Title: The Tropical CycloneJet Streak Interaction:
1The Tropical Cyclone-Jet Streak Interaction The
Role of Upper Tropospheric Inertial Stability in
Tropical Cyclone Intensification Eric Rappin
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Sciences/University of Wisconsin - Madison
Maximum Surface Azimuthal Wind (m/s) Tropopause
Relative Vorticity -f (blue) , 0 (red) , f
Objective To gain a quantitative insight into
tropical cyclone intensification rates that occur
during a tropical cyclone jet streak (trough)
2. Idealized Modeling
1. Introduction
The Model
- It is generally accepted that the maximum
potential intensity (MPI) a tropical cyclone can
attain is controlled by sea surface temperature
(SST) and by the thermodynamic state of the
environment (Emanuel 1986 Holland 1997). - Tropical cyclones not close to their MPI however
can be significantly effected by
hurricane-trough interaction. That is, the rate
of intensification is highly dependent upon the
state of the shallow outflow layer. - A vorticity source above an intensifying tropical
cyclone will not only force large scale ascent
and therefore more wide spread convection, but
will also decrease the Rossby radius of
deformation so the tropical cyclone will be
forced to expend more energy to vent its
outflow from the storm core than otherwise. On
the other hand, regions of weak inertial
stability aloft provide a weaker resisting force
so that the outflow expands more freely (less
work needs to be done to vent the outflow against
the radial pressure gradient). - These ideas were first expressed qualitatively by
Holland and Merrill (1984) in their description
of a tropical cyclone life cycle in the
Australian/south-west Pacific region. They
suggested that to intensify beyond a minimal
strength tropical cyclone needed to interact with
its environment. This interaction is initiated
with the passage of a subtropical jet streak
poleward of the tropic cyclone. The anticyclonic
outflow that wraps tightly around the storm core
is then free to expand poleward into the region
of weak inertial stability on the anticyclonic
shear side of the jet streak. - For a more detailed description of this
interaction a brief study of Super Typhoon Oscar
is presentedin the following section
- This study used ECMWF-TOGA 2.5 degree Global
Surface and Upper Air Analyses provided by UCAR. - Storm relative coordinates were used in all wind
plots and were calculated from the best the Best
Track Data Set provided by JTWC. In the lower
right is a table with dates and maximum wind
speeds taken from the same data. - Oscar began rapid intensification just after 0Z
September 14 and intensified into a super typhoon
around 06Z September 15. Oscar remained a super
typhoon until 0Z September 17 where it passed
just offshore of Tokyo with 125 knot winds. - In the earliest stages of intensification Oscar
has moved into a region of climatologically high
SSTs (not shown) so it is reasonable to believe
that the air-sea interaction was responsible for
the initial strengthening. - At 12Z on the 14th and continuing on through 0Z
on the 15th, the infrared satellite images show
enhanced convection on the north side of Oscar as
the anticyclonic outflow increasingly detaches
from the outflow to the north. The expansion of
Oscars outflow into the weak inertial stability
(measured as low absolute vorticity on an
isentropic surface) is also evident. A word of
caution should be noted as the outflow to the
south continues as is clearly seen in the wind
filed. As discussed in Merrill and Velden (1996)
the outflow to the south is at a higher altitude
where little water vapor exists and is more
associated with core convection (conservation of
saturated equivalent potential temperature in
moist adiabatic ascent results in ventilation of
core convection on higher theta surfaces as a
result of the theta max in the boundary layer
storm core). Though no eyewall replacement
cycles are observed here (lack of high spatial
and temporal resolution) the enhancement of
convection to the north of Oscar does not lead to
significant weakening. - Also visible during these times is an upper
leverl vortex to the west of Oscar. This vortex
acts to accelerate Oscar to the north towards
the strong band of westerlies. As Oscar
continues to intensify the outflow continues to
expand to the northeast into the anticyclonic
shear side of the jet streak. - Enhanced ageostrophic motion in the jet entrance
region and the resultant coriolis forcing of this
motion leads to strengthening of the jet streak
by more then 20m/s by 12Z on September 16.
Should Oscar have not been at its MPI it is
possible that a positive feedback could have been
setup where the tropical cyclone strengthenss the
jet streak which decreases the inertial stability
and allows for easier ventilation and to further
tropical cyclone intensification. - The tropical cyclone-trough interaction is also
considered to be detrimental to intensification
as a result of enhanced vertical shear in the
core region. Note that vertical shear for the
case of Oscar is not a factor until the last time
- The model used in this study was developed and
modified to accommodate varying inertial
stability at the tropopause level by Dr. Kerry
Emanuel (a more detailed description can be found
in Emanuel 1994). - The model is axisymmetric with two layers. One
representing the boundary layer and the other the
troposphere. - The constraining balance condition of the model
is thermal wind balance which is obtained by
assuming slantwise neutral ascent, hydrostatic
and gradient wind balance. The assumption of
slantwise neutral ascent leads to the use of
potential radius (a measure of angular momentum)
as the model coordinate. Furthermore, the
balance condition above requires the use of a
Sawyer-Eliassen type equation to diagnose the
secondary circulation. - A cumulus parameterization based on equilibrium
maintenance of the boundary layer entropy is
used. Updraft mass fluxes are determined by an
assumed equilibrium of surface latent heat fluxes
and cumulus downdraft fluxes. If the boundary
layer entropy exceeds the tropospheric saturated
entropy then the boundary layer entropy is
communicated to the upper layer along the given
potential radius. - The model was modified in such a way so that the
relative vorticity at the tropopause can be
varied in the Sawyer-Eliassen type equation. Once
the relative vorticity was chosen it was fixed
for the entire time integration. All prognostic
variables were left to evolve unperturbed (except
for the change in forcing). - Three runs of the model were carried out. The
runs had upper level relative vorticities of f
(zero inertial stability), 0, and f (strong
inertial stability), respectively. Here f was
taken to be a subtropical value. All initial
parameters were left constant (I.e. initial
vortex dimensions kept constant).
