Title: Put out a few topics for discussion:
- Put out a few topics for discussion
- Scope of weblog spam
- Incentives to spam
- Personalization and spam
2Most blogs have no regular readers
Bloglines was the dominant feed reader with 33
market share in January 2005 according to Dick
Costolo, Feedburner, http//blogs.feedburner.com/f
eedburner/archives/000961.html Total weblogs from
Dave Sifry, Technorati, http//www.technorati.com/
weblog/2005/10/53.html Bloglines subscription
metrics from Jim Lanzone, Ask.com,
3Scale attracts spam
- Web started without spam
- As audience grew, profit motive grew
- Weblogs started without spam
- As audience grew, profit motive grew
- Hitting the mainstream attracts spam
4Winner takes all attracts spam
- Getting the top slot Jackpot!
- Everyone will see it
- Personalization as a solution?
- Each person sees different content
- Targets differing perceptions of relevance
- Recommender system News and weblogs
- Learns from clickstream
- Every reader sees a different page
- Reduces winner takes all
- Crawl focuses on weblogs with readers
- Reduces spam blogs
6Greg Linden
- Findory.com
- Amazon.com, Personalization
- University of Washington CS in AI
- Stanford Business School