Title: Resolving Clouds in Atmospheric Models
1Resolving Clouds in Atmospheric Models
Bill Skamarock NCAR/MMM
2(No Transcript)
3Clouds in the Atmosphere
Weather Precipitation rain, snow, hail
Wind, radiation, visibility
Chemistry/Air-Quality Chemical processing
(acid rain) Ozone chemistry Transport of
pollutants Wet deposition
Climate Moisture redistribution and
precipitation hydrological cycle
4Representation of Clouds in Atmospheric Models
Large-scale models ?h gt 30 km
- The effects of the clouds are diagnosed
(parameterized) from - the predicted water vapor field
- precipitation
- vertical transport and redistribution of
moisture and heat - radiative effects
- turbulence
5Representation of Clouds in Atmospheric Models
Meso-scale models 8 km lt ?x lt 30 km
- The effects of the clouds are partially prognosed
from - predicted fields water vapor, cloud water and
ice, and frozen - and liquid precipitation.
- Some portions of the cloud effects are still
diagnosed (parameterized). - some precipitation
- some vertical transport and redistribution of
moisture and heat - turbulence
6Representation of Clouds in Atmospheric Models
Cloud-scale models 100 m lt ?x lt 8 km
The effects of the clouds are entirely prognosed
from predicted fields water vapor, cloud water
and ice, and frozen and liquid precipitation.
7Problems with Modeled Clouds
- Large-scale models (clouds completely diagnosed)
- Poor diagnosis of cloud type, composition, and
precipitation. - Clouds and cloud-systems do not know about
vertical wind shear. -
- Implications
- (1) Large uncertainty in climate-model
predictions - (2) A key limiting factor for weather-forecast
8Meso-/Cloud-Scale Model (WRF) Hurricane Katrina
Reflectivity at Landfall
29 Aug 2005 14 Z
Mobile AL Radar
4 km WRF, 62 h forecast
9Realtime WRF 4 km BAMEX Forecast
12 h forecast Initialized 5/24/03 00Z
Composite NEXRAD Radar
Reflectivity Forecast
10Realtime WRF 4 km BAMEX Forecast
12 h forecast Initialized 5/24/03 00Z
Composite NEXRAD Radar
Reflectivity Forecast
11Vertical Velocity at z 5 km, t 5 h
Along-line cell spacing 6 to 8 Dh until Dh lt
500 m (cell diameter is 3 to 4 km in converged
(Courtesy of G. Bryan, NCAR/MMM)
12Simulations using ?x 4 km to ?x 250 m
?x 4000 m
?x 1000 m
Weak-shear case Vertical cross-section of
tracer concentration at 6 h (not a line-average).
?x 250 m
(Courtesy of G. Bryan, NCAR/MMM)
13Surface rain rate, weak shear
- 250 m solution close to convergence
- 1, 2, 4 km solutions over-predict precipitation.
(Courtesy of G. Bryan, NCAR/MMM)
14Problems with Cloud Models
- Solutions do not statistically converge until
- ?h lt O(100 m) - turbulence problem
When will our applications get there? (assume
comp. speed doubles every 18 months)
Climate - not in my lifetime Weather - global
(state-of-the-art ?h 25 km) 36 years
(maybe in my lifetime) Weather - regional
(state-of-the-art ?h 7 km)
19 years (hopefully in my lifetime but
will I be retired?)
15Cloud Models
- Cloud models solve the 3D Euler equations and
transport equations for water vapor and
liquid/solid water species with subgrid models
for turbulence and other models
(parameterizations) for everything else (moisture
phase changes, radiation, land-surface,
ocean-surface, etc.) - Generally speaking, there are 2 flavors
- (1) Semi-Implicit (implicit treatment of acoustic
and gravity waves) - usually found in global models on lat-long
grids pole problem. - (2) Explicit (explicit treatment of acoustic and
gravity waves) - some form of splitting is usually used to
advance acoustic and - gravity waves with a shorter timestep.
- Terrain-following hydrostatic pressure vertical
coordinate - Arakawa C-grid
- 3rd order Runge-Kutta split-explicit time
integration - Conserves mass, momentum, entropy, and scalars
using flux form prognostic equations - 5th order upwind or 6th order centered
differencing for advection - Limited area (not global)
(more info - http//www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/)
17Why Explicit
- Explicit time integration with splitting is more
efficient than implicit solvers (operations for a
given level of accuracy). - Solver needs little tuning for application at
different grid resolutions and problem sizes. - Easily parallelized for SM, DM and SM/DM
18Time Integration in ARW
3rd Order Runge-Kutta time integration
Amplification factor
19Time-Split Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme
dt is the RK3 timestep
acoustic timestep (in this case dt/4)
20Time-Split Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme
In DM applications A small amount of data is
communicated within each acoustic step.
21Time-Split Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme
In DM applications A small amount of data is
communicated within each acoustic step. A larger
amount is data is communicated after each RK
22Parallelism in WRF Multi-level Decomposition
Logical domain
1 Patch, divided into multiple tiles
- Single version of code for efficient execution
on - Distributed-memory
- Shared-memory
- Clusters of SMPs
- Vector and microprocessors
Inter-processor communication
- Model domains are decomposed for parallelism on
two-levels - Patch section of model domain allocated to a
distributed memory node - Tile section of a patch allocated to a
shared-memory processor within a node this is
also the scope of a model layer subroutine. - Distributed memory parallelism is over patches
shared memory parallelism is over tiles within
23WRF Software Framework Overview
- Implementation of WRF Architecture
- Hierarchical organization
- Multiple dynamical cores
- Plug compatible physics
- Abstract interfaces (APIs) to external packages
- Performance-portable
24Courtesy of J. Michalakes see http//box.mmm.ucar
.edu/wrf/WG2/bench/ for more info
25Petascale Computing and Clouds
- Many effects of clouds on climate and weather are
largely unknown/uncertain (observations lacking,
models at coarse resolution have poor
representation of clouds). Most important
problem confronting dynamicists and modelers
today. - Cloud-resolving (Dh O(100 m)) simulations of
cloud systems are needed to understand cloud
dynamics and to improve parameterizations - a
petascale computing challenge.
cloud- mixing eddies
cloud systems
planetary waves synoptic systems
meters to 100s meters
102 - 104 meters
105 - 106 meters
gt106 meters
26Petascale Computing and Clouds
- Split-explicit cloud models are easiest to scale
to peta-computing - no global data exchange or
implicit solver needed, numerics are not scale
dependent. - We can scale our problems to bigger machines.
- Questions
- What will new machine architectures look like?
- Will we maintain efficiency with scaling and
changes in machine architecture? - What code architecture changes will be needed?
- Other problems load balancing, analysis, I/O.