Title: Chapter 7 Specialized Business Information Systems
1Chapter 7 Specialized Business Information
Updated 03/28/05
- Define artificial intelligence systems.
- Describe how expert systems enhance human
performance. - Explain the potential of virtual reality systems.
- Discuss special-purpose systems
3Artificial Intelligence
4What is artificial intelligence?
- The ability of computers to mimic or duplicate
the functions of the human brain. - AI systems consist of
- People
- Procedures
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Knowledge
- Demonstrate the characteristics of intelligence
5What is intelligence?
- Learn from experience apply the knowledge
- Handle complex situations
- Solve problems when important information is
missing - Determine what is important
- React quickly and correctly to new situations
- Understand visual images (perceptive system)
- Process and manipulate symbols
- Be creative and imaginative
- Use heuristics (rules of thumb)
6Natural vs Artificial Intelligence
7 Conceptual Model of AI
8Conceptual Model of AI
9Expert Systems
10What is an Expert System?
- Hardware and software that store knowledge and
make inferences, similar to the human brain.
11Expert System Characteristics
12Expert System When to Use
- Provide a high potential payoff or significantly
reduce downside risk - Capture and preserve irreplaceable human
expertise - Provide expertise at a number of locations at the
same time - Provide expertise in a hostile environment
dangerous to humans - Provide expertise that is rare or expensive
- Provide more consistency than humans
- Develop solutions faster than human experts
- Provide expertise for training and development
with a large number of people
13Relationships Among Data, Information, and
14Components of an Expert System
15Knowledge Base
- Unique in each application
- Purpose stores relevant information, data,
rules, cases, and relationships used. - Experts knowledge and experience of people
- Fuzzy logic provides gray area to logic
- Rules conditional statements (if-then) that
provide actions or outcomes. - Cases use of past situations to make decisions
16Inference Engine
- Seeks information and relationships from
knowledge base and provides answers, predictions,
and suggestions. - Backward chaining starts with conclusion and
works backwards - Forward chaining starts with facts and works
towards conclusion - Comparison
- Forward chaining can provide more information,
but is slower. - Combinations are sometimes used.
17Expert Systems Development
18Participants in Developing and Using Expert
Designs, develops, implements and maintains
Individual/group with Knowledge/expertise
19 Expert Systems Development Alternatives
20Applications of Expert System and Artificial
- Credit granting and loan analysis
- Stock Picking
- Catching cheats and terrorists
- Budgeting
- Information management and retrieval
- Games
- Virus detection
- Hospitals and medical facilities
21Virtual Reality
22What is Virtual Reality?
- Enables one or more users to move and react in a
computer-simulated environment - Immersive virtual reality - user becomes fully
immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional
world that is completely generated by a computer - Virtual reality system - enables one or more
users to move and react in a computer-simulated
- Head mounted display (HMD)
- Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM)
- Haptic interface
24Useful Applications
- Medicine used to link stroke patients to
physical therapists - Education and training used by military for
aircraft maintenance - Entertainment
- Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
- Real Estate Marketing and Tourism
- Used to increase real estate sales
- Virtual reality tour of the White House
- Artificial intelligence (AI) ability of
computers to mimic or duplicate the functions of
the human brain - Artificial intelligence systems consist of
people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and
knowledge needed to develop computer systems and
machines that demonstrate the characteristics of
intelligence - Expert system computer system that stores
knowledge and makes inferences, similar to a
human expert
26Summary (continued)
- Robotics mechanical or computer devices that
perform tasks requiring a high degree of
precision or that are tedious or hazardous for
humans - Vision systems computer system that permits
computers to capture, store, and manipulate
visual images and pictures - Natural language processing allows the computer
to understand and react to statements and
commands made in a natural language, such as
27Summary (continued)
- Learning system computer system that allows the
computer to change how it functions or reacts to
situations based on feedback it receives - Neural network computer system that can simulate
the functioning of a human brain - Virtual reality system enables one or more users
to move and react in a computer-simulated