Title: What is our purpose Why are we here Mission
1What is our purpose? Why are we here?Mission
- The Graduate, 2020, and 2050
- Every student, every day!
- Eliminating race as a predictor of student
achievement - Achievement
- Academic Engagement
- School Membership
- High-status knowledge and skills
2How will we get there?
- Our greatest contribution
- is to be sure there is
- a teacher
- in every classroom who cares that
- every student every day
- learns and grows and feels like
- a real human being.
- Donald Clifton
3And, the rest is details! If only it were
that simple.
4How did we get here?
5Our Inclusive Schools
- Brown v. Board
- Civil Rights
- - Title IX
- - P.L. 94-142
- - The Macintosh!
6How did we get here?
- 1984!
- Homosexuality
- School shootings
- September 11, 2001
- Hurricane Katrina
7Our Inclusive Schools Were getting a lot right,
but... !
8Perhaps, in spite of so many successes, we
might be lookingin the wrong places
11Right there in front of us!
12A Case Study
- Urban Educational Choice
- Or
- McKinley!
13- Its a systems thing!
- Or
- How we view the School World
14Applying Tools and Models to our thinking about
student success
15Applying The Iceberg Model
16 The TRIPOD Model Ron Ferguson
- Content
- Pedagogy
- Relationships for Learning
17What we expect!
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20District wide efforts
- Latino Student Achievement Initiative
- 7th grade mathematics
- 2 teacher courses
- BAMSS standards and objectives
- School based efforts
21CS2 efforts
- After-school clubs and programs
- Benefits Package
- Parent Advisory Board whats working?
- Co-curricular transcript
- Prep Academy
- Strive
- Internships in community
- MSAN class
- Mentoring and Tutoring
22Membership in MSAN
- A network of districts with a common mission and
benchmarks - Using the Tripod model Content, Pedagogy,
Relationships - Critical tasks of students and teachers Trust,
Consolidation of learning, industriousness,
ambitiousness, control and autonomy - Classroom and school factors (peer support,
encouragement, others supported by data)
23Lessons Learned byRossi Ray-Taylor
- We wont fix what we will not recognize
- We are willing to lead and take part in honest
discussions about race - We realize cultures of blame do not produce
success - We let the data speak and are guided by research
- We invest heavily in creating a culture of
learning for all
24Lessons, continued
- We create opportunities to hear the voice of our
students and then we listen - Change the system to ferret out the hidden
curriculum. - We build a culture safe for intellectual risk
taking - Focus, Focus, Focus
- There is no magic bullet.
25So, if were doing ALL of this and thinking
about it all this way and we still arent
getting the results we want
26We have to go deeper
27One more story or I thought I knew