Title: Hurricane Prediction using High-Resolution Numerical Models
1Hurricane Prediction using High-Resolution
Numerical Models
James D. Doyle Naval Research Laboratory,
Monterey, CA james.doyle_at_nrlmry.navy.mil
C. Amerault1, S. Chen1, H. Jin1, R. Hodur2, Y.
Jin1, C.-S. Liou1, C. Reynolds, C. Sampson1, K.
Sashegyi1, J. Schmidt1 1Naval Research
Laboratory, Monterey, CA 2SAIC, Monterey, CA
Altix 4700 (AFRL) Cores 3000,
4800, 12,900,
- Outline
- Background motivation
- COAMPS-TC overview
- Tests during T-PARC/TCS08
- Predictability
Typhoon Saomai (08W) and Tropical Storm Bopha
(10W) 02Z 8 Aug 2006 (NASA MODIS)
2Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill 1990-2008
- Forecast skill of TC track has been steadily
improving (better models, new satellite
observations, dropsondes, improved forecasting
techniques, .). - TC intensity forecast skill has improved very
little (poor understanding of the processes
controlling intensity, inadequate models,
inadequate observations). - Economic impact of hurricanes is huge 137B in
insured losses (1987-2006) - DoD impact is significant (e.g., Adm Halsey,
Fleet sortie forecasts, etc.)
Jon Moskaitis (MIT, NRC)
3Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill 1990-2008
Objective Develop, evaluate and transition to
DoD operations a coupled tropical cyclone
prediction system to analyze, initialize, and
predict TC position, structure, and intensity,
using a high-resolution mesoscale air/ocean/wave
coupled modeling system.
Jon Moskaitis (MIT, NRC)
4COAMPS-TC Overview Model Framework Components
ESMF Modeling Superstructure
Atmospheric Model
Ocean Model
Wave Model
Physics Interface to Physics Suites
Flux Coupler
Share Community Models/Share Community Physics
Relatively easy to add new modeling components
5COAMPS-TC Background
- COAMPS-TC New version of COAMPS? developed for
tropical cyclone analysis and prediction (track,
intensity, structure) - New TC analysis and physical process
representations - Moving nested grids track the TC
- Development of air-sea-wave coupling for TCs
- Adjoint of COAMPS including microphysics
- Allows for the mathematically rigorous
calculation - of sensitivity to changes in the initial state
- Real-time forecasts in support of THORPEX Pacific
Asian Regional Campaign / Tropical Cyclone
Structure 08 - COAMPS-TC 45/15/5 km, moving nests (15/5 km),
track, structure intensity - COAMPS Adjoint Targeted observations
6THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC)
Tropical Cyclone Structure 08 (TCS08)
- Observe TCs and Environment Genesis to
extratropical transition. - Targeted Observing Take observations where they
will improve forecasts. - Scope 9 nations 4 aircraft (lidar, radar,
dropsondes), driftsondes, rapid-scan satellite
observations, off-time radiosondes, AXBTs.
(Aug-Oct 2008)
7COAMPS-TC Track Forecasts for T-PARC/TCS08 Track
Forecast Verification
Black line Warning positions Colored lines
COAMPS forecasts
8COAMPS-TC Real-Time Modeling for T-PARC/TCS08
9COAMPS-TC Intensity Forecasts Prediction of Super
Typhoon Jangmi
0000 UTC 26 September 2008 (72-h forecast)
Animation of COAMPS predicted radar reflectivity
every 30 minutes on 5 km moving grid
- COAMPS-TC forecasted rapid intensification of
Jangmi, however TC was stronger than observed at
72 h since it never made landfall. - Convection was spotty and disorganized early in
forecasts (cold starts). - Overall, intensity forecasts were not as skillful
as some other TC models/tools.
10COAMPS-TC W. Pacific Forecasts (2008) Improvements
Following T-PARC/TCS08
Intensity Error (homogeneous comparison)
New Version of COAMPS-TC shows much improved TC
intensity forecasts
Intensity Error (kts)
Forecast Time (h) (Number of Cases)
COAMPS-TC (new) intensity forecasts in W. Pacific
for T-PARC/TCS08 are now similar to
other skillful models.
11COAMPS-TC Prototype Coupled Model Tests
COAMPS-TC Air-Ocean Coupled Prediction of
Hurricane Gustav Initial Time 1200 UTC 30 August
12Edward Lorenz (1917-2008) Father of Chaos Theory
one flap of a sea-gulls wing may forever
change the future course of the weather (Lorenz,
Kyoto Prize in 1991 for "profoundly influencing
a wide range of basic sciences and brought about
one of the most dramatic changes in mankinds
view of nature since Sir Isaac Newton
13Predictability of Tropical Cyclones COAMPS
Ensemble 48-h forecasts from 00 UTC 09 July 2005
(TC Dennis)
Perturbed initial state, boundaries, physics
results in intensity variability (987 to 1002
hPa) as well as track
14Predictability of Tropical Cyclogenesis T-PARC/TCS
08 Typhoon Sinlaku and Jangmi
Sinlaku Intensification
- Adjoint allows for the mathematically rigorous
calculation of sensitivity to changes in the
initial state - Real-time COAMPS adjoint for mesoscale targeting
guidance. - First time targeting of TC formation has been
attempted - Adaptive response function box.
