western economic and political influence in Siam.
    The British objected to the Siamese economic
    system, in which trading monopolies were held by
    royal princes and businesses were subject to
    arbitrary taxation.

British Demand
  • In 1821 the government of British India sent a
    mission to demand that Siam lift restrictions on
    free trade the first sign of an issue which was
    to dominate 19th century Siamese politics.

  • Rama II died in 1824 and was succeeded by his
    son Prince Jessadabondindra, who reigned as King
    Nangklao, now known as Rama III. Rama II's
    younger son, Mongkut, was 'suggested' to become a
    monk, removing him from politics.

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Rama III (1824 - 1851)
  • In 1824-1851, Rama III or King Nang Klao was
    successful in re-establishing relation and making
    trades with China which was necessary to meet the
    increasing domestic agricultural production. 

  • In 1825 the British sent another mission to
    Bangkok led by East India Company emissary Henry
    Burney. They had by now annexed southern Burma
    and were thus Siam's neighbours to the west, and
    they were also extending their control
    over Malaya.

Burney Treaty
  • The King was reluctant to give in to British
    demands, but his advisors warned him that Siam
    would meet the same fate as Burma unless the
    British were accommodated. In 1826, therefore,
    Siam concluded its first commercial treaty with a
    western power, the Treaty of Amity and Commerce
    (SiamUK) (also called the Burney Treaty). 

Amendment of Monopolies
  • Under the treaty, Siam agreed to establish a
    uniform taxation system, to reduce taxes on
    foreign trade and to abolish some of the royal
    monopolies. As a result, Siam's trade increased
    rapidly, many more foreigners settled in Bangkok,
    and western cultural influences began to spread.
    The kingdom became wealthier and its army better

British Trading with Siam
Bowring Treaty
  • In late Rama III, Siam used monopoly policy again
    that against the Burney Treaty. This resulted
    trading disputes between Siam and Britain. In
    1855 (Rama IV), the British made Bowring treaty
    that forced Siamese to be under British trading
    at last.

Lao Rebellion
  • A Lao rebellion led by Anouvong was defeated in
    1827, following which Siam destroyed Vientiane,
    carried out massive population transfers from
    Laos to the more securely held area of Isan, and
    divided the Lao Mueang into smaller units to
    prevent another uprising. In 18421845 Siam waged
    a successful war with Vietnam, which tightened
    Siamese rule over Cambodia.

  • By the 1840s it was obvious that Siamese
    independence was in danger from the colonial
    powers this was shown dramatically by the
    British First Opium War with China in 18391842.

First Opium War
Foreign Traders Demands
  • In 1850 the British and Americans sent missions
    to Bangkok demanding the end of all restrictions
    on trade, the establishment of a western-style
    government and immunity for their citizens from
    Siamese law (extraterritoriality).

Chinese Influx
  • Economically, from its foundation, Rattanakosin
    witnessed the growing role of Chinese merchants,
    who were chased out before by king Taksin. Beside
    merchants, Chinese who were farmers, endlessly
    came to seek fortune in the new kingdom.

Chinese Assimilation
  • The Rattanakosin's rulers welcomed the Chinese,
    due to their source of economic revival. Some
    ethnic Chinese merchants became the court
    officials, holding crucial positions.

Relationship with China
  • Chinese culture such as literature was accepted
    and promoted. Many Chinese works were translated
    by ethnic Chinese court dignitaries. Siam's
    relationship with the Chinese Empire was strong.

  • It has been a royal tradition to build a temple
    of king since King Rama I.
  • Although temple of Rama III is Wat Ratcha O-Ros,
    his most visible legacy in Bangkok is the Wat
    Pho temple complex, which he enlarged and endowed
    with new temples.
  • Both temples contain many Chinese arts and

Wat Pho (Chetupon)
Chinese Guardians
Wat Ratcha-Oros
Chinese Arts_at_Thai temple
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Rama IV (1851 - 1868)
  • Rama IV or King Mongkut (Phra Chom Klao), who
    reigned from 1851 to 1868 lived as a Buddhist
    monk for 27 years. He used his long sojourn as a
    monk to acquire a western education from French
    and American missionaries, and British merchants.
    He could speak many languages such as Latin,
    English, and five other languages.

