Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence


Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence Kay Daigle Assignment Share with your partner: What are the desires of your heart? What bothers you? What lack do you see? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence

Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence
  • Kay Daigle

Find Your Mission and Focus Your Influence
  1. Defining Mission
  2. Focusing Your Influence
  3. Finding your God-given Mission
  4. Writing a personal mission statement

Find Your Mission and Focus Your Influence
  1. Defining Mission

Mission is Gods overarching unique purpose for
your life
  • It is the big picture of what God has called you
    to uniquely contribute with the life He has given
  • It is a broad umbrella that covers your entire
    life, both career and personal.
  • Some use the term call and some use vision
    for the same concept. Read carefully to determine
    if it is the same.

Mission is not
  • A job
  • A role, such as wife or mother
  • Necessarily grand or highly visible
  • Vision, but you need vision to accomplish it (I
    am defining vision here as a picture of the
    future in a particular sphere of life. Vision
    focuses on results while mission focuses on

Richard Nelson Bolles How to Find Your Mission
in Life
  • As the stone does not always know what ripples
    it has caused in the pond whose surface it
    impacts, so neither we nor those who watch our
    life will always know what we have achieved by
    our life and by our Mission. It may be that by
    the grace of God we helped bring about a profound
    change for the better in the lives of other souls
    around us, but it also may be that this takes
    place beyond our sight, or after we have gone on.
    And we may never know what we have accomplished,
    until we see him face-to-face after this life is

Richard Nelson Bolles How to Find Your Mission
in Life
  • Mission means to exercise that Talent which you
    particularly came to earth to useyour greatest
    gift, which you most delight to use, in the
    place(s) or setting(s) which God has caused to
    appeal to you the most, and for those purposes
    which God most needs to have done in the world.

Find Your Mission and Focus Your Influence
  1. Defining Mission
  2. Focusing Your Influence

Focusing Your Influence
  • Jesus example

Luke 442-44 (NASB)
  • And when day came, He departed and went to a
    lonely place and the multitudes were searching
    for Him, and came to Him, and tried to keep Him
    from going away from them. But He said to them,
    I must preach the kingdom of God to the other
    cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.

Luke 951 (NASB)
  • Now when the days drew near for him to be taken
    up, Jesus set out resolutely to go to Jerusalem.

John 174 (NASB)
  • I glorified you on earth by completing the work
    you gave me to do.

Focusing Your Influence
  • Jesus example
  • Pauls example

2 Timothy 46-8 (NASB)
  • For I am already being poured out as a drink
    offering, and the time of my departure has come.
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the
    course, I have kept the faith in the future
    there is laid up for me the crown of
    righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
    Judge, will award to me on that day and not only
    to me, but also to all who have loved His

Focusing Your Influence
  • Jesus example
  • Pauls example
  • Hindrances to focus
  • Pleasing people
  • Desire for recognition/ advancement
  • Guilt

Katie Brazeltonin Pathway to Purpose for Women
  • Gods purpose will cost you your life in the
    sense that you must choose to die to self and
    accept his plan. It will cost you your life, too,
    in that you will be spent and used up in service
    to God. It will stretch you to such an impossible
    degree that you will fail without Him.

  • Pair up and introduce yourselves if you do not
    know one another.
  • Talk about hindrances. Which one is most likely
    to keep you from maximizing your influence? Why?

Find Your Mission and Focus Your Influence
  1. Defining Mission
  2. Focusing Your Influence
  3. Finding your God-given Mission

Finding Your Unique God-given Mission
  • Prioritize
  • The Mission-giver over the mission

Richard Nelson Bolles How to Find Your Mission
in Life
  • The first of three missions in life to seek
    to stand hour by hour in the conscious presence
    of God, the One from whom your Mission is

Os Guinness in The Call
  • We are not primarily called to do something or
    go somewhere we are called to Someone. We are
    not called first to special work but to God. The
    key to answering the call is to be devoted to no
    one and to nothing above God Himself.

Finding Your Unique God-given Mission
  • Prioritize
  • The Mission-giver over the mission
  • Being over doing

Os Guinness in The Call
  • Our secondary calling, considering who God is as
    sovereign, is that everyone, everywhere, in
    everything should thin speak, live and act
    entirely for him.

Finding Your Unique God-given Mission
  • Prioritize
  • The Mission-giver over the mission
  • Being over doing
  • Heal from the past and then move into the present

Heb. 121-2a (NASB)
  • Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of
    witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside
    every encumbrance and the sin which so easily
    entangles us, and let us run with endurance the
    race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on
    Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.

Finding Your Unique God-given Mission
  • Prioritize
  • The Mission-giver over the mission
  • Being over doing
  • Heal from the past and then move into the present
  • Grow in character
  • Grow in faithfulness excellence
  • Grow in love and servanthood

Finding Your Unique God-given Mission
  • Prioritize
  • Look for the intersection of your divine design,
    the desires of your heart, and the opportunity

Learn about your Divine Design
Arthur F. Miller, The Power of Uniqueness
  • What lies at the heart of a seven-days-a-week
    faith It is using ones endowed giftedness to
    serve the world with excellence and, through that
    service, to love and honor God! The calling that
    fully engages what God has given you is a holy

Os Guinness in The Call
  • The truth is not that God is finding us a place
    for our gifts but that God has created us and our
    gifts for a place of his choosingand we will
    only be ourselves when we are finally there.

Learn about your Divine Design
  • Study your spiritual giftedness
  • What attracts you?
  • What gifts do others see in me?
  • Where do I have success?
  • What gives me joy and purpose?
  • Try different ministries
  • Consider what you learn from the past
  • Map out your preferences, motivations

  • Share for 2 minutes each with your partner what
    you know about your divine design.
  • Do you know your spiritual gifts?
  • What things do you like to do?
  • What do others tell you that you do well?
  • What motivates?
  • Are you energized by people or solitude?
  • Do you want to organize others or do it yourself?

Consider the desires of your heart
  • They may seem like passion for
  • A particular group of people
  • A cause
  • A task
  • A need
  • They may surface because of a lack
  • What is bothering you?
  • What needs to be done?
  • What is essential?

  • Share with your partner
  • What are the desires of your heart?
  • What bothers you?
  • What lack do you see?
  • What draws you?
  • What would you like to fix?
  • What is essential in the church, job?

Analyze your opportunity
  • Is it in line with the way that God has been
    leading me and working through and with me?
  • Do I see God already at work?
  • Does it fit my season in life?
  • My family situation
  • My preparation and experience

Look for the intersection of your divine design,
the desires of your heart, and the opportunity
  • Consider the intersection of your divine design,
    the desires of your heart, and your opportunity.
    Are you living in that spot now? If not, what is
    missing? Is it your design? Your desire? Or have
    you not been given the opportunity that you seek?

Find Your Mission and Focus Your Influence
  1. Defining Mission
  2. Focusing Your Influence
  3. Finding your God-given Mission
  4. Writing a personal mission statement

Writing a mission statement
  • Is a process
  • Try to keep it short

Laurie Beth Jonesin The Path
  • My mission is to _________, ________, and
    __________ (fill in with 3 verbs that fit you)
    __________ (a core value such as serving,
    justice, mercy, family, creativity, freedom,
    etc.) to, for, or with __________ (the group or
    cause that most excites you).

Writing a mission statement
  • Is a process
  • Try to keep it short
  • Consider Scriptures or biblical concepts that

Find Your Mission and Focus your Influence
  • Kay Daigle
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