Adjoint z Sensitivity
C130 Flight Track
15Next Generation High-Resolution Modeling New
Dynamical Cores for COAMPS
- Spectral Element Dynamical Core
- High order accuracy
- Appropriate for the sub-mesoscale
- Scales to many processors
- Bridge to unstructured methods
- Advancements to 2D SE Model
- Semi-implicit solver
- Addition of stretching, BCs, tracers
- Microphysics and moist tests
In Collaboration with Frank Giraldo (NPS)
16Challenges and Future Directions
- New generation of models are needed to achieve
skillful tropical cyclone intensity and structure
forecasts - New physics algorithms (sea spray, turbulence,
cloud physics) - Sophisticated numerical methods (nonhydrostatic,
embedded meshes) - Fully coupled models (atmosphere, ocean
circulation, waves, surge) - High resolution needed to resolve details of TC
interaction w/ environment - - convective permitting (Dx1-4 km) (250x
computing 5 to 1 km) - - turbulence resolving (Dx10-100 m)
- -Estimate the uncertainty (ensembles)
- -New data assimilation methods for the cloud
scale (hybrid) - -Community efforts Hurricane Forecast
Improvement Project (NOAA/Navy) - Computational attributes
- Faster cores and greater number of cores
(resolution, physics, ensembles) - Fast I/O (ensembles, post processing)
- New paradigms may be needed for scaling across
1000 cores - Adaptive load balancing for embedded meshes
- Challenges for coupled codes
- Grid / cloud computing challenges for ensembles
(post processing) - Visualization / data management challenges
17COAMPS Community Modeling
- COAMPS Community Model
- Within DoD, academia, other agencies
- gt350 users
- Physical Parameterizations
- Sharing suites and parameterizations with other
models (e.g., WRF) - Joint Ensemble Forecast System (JEFS) with AFWA
- Multi-model ensemble as part of a new
probabilistic approach - Coupling
- Couple with other models to achieve
interoperability - Ocean circulation, waves, hydrology, ice etc.
- Framework
- Community framework, Earth System Modeling
Framework (ESMF) - Tropical Cyclone Community
- Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP)
- DoD Users and Forecasters
- DoD Information Assurance
- Open source may not be possible for entire code
18COAMPS-TC Improvements Based on Analysis from
Azimuthally average tangential (shaded) and
radial (contour) winds Hurricane Katrina (72 h
valid 00Z Aug 29 2005, Dx3km)
New Version
- New Version of COAMPS-TC
- TCS08 Version
- Basic TC 3D-VAR
- No sea spray
- New Version
- Additional synthetic observations
- Improved 3D-VAR data assimilation
- Bougeault type of mixing (PBL above)
- New sfc moisture transfer coefficient
- New ice nucleation
- New dissipative heating formulation
- New sea spray parameterization
- Improves initial forecast intensity
- Improves the convective structure
- Good agreement with Doppler obs.
R. Rogers (HRD)
19COAMPS-TC Overview Current and Future System
Ocean Analysis
Atmospheric Analysis
- Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA)
System - 2D OI SST
- 3D MVOI T, S, SSH, Sea Ice, Currents
- Complex Data Quality Control
- Initialization Stability check
- Complex Data Quality Control
- Relocation of TC in background
- NAVDAS 3DVAR u, v, T, q, TC option
- Initialization Hydrostatic Constraint on
Analysis Increments, and/or Digital Filter - TC Balance Step (underway)
Ocean Models
Atmospheric Model
- Numerics Nonhydrostatic, Scheme C, Moving Nests,
Sigma-z, Flexible Lateral BCs - Physics PBL, Convection, Explicit Moist Physics,
Radiation, Surface Layer - TC Tools Moving nests, dissipative heating,
spray parameterization, shallow convection
- NRL Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM)
- Numerics Hydrostatic, Scheme C, Nested Grids,
Hybrid Sigma/z - Physics Mellor-Yamada 2.5
- Wave Models (WWIII and SWAN)
- Generalized Flux Coupler (ESMF)
20COAMPS Scaling
SGI Origin
linux scali
linux scali2
COAMPS has been ported to many platforms SGI,
IBM, Linux, Cray, HP, etc. Efficiency and scaling
addressed in a PET Project