  • The missionaries hoped to convert him to
    Christianity, but in fact he was a strict
    Buddhist and a Siamese nationalist. He intended
    using this western knowledge to strengthen and
    modernise Siam when he came to the throne.

  • Having been a monk for 27 years, he lacked a base
    among the powerful royal princes, and did not
    have a modern state apparatus to carry out his
  • His first attempts at reform, to establish a
    modern system of administration and to improve
    the status of debt-slaves and women, were

  • Under his reign, he created new laws to improve
    the women's and children's right. There was a
    common saying that Woman is buffalo, Man is
  • A Thai movie titled Am Dang Muen and Nai Rid
    portrayed womens lives in this period.

  • Anna Leonowens

Anna and the King
  • Anna Leonowens, a British governess,  presents a
    group of liberated Christian women in the 1800's
    that worked to end slavery. She was a part of
    Siamese history and has been fictionalized as The
    King and I. The film mentions that Anna was one
    of the forces that brought freedom from slavery
    and freedom of religion.  

  • Rama IV thus came to welcome western intrusion in
    Siam. Indeed the king himself was actively
    pro-British. This came in 1855 in the form of a
    mission led by the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir
    John Bowring, who arrived in Bangkok with demands
    for immediate changes, backed by the threat of

  • The King readily agreed to his demand for a new
    treaty, called the Bowring Treaty, which
    restricted import duties to 3, abolished royal
    trade monopolies, and granted extraterritoriality
    to British subjects.
  • Other western powers soon demanded and got
    similar concessions.

  • The king soon came to consider that the real
    threat to Siam came from the French, not the
    British. The British were interested in
    commercial advantage, the French in building a
    colonial empire. They occupied Saigon in 1859,
    and 1867 established a protectorate over southern
    Vietnam and eastern Cambodia.

  • Rama IV hoped that the British would defend Siam
    if he gave them the economic concessions they
    demanded. In the next reign this would prove to
    be mistaken, but it is true that the British saw
    Siam as a useful buffer state between British
    Burma and French Indochina.

Siam as Buffer State
Buddhist Affairs
  • Rama IV also adopted the discipline of local Mon
    monk as he saw many monks during that time were
    not so disciplined. Thus he founded a new sect in
    which called Dhammayutika Nikaya. This sect
    observed precepts stricter than the majority
    monks, later were called Maha Nikaya.

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Rama V (1868 - 1910)
  • Rama V or King Chulalongkorn, Rama IV's son,
    continued the throne when he was 15 years old.
    Rama V was the first Siamese king to have a full
    western education.

Survival of Colonization
  • In 1886, Siam lost some territory to French, Laos
    and British Burma accorded the foreign powers
    intercede. After that King Chulalongkorn declared
    Thailand as an independent kingdom on the 23rd of

  • In 1893 the French authorities in Indochina used
    a minor border dispute to provoke a crisis.
    French gunboats appeared at Bangkok, and demanded
    the cession of Lao territories east of
    the Mekong.

Seize of Bangkok
  • The King appealed to the British, but the British
    minister told the King to settle on whatever
    terms he could get, and he had no choice but to

  • Britain's only gesture was an agreement with
    France guaranteeing the integrity of the rest of
    Siam. In exchange, Siam had to give up its claim
    to the Tai-speaking Shan region of north-eastern
    Burma to the British.

  • The French, however, continued to pressure Siam,
    and in 19061907 they manufactured another
    crisis. This time Siam had to concede French
    control of territory on the west bank of the
    Mekong opposite Luang Prabang and
    around Champasak in southern Laos, as well as
    western Cambodia.

  • The British interceded to prevent more French
    bullying of Siam, but their price, in 1909 was
    the acceptance of British sovereignty over
    of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis and Terengganu under An
    glo-Siamese Treaty of 1909.

  • All of these "lost territories" were on the
    fringes of the Siamese sphere of influence and
    had never been securely under their control, but
    being compelled to abandon all claim to them was
    a substantial humiliation to both king and

  • David K. Wyatt describes King Chulalongkorn as
    "broken in spirit and health" following the 1893
    crisis and is the basis for the change in the
    name of the country with the loss of these
    territories Great Siam was now no more, the king
    now ruled only the core Thai lands.