Tropopause Relative Vorticity -f
- The time evolution of the maximum surface
tangential winds display in the upper right shows
that all three runs do eventually reach roughly
the same intensity. The rate at which this
intensity is reached is different in all three
cases. The case with the weakest inertial
stability aloft reached steady state most
rapidly. - Notice that during rapid intensification all
three cases proceed at the same rate. The
difference between the three cases is the time
needed to reach the point just prior to rapid
deepening. According to Emanuel (1994) , the
period prior to deepening is the time required to
saturate the boundary layer so that convective
downdrafts no longer quash boundary layer entropy
increases. - Also visible in the evolution plot are a series
of eyewall replacement cycles for the first two
cases. Emanuel (1994) noted the existence of
eyewall replacement cycles when the initial
relative humidity of the troposphere is high. The
entropy fields, 8 days into the integration,
reveal that the mid-level entropy minimum is
most rapidly eroded for the first case (zero
inertial stability case). It is evident that, in
the context of this model, decreased inertial
stability aloft results in the cessation of
convective downdrafts by tropospheric moistening
and to a more rapid development of a warm core
vortex. - Large scale moistening in the troposphere is
accomplished by detrainment from convective
clouds. Therefore, early convection seems to be
more rigorous with weak inertial stability aloft
which is consistent with continuity
considerations. - Also shown to the right are plots of vertical
motion and radial flow (both computed from the
streamfunction field) at 8 days. Radial motions
cannot not be detected for the third case. After
8 days this vortex is not much stronger then the
initial vortex. Development of a strong outflow
jet along with vigorous vertical motion is
observed in the first two cases. The plots also
reveal eyewall contraction with deepening. - For the case of zero inertial stability aloft, a
second eyewall replacement cycle occurs (shown
to the right) after steady state has been
achieved at about 22 days into the integration.
Following this replacement, a series of chaotic
replacement cycles occurs which leads to the
eventual decay of the vortex. Emanuel (1989)
found that when the size of the initial vortex
became to large, too much energy when into
maintaining the outflow anticyclone and the
vortex failed to spin up. A plot of the outflow
anticyclone at 30 hours shows the outflow
anticyclone of the first case to be significantly
larger and more intense then that out of the
second case. I?t is therefore reasonable to
believe that with the continued forcing of
anticyclonic relative vorticity aloft in the
first case that there was not enough energy to
maintain the vortex after a certain period of
time. Although this reasoning seems counter to
the discussion provided in the first section it
must be remembered that in the case study the
large scale jet streak was present to provide
energy to vent outflow against the pressure
gradient and to force subsidence against positive
stability in the far environment. In the
idealized model there was no external system to
provide this energy so it came at the expense of
the tropical cyclone.
Isotachs and Streamlines 355 Theta Surface
Vertical Wind Shear 850-250 mb Layer
Absolute Vorticity and Winds 355 Theta Surface
Tropopause Relative Vorticity 0
1200 UTC 14 September 1995
Tropopause Relative Vorticity f
0000 UTC 15 September 1995
Relative Vorticity at Boundary Layer Top (scaled
by f) Time 22.1 Days
Azimuthal Velocity at Tropopause at 30
hrs. Specified Relative Vorticity -f (Blue) , 0
1200 UTC 15 September 1995
4. Acknowledgements
3. Conclusions/Future Work
Appreciation goes to Dr. Kerry Emanuel for
modifying his model for this experiment and his
constructive comments. The author would also
like to thank Dr. Greg Tripoli for his
enlightening ideas and conversation. Infrared
satellite images were provided by the CIMMS
tropical cyclone group at the University of
- A close look at the the tropical cyclone-trough
interaction with focus on the role of the jet,
lying between the warm tropical cyclone outflow
and cold trough, revealed that the inertial
stability of the upper troposphere can play a
significant role on intensification. - A brief overview of super typhoon Oscar suggested
that while initial deepening was likely due to
the air-sea interaction, intensification to and
maintenance of super typhoon strength occurred as
outflow from Oscar expanded into the weak
inertial stability on the anticyclonic shear side
of the strengthening jet streak. Though the data
set used has poor resolution for tropical
cyclone studies, the study is still an indicator
that the interaction deserves closer inspection. - An idealized model (Emanuel 1994) was used to
test the effect of upper tropospheric inertial
stability on an axisymmetirc tropical cyclone.
It was found that while rapid intensification
rates remained constant, early intensification
was more pronounced for weaker inertial stability
due to quicker moistening of the troposphere by
enhanced convection.
1200 UTC 16 September 1995
- There is still no clear picture in the
meteorology community as to whether the
tropical-cyclone jet streak interaction is
beneficial or detrimental to intensification.
Numerous studies have looked at eddy angular
momentum and potential vorticity fluxes to
quantify the interaction with mixed results. - A three dimensional model is being developed to
include the jet streak and the effects of shear
into this idealized modeling study. It is hoped
that with the freedom to choose relative
orientation, separation, and strength a more
complete understanding of the interaction can be
obtained. It is also felt that with explicit
treatment of convection it will be possible to
determine, to a limited degree, the response of
the tropical cyclone core to external forcing.
5. References
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0000 UC 17 September 1995