The Diocese - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Diocese


Diocese of Texas Vision ... the legal and theological implications flowing from: election of Gene Robinson ... in future elections regarding candidates for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Diocese

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Diocese of Texas Vision
  • We are One Church of Miraculous Expectation,
    empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, called
    to be a diverse worshiping community of
    missionaries reaching out and transforming lives.

  • The Lambeth Commissions
  • Windsor Report

The Archbishops Mandate
  • 1. To examine and report on the legal and
    theological implications flowing from election
    of Gene Robinson Diocese of New Westminster
    authorization of services for use in connection
    with same sex unions. Specifically
  • On the canonical understandings of communion,
    impaired and broken communion
  • The ways provinces may relate to one another in
    situations where the ecclesiastical authorities
    of one province feel unable to maintain the
    fullness of communion with another

Archbishops Mandate cont.
  • To include practical recommendations for
    maintaining the highest degree of communion
  • Including reflection on emerging patterns of
    provision for Episcopal oversight for those
    Anglicans within a particular jurisdiction, where
    full communion within a province is under threat
  • Both within and between the churches of the
    Anglican Communion

Archbishops Mandate cont.
  • To make recommendations to the Primates and the
    Anglican Consultative Council, as to the
    exceptional circumstances and conditions under
    which, and the means by which, it would be
    appropriate for the Archbishop of Canterbury to
  • an extraordinary ministry of episcope (pastoral
  • support and reconciliation
  • with regard to the internal affairs of a
    province other than his own for the sake of
    maintaining communion

Archbishops Mandate cont.
  • 4. In its deliberations, to take due account of
    the work already undertaken on issues of
    communion by
  • The Lambeth Conferences of 1988 and 1998
  • As well as the views expressed by the Primates of
    the Anglican Communion in the communiqués and
    pastoral letters arising from their meetings
    since 2000.

Archbishop Robin EamesPrimate of All Ireland
  • I can tell you that the work I have been
    privileged to lead in the Lambeth Commission has
    been a pilgrimage in its truest sense. We came
    together representing many nations, representing
    all the so called conservative and liberal
    stand-points and representing many different
    attitudes to the call of the Church. Some told us
    we would never complete our task, that we would
    not agree and that we would never be able to
    present one Report on which we could all agree.
  • The recommendations in the Report has the
    support of all members of the Commission. All the
    well-known arguments were placed on the table.
    There was no shirking of issues. I saw courage
    and openness in those discussions but I also saw
    vision and a love for the Anglican tradition.
  • Oct 12, 2004
  • presidential address to Armagh Diocesan Synod

The Windsor Report States
  • The Communion we enjoy as Anglicans involves a
    sharing in bonds of affection
  • Mutual Relationships
  • Communion makes demands upon all within it

The Windsor Report States
  • The historic position of the Archbishop of
    Canterbury should be regarded as the central
    focus of both unity and mission within the
  • The Archbishop has the power to call or not to
    call to the Communion gatherings whomsoever he
    believes is appropriate in order to safeguard,
    and take counsel, for, the well-being of the
    Anglican Communion

The Windsor Report States
  • The Primates Meeting, the Lambeth Conference,
    the Anglican Consultative Council are the
    instruments of communion
  • Further work is necessary on the relationship
    between those Instruments of Unity

The Windsor Report Recommends
  • That consideration be given by the Archbishop of
    Canterbury to the establishment of a Council of
  • The adoption of a Common Anglican Covenant which
    would make explicit and forceful the loyalty and
    bonds of affection which govern the relationships
    between the church of the Communion

The Windsor Report States
  • The Episcopal Church ECUSA has breached the
    core unity in consecrating a non-celibate gay man
    as a bishop in the Church
  • ECUSA has breached the core unity in recognizing
    the blessing of same sex unions as part of its
    common life

The Windsor Report Recommends
  • Regret is expressed in the report for the
    decisions and actions of the ECUSA and requests
    the Episcopal Church to respond
  • Expressing regret for breaching the bonds of the
    world-wide Anglican communion
  • Pending such expression of regret, each bishop
    who had a role in Bishop Robinson's consecration
    to withdraw themselves from any further
    involvement in organizations of the Anglican
  • Declare a moratorium on any other elections of
    gay or lesbian clergy  

ECUSA Recommendations cont.
  • The bishops of ECUSA cease any further
    development of any and all rites or permissions
    for the blessings of same sex union
  • Thought be given in future elections regarding
    candidates for the episcopate and their
    relationship with the global communion

The Windsor Report Recommends
  • Bishops not cross geographical boundaries with
    the Anglican Communion for any reason
  • That each diocese within ECUSA to work out their
    differences - theological and pastoral - without
    the help or interference of other bishops