  • In the early 20th century these crises were
    adopted by the increasingly nationalist
    government as symbols of the need for the country
    to assert itself against the West and its

  • Meanwhile, reform continued apace transforming an
    absolute monarchy based on relationships of power
    into a modern, centralized nation state.
  • The process was increasingly under the control of
    Rama V's sons, who were all educated in Europe.

  • Railways and telegraph lines united the
    previously remote and semi-autonomous provinces. 
  • The currency was tied to the gold standard and a
    modern system of taxation replaced the arbitrary
    exactions and labor service of the past.

Tradition Reforms
  • Rama V started to reform the tradition, legal and
    administrative realm by allowing officials to sit
    on chairs during royal audiences. Under the reign
    of Rama V, Thailand developed relations with
    European nations and the USA. 

King Chulalongkorn
  • He introduced schools, roads, railways, and
    Thailand's first post office. He even established
    civil service system.
  • In 1892, Rama V overhauled the administration of
    Siam to a form of cabinet government with 12

  • The biggest problem was the shortage of trained
    civil servants, and many foreigners had to be
    employed until new schools could be built and
    Siamese graduates produced. By 1910, when the
    King died, Siam had become at least a semi-modern
    country, and continued to escape colonial rule.

  • Lands of Thailand

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Rama VI (1910 - 1925)
  • Rama VI or King Vajiravudh, took the throne from
    1910 to 1925. During his short reign, he
    introduced the Westernization to Thailand.

  • He introduced the primary school education.
  • Thai women were encouraged to grow their hair at
    a certain length.
  • Surnames were introduced
  • Football was introduced in Thailand. 

Thai women and girls in Early Ratttanakosin Period
Costumes for Thai Women
Western Education
  • He had been educated in Britain. Indeed one of
    Siam's problems was the widening gap between the
    westernised royal family and upper aristocracy
    and the rest of the country. It took another 20
    years for western education to extend to the rest
    of the bureaucracy and the army a potential
    source of conflict.

  • King Vajiravudh, knew that the rest of the 'new'
    nation could not be excluded from government
    forever, but he had no faith in western-style
    democracy. He applied his observation of the
    success of the British monarchy in ruling of
    India, appearing more in public and instituting
    more royal ceremonies.

  • However Rama VI also carried on his father's
    modernisation plan. Polygamy was abolished,
    primary education made compulsory, and in
    1916 higher education came to Siam with the
    founding of Chulalongkorn University, which in
    time became the seedbed of a new Siamese

  • Bangkok became more and more the capital of the
    new nation of Siam. Rama VI's government began
    several 'nation-wide' development projects,
    despite the financial hardship. New roads,
    bridges, railways, hospitals and schools
    mushroomed throughout the country with national
    budget from Bangkok.

  • King Vajiravudh's style of government differed
    from that of his father. In the beginning of the
    sixth reign, the king continued to use his
    father's team and there was no sudden break in
    the daily routine of government. Much of the
    running of daily affairs was therefore in the
    hands of experienced and competent men.

  • Because of them, Siam owed many progressive
    steps, such as the development of a national plan
    for the education of the whole populace, the
    setting up of clinics where free vaccination was
    given against smallpox, and the continuing
    expansion of railways.

  • However, senior posts were gradually filled with
    members of the King's coterie when a vacancy
    occurred through death, retirement, or
    resignation. By 1915, half the cabinet consisted
    of new faces.

World War I
  • In 1917 Siam declared war on German
    Empire and Austria-Hungary, mainly to gain favour
    with the British and the French. Siam's token
    participation in World War I secured it a seat at
    the Versailles Peace Conference.

  • ForeignMinister Devawongse 
  • used this opportunity to argue for the repeal of
    the 19th century treaties and the restoration of
    full Siamese sovereignty. The United States
    obliged in 1920, while France and Britain delayed
    until 1925.

