Biblical Foundation of Mission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biblical Foundation of Mission


God's overall purpose, design, and intention to re-establish the Kingdom of God ... Solomon Zerubbabel - Herod. Court of the Gentiles. 1Kings 8:41-43 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biblical Foundation of Mission

Biblical Foundation of Mission
  • What is mission?
  • Mission is throughout the Bible
  • Mission is for all Gods people
  • Mission is to the whole world

What is mission?
  • Gods overall purpose, design, and intention to
    re-establish the Kingdom of God
  • Mission exists because worship does not (John
  • Its all about Gods glory (God-centered VS

Mission is throughout the Bible
Where are the bible passages associated with
  • Is it only found in Mat 2818-20 (great
  • is Old testament not related to mission at all?
  • Mission starts from God In the beginning God
    created the heavens and the earth Our God is
    God for whole universe
  • After the fallen of man, God gave first glimpse
    of the gospel proto-evangelium Gen 3.15

The Abrahamic Covenant
  • The covenant with Abraham God says to Abraham
    "All peoples on earth will be blessed through
    you" (Gen. 123). That covenant is later repeated
    to Abraham, and then it is repeated to Isaac and
    finally to Jacob (Genesis 1818 2217-18 2624
    and 2812-14).
  • This blessing extends to children of Abraham
    through faith (Gal 36-9, 26-29 Rom 416-17)
    Read Rom 416-17
  • The purpose of chosen nation Israel minority
    called to serve majority (centripetal vs
    centrifugal pattern)
  • The exodus and Israels role among the nations
    (Ex 1238 many other people followed Israel,
    Rahab and Ruth examples of people becoming part
    of Israel)

The Davidic Kingdom
  • 2 Samuel 713 Davids kingdom will be
    established forever crucial for fulfillment of
    Gods covenant to Abraham will be fulfilled
    completely at the time of Christs second coming
    (Rom 1125-29, Rev. 201-6)
  • Solomons reign Israel became a great nation
    Jerusalem temple was built Jerusalem becomes a
    world center visit by the Queen of Sheba
  • 1 King 822-52 Solomons prayer of dedication
    1 King 860 so that all the peoples of the
    earth may know that the LORD is God and there is
    no other
  • Isaiah 567 Gods temple will be called a house
    of prayer for all nations
  • Part of Gods temple court of gentiles a
    place for gentiles to worship God

The Temple Solomon Zerubbabel - Herod
1Kings 841-43
Court of the Gentiles
The Isaiahnic Servant of the Lord
  • The Servant of the Lord featured in the four
    songs of Isaiah (421-4 491-6 504-9
    5213-5312) one of the most important OT
    describing ministries pertain to both Israel and
    the nations
  • While the servants work is firstly related to
    the redemption of Israel but it will result in
    blessing for the nations.

The Nations in the Psalms
  • Psalm 1016 the nations will perish due to
    their rebellion. Yet they are still under Gods
    plan of grace
  • Psalm 47, 93, 96-97, 99 the Lord reign among

Synoptic Gospels and Acts
  • Jesuss ministry NOT ONLY to the Jews, but He
    also ministered to Gentiles, such as Gerasene
    demoniac (Mark 51-20) and the Syro-Phoenician
    woman (Mark 724-30)
  • Jesus clears the outer court of the temple
    accessible to non-Jews
  • Great commission (Mat 2818-20) to make
    disciples of the nations
  • Luke 230-32 Simeons statement Jesus is the
    light of revelation to the Gentiles
  • Lukes genealogy reaches back to Adam
  • Acts 18 from Jerusalem to the remotest part of
    the earth
  • The dispersion of Jerusalem church (Act 8),
    Pauls missionary journeys (Act 13-19), Paul
    preached openly in Rome (Act 2831)
  • Pauls writings Gal 313-14 the blessing of
    Abraham might come to the gentiles
  • John, Hebrews, Peter, Book of Revelation, etc

Mission is for all Gods people(carried out by
all believers to all Gods people)
  • Genesis 123 - .and all peoples on earth will be
    blessed through you
  • Who is you at here? Abraham and his both physical
    and spiritual descendants
  • Christians are also the chosen people, a royal
    priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to
    God 1 Peter 29
  • Who are all peoples? Gen 10 The Table of
    Nations descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth
  • Revelation 59-10 - .with your blood you
    purchased men for God from every tribe and
    language and people and nation
  • Pauls missions theology (Rom 1514-33) - All
    peoples also include unreached (1514-21), newly
    reached (1522-29), misled (1531), and unfed or
    the poor (1525-33, 1127-30)

Mission is to the whole world
  • What is the whole world?
  • Whole world includes the total aspects of both
    spiritual and physical realms. Gods Kingdom is
    not only spiritual realms.
  • Thus, whole world includes
  • all families, all tongues, all peoples, all
  • family, education, business, politics, economics,
    culture, science, technology, arts,
    administration, government, education, sports,
    entertainment, etc
  • all aspects will be restored in Revelation 21
  • Our task as believers Mat 513-16 Light of the

  • Whom shall I send? Here am I. Send me! Isaiah
  • Rom 1014-15 and Isaiah 527 How beautiful are
    the feet of those who bring good news! Who
    proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who
    proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God
  • As students, what can you do?
  • Friendship evangelism
  • Mission at the doorstep (Esther-network)
  • Start a Bible-seeker fellowship
  • Be the light in study, exams, doing homework,
    extra-curricular activities, etc

Recommended books
  • Let the Nations Be Glad! By John Piper
  • Unveiled at Last by Bob Sjogren
  • Perspectives on the World Christian Movement by
    Steven C. Hawthorne
  • An introduction to the science of missions by
    J.H. Bavinck

  • Our God is a missionary God.
  • Our bible is all about Gods story to save His
    people and to restore His Kingdom
  • Mission is throughout the Bible, for all Gods
    people and to the whole world
  • Rom 1136 For from Him and through Him and to
    Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever!
  • 1 Cor 86 - yet for us there is but one God, the
    Father, from whom are all things and we exist for
    Him and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all
    things, and we exist through Him.
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