Title: Department of the Treasury Financial Management
1Department of the Treasury Financial Management
- Al Runnels
- Department of the Treasury
- Defense Credit Union Council Conference
- Aug 2009
- Economic Stability Programs
- Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE)
- Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
- Treasury Recovery Act Implementation Program
- Enterprise Risk Management Program
3 GSE Support Program
- Authority Housing and Economic Reform Act July
2008 - Created Federal Housing Finance Agency
- Treasury Support of
- Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae) - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (Freddie Mac)
- Components
- Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement (Liquidity
Guarantee) - Credit Facility
- Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchases
4 GSE Support Program Components
- Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
- Credit Facility
- Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchases
5GSE Support Financial Reporting Issues
- Preferred stock purchase agreements liquidity
guarantee programs - Intent was to treat all the transactions as a
guarantee program - Treated preferred stock and warrants as
investments and reported at estimated value on
date received - We will attempt to measure the future liability
as of September 30, 2009 - GSEs are not consolidated in Treasury or govt
wide financial statements - Included full disclosure of relationship with
GSEs in Treasurys FY08 F/S
6Troubled Asset Relief Program/Office of
Financial Stabilization
- Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
(EESA) - The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to
make and fund commitments to purchase troubled
assets - Website www.financialstability.gov
- Authority
- Authorized Secretary of the Treasury to establish
the TARP
- Facility
- Authorized establishment of OFS
- Funding
- Authorized up to 700B
7Oversight (FSOB, SIGTARP, GAO, COP, Others)
Treasury Department
Policy Services
Office of Financial Stability
Program Offices
Chief Counsel
Legal Agents
Financial Agents Bank of New York Mellon,
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
TARP Fund Recipients
Est. 197 FTE
Financial Stability Oversight Board
Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Counsel
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Risk Compliance Officer
Chief Investment Officer
Chief Homeownership
- Financial Stability Oversight Board (FSOB)
- Secretary of the Treasury
- Chairman of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve
System - Director of Federal Housing Finance Agency
- Chairman of Securities Exchange Commission
- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Special Inspector General (SIGTARP)
- Government Accountability Office (GAO)
- Congressional Oversight Panel (COP)
10TARP Programs
- Capital Purchase Program (CPP)
- Preferred Stock with Warrants
- 650 Institutions 204 Billion
- Received 5B Dividends/Interest
- Received 70B Repayments/
- Systematically Significant Failing Institution
Program (SSFI) - AIG Preferred Stock with Warrants
- Initial Purchase (40B
- Capital Facility (Up to 30B
- Targeted Investment Program (TIP)
- Citigroup -- 20B
- Bank of America -- 20B
- Asset Guarantee Program (AGP)
- Citigroup up to 5B
- Consumer and Business Lending Initiative (CBLI)
- Term Asset Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)
20B - Small Business and Consumer Lending Initiative
(SBCLI) 15B - TALF Asset Expansion 35B
11TARP Programs (cont)
Automotive Industry Financing Program (AIFP)
- GMAC -- 12.5B
- Preferred Stock with Exercised Warrants
- GM -- 884M
- Debt Obligation - Loan to Participate in GMAC
Rights Exchanged for GMAC Common Stock - GM -- 49.5B
- Debt Obligation with Warrants and Additional
Notes and Common Stock - Warranty Commitment Pgm 600M Special Purchase
- Chrysler -- 14.9B
- Debt Obligation with Additional Note
- Chrysler Financial -- 1.5B
- Debt Obligation with Additional NoteRepaid in
Full - Auto Supplier Support Program (ASSP) -- 3.5B
- Special Purchase Vehicle
12TARP Programs (Cont)
- Financial Stability Plan
- Capital Assistance Program (CAP) -- Amount TBD
- Public - Private Investment Program (PPIP) --
100B - Making Home Affordable -- 50B
- Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)
13TARP Risk Management Governance
TARP employs key governance risk and compliance
(GRC) enablers to ensure that a proper internal
control framework is in place for each OFS program
- The business model is organized around the
operational programs - These programs are focused on the purchase,
management and sale of assets - These programs are evolving and maturing while in
operation - There may be additional programs announced in the
14OFS/TARP Risk Management
Establish control environment Execute Senior
Management control activities
Executive Committee
Senior Assessment Team
Conduct risk assessments
Potential new functions
Asset Purchases
Asset Sales
Asset Management
Information Tech.
Human Resources
Perform control activities by function
Internal and external monitoring
Information and communication
Business Functions
Support functions
Support entire control framework and organization
Slide 14
15Key TARP Stats/Actions
- Allocated about 643B spent 362.6B
- Invested more than 200B in 657 financial
institutions of all sizes through CPP - Received over 70B in CPP repayments from 34
institutions and 6.6B in dividend payments - Beginning to receive proceeds from the sale of
warrants - Provided support to three systemically
significant institutions - Launched an unprecedented housing program to help
millions of homeowners - Assisted with restructuring of both GM and
Chrysler through the bankruptcy process,
accomplished with speed previously considered
impossible both companies leaner and better able
to compete today - Together with Fed, helped restart securitization
markets - Launched the Public-Private Investment Program to
help remove legacy assets from balance sheets of
financial institutions - Issued regulations guiding executive comp at
firms receiving TARP funds
- Signs of recovery in the financial markets
- Since October 13, 2008
- LIBOR Down 435 Basis Points
- TED Spread Down 433 Basis Points
- Corporate Borrowing Rates Down 250 Basis Points
- AAA investment grade corporate bonds - credit
spreads down 110 basis points - High yield corporate issuance in first half of
2009 was about 62B, up 26 from same period last
year - Issuance of asset-backed securities has recently
improved in response to the TALF, with 53B in
consumer securitizations this year - Also signs the economy is beginning to mend
- Consumer confidence increased significantly after
sliding in the early part of the year. - Housing starts have moved higher starts of
single-family units were up 32 through June
since their low in February - House purchases have begun to pick up in some
parts of the country
17TARP Financial Reporting Issues
- EESA Requires the Cost of Purchased Troubled
Assets or Guarantees of Troubled Assets to Follow
the Credit Reform Act - Thus We Account for the Equity Programs Under
Credit Reform - Treasury Follows FASAB Standards - FASAB
Statements Dont Address Equities Accounted for
Under Credit Reform - EESA Requires Market Adjusted Discount Rate Used
for Calculating Costs - Rely on GAAP Hierarchy in Absence of FASAB
Guidance - Consolidation Issues CitiGroup/GM/GMAC
- Coordination with OMB, KPMG, and GAO
18Recovery Act Implementation
- Funding
- Programs
- Risk Management Activities
- How Are We Doing?
19ERMP Imperatives
- Vision
- Leadership
- Environment
- Opportunities
- Appetite For Change
- Initiative Management
- Governance and Integration
- Risk
- Risk Mitigation
20ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
21ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
22ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
23ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
24ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
25ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
26ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
- Governance and Integration
27ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
28ERMP Imperatives (Cont)
29My View of ERMP
- Part of Organizations Strategic Fabric and
Culture - Governance
- Outcome Based - Org Performance Mgmt Metrics
- Cost/Benefit Leverages IT and BI
- Inventory of Risk Management Info
- Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
- Problem Reduction
- Cost Reduction
- Process Improvement/Excellence