Post World War I
  • This victory gained the king some popularity, but
    it was soon undercut by discontent over other
    issues, such as his extravagance, which became
    more noticeable when a sharp postwar recession
    hit Siam in 1919.

  • There was also the fact that the king had no son.
    He also obviously preferred the company of men to
    women (a matter which of itself did not much
    concern Siamese opinion, but which did undermine
    the stability of the monarchy because of the
    absence of heirs).

  • When Rama VI died suddenly in 1925, aged only 44,
    the monarchy was already in a weakened state. He
    was succeeded by his younger brother Prajadhipok.

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Rama VII (1925 1935)
  • Rama VII or King Prachadhipok was Rama VI's
    brother. He changed Siam's form of government
    from absolute monarchy to democracy. This
    revolution developed the constitutional monarchy
    along British lines, with mixed military and
    civilian group in power.

  • Unlike his predecessor, the king diligently read
    virtually all state papers from ministerial
    submissions to petitions by citizens. Within half
    a year only one fourth of Vajiravhud's ministers
    stayed on, the rest having been replaced by
    members of the royal family. On the one hand,
    these appointments brought back men of talent and
    experience, on the other, it signaled a return to
    royal oligarchy.

  • The initial legacy that Prajadhipok received from
    his elder brother were problems of economy the
    finances of the state were in chaos, the budget
    heavily in deficit, and the royal accounts an
    accountant's nightmare of debts and questionable
    transactions. Other countries were deep in
    the Great Depression following World War I did
    not help the situation either.

  • The first act of Prajadipok as king entailed an
    institutional innovation intended to restore
    confidence in the monarchy and government, the
    creation of the Supreme Council of the State.

  • This privy council was made up of a number of
    experienced and extremely competent members of
    the royal family, including the long time
    Minister of the Interior (and Chulalongkorn's
    right-hand man) Prince Damrong.

  • Gradually these princes arrogated increasing
    power by monopolising all the main ministerial
    positions. Many of them felt it their duty to
    make amends for the mistakes of the previous
    reign, but it was not generally appreciated.

  • With the help of this council, the king managed
    to restore stability to the economy, although at
    a price of making a significant amount of the
    civil servants redundant and cutting the salary
    of those that remained. This was obviously
    unpopular among the officials, and was one of the
    trigger events for the coup of 1932.

  • Prajadhipok then turned his attention to the
    question of future politics in Siam. Inspired by
    the British example, the King wanted to allow the
    common people to have a say in the country's
    affair by the creation of a parliament.

  • A proposed constitution was ordered to be
    drafted, but the King's wishes were rejected by
  • his advisers, who felt that the population was
    not yet ready for democracy.

  • In 1932, with the country deep in depression, the
    Supreme Council opted to introduce cuts in
    official spending, including the military budget.
    The King foresaw that these policies might create
    discontent, especially in the army, and he
    therefore convened a special meeting of officials
    to explain why the cuts were necessary.

  • Serious political disturbances were threatened in
    the capital, and in April the king agreed to
    introduce a constitution under which he would
    share power with a prime minister. This was not
    enough for the radical elements in the army,

1932 Coup
  • On June 24, 1932, while the king was holidaying
    at the seaside, the Bangkok garrison mutinied and
    seized power, led by a group of 49 officers known
    as "the Promoters". Thus ended 150 years of
    Siamese absolute monarchy.

General Phibul Songkhram
  • At that time, Phibul Songkhram was a key military
    leader in the 1932 coup. He maintained his
    position and power from 1938 until the end of
    World War II. 

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Rama VIII (1935 1946)
  • Rama VIII or King Ananda Mahidol, a nephew of
    Rama VII, took the throne in 1935 but was
    assassinated under mysterious circumstances in
    1946. His brother King Bhumipol Aduldej succeeded
    as Rama IX. 

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Rama IX (Since 1946)
  • Under Rama IX's government, the country's name
    was officially changed from "Siam" to "Thailand"
    in 1946 which was defined in Thai as "Prathet
    Thai", the word "Prathet" means "country" and the
    word "Thai" means "free" referring to the Thai

  • Correction Land of Thailand

  • Select 1 essay from the book Essays on Thailand
    to present on Thursday 13th of June. (10 points)
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