The Windsor Report Confirms
  • The report also confirms the stated teaching of
    the Anglican Communion with respect to human
  • Upholding faithful marriage and abstinence as the
    only two expressions of personal sexuality
  • Listening to the voices of the homosexual members
    of the Church
  • Rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible
    with Scripture

Closing Words from the Report
  • "We earnestly hope that none of these will prove
    necessary. Our aim throughout has been to work
    not for division but for healing and restoration.
    The real challenge of the gospel is whether we
    live deeply enough in the love of Christ, and
    care sufficiently for our joint work to bring
    that love to the world, that we will 'make every
    effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the
    bond of peace.' Ephesians 43" As the primates
    stated in 2000, 'to turn from one another would
    be to turn away from the Cross', and indeed from
    serving the world which God loves and for which
    Jesus Christ died."

  • The Commission consisted of individuals from the
    global communion with a diversity of world views
  • There was no dissenting report
  • Everyone on the commission signed the report

What is Next?
  • The Windsor Report was a recommendation
  • February 20-26, 2005     The Primates of the
    Anglican Communion meet in Newcastle, County
    Down, Some 30 miles south of Belfast, Northern
    Ireland. It will be the first formal time the
    Primates world wide will deliberate together on
    the report's recommendations.
  • June 18-29, 2005     The Anglican Consultative
    Council will meet in Nottingham, England.
    Recommendations from the Primates meeting could
    be implemented at this meeting.

In the Wake of the Report
  • The report was received with varying degrees of
    approval and disapproval
  • We have been urged by the members of the
    commission, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and a
    number of other primates, we must proceed
  • The Bishop has asked that we read the full report
    and not rely upon pundits or media to tell us
    what it says

What Does This Mean To Us?
  • Our Bishops are asked, as are the bishops world
    wide, to be sensitive to the Windsor Report and
    to consider their preliminary recommendations.
  • Our Bishops are called to seek ways of
    reconciliation, and to heal divisions.
  • Intervening provinces and dioceses across the
    Communion are called to approach the document and
    our relationships with one another with respect.
  • All provinces throughout the Communion are
    expected to respond with generosity and charity
    to any such actions.

What Does This Mean For ECUSA Bishops?
  • For those Bishops who did not consent to the
    election and consecration, it means that they
    will no doubt continue to be recognized within
    the larger Anglican Communion at this time, and
    not be affected by impaired communion status.
  • Bishop MacPherson of Western Louisiana, will
    convene the bishops of Province VII to address
    the Windsor Report in preparation for a meeting
    of the entire House of Bishops.
  • The entire House of Bishops will assemble in Salt
    Lake City, Utah on January 12 and 13 to discuss
    the Report and prayerfully to explore the
    responsive action to be taken by the bishops in

What Will Come Out Of This?
  • This is unknown at this point.
  • Though we must take seriously the reports
  • As the Lambeth Commission reports"There remains
    a very real danger that we will not choose to
    walk together. Should the call to halt and find
    ways of continuing in our present communion not
    be heeded, then we shall have to begin to learn
    to walk apart. We would much rather not speculate
    on actions that might need to be taken if, after
    acceptance by the primates, our recommendations
    are not implemented."

What must we do?
  • We must not be distracted by the media that
    surrounds us
  • We must not allow ourselves to lose sight of the
    mission to which God has called us
  • We must continue to go forward as disciples of
    the Gospel, lifting up the truth of a risen,
    living Christ
  • We must continue faithfully in our ministry
    wherever the Spirit of God leads us

The Diocese of Texas
  • We are One Church
  • We live in Miraculous Expectation,
  • We are empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • We are called to be a diverse worshiping
    community of missionaries
  • We are reaching out and transforming lives.

Ephesians 2 13-22
  • 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far
    off have been brought near by the blood of
    Christ.14 For he is our peace in his flesh he
    has made both groups into one and has broken down
    the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between
    us. 15He has abolished the law with its
    commandments and ordinances, that he might create
    in himself one new humanity in place of the two,
    thus making peace, 16and might reconcile both
    groups to God in one body through the cross, thus
    putting to death that hostility through it.

Ephesians cont.
  • 17So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were
    far off and peace to those who were near 18for
    through him both of us have access in one Spirit
    to the Father. 19So then you are no longer
    strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with
    the saints and also members of the household of
    God, 20built upon the foundation of the apostles
    and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the
    cornerstone. 21In him the whole structure is
    joined together and grows into a holy temple in
    the Lord 22in whom you also are built together
    spiritually into a dwelling place for God.
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