Title: Improving Literacy Through Library Media Centers
1Improving Literacy Through Library Media Centers
2The school library is critical to every students
learning experience and academic achievement!
Across the United States, research has shown that
students in schools with good school libraries
learn more, get better grades, and score higher
on standardized test scores than their peers inÂ
schools without libraries. From Alaska to North
Carolina, more than 60 studies have shown clear
evidence of this connection between student
achievement and the presence of school libraries
with qualified school library media
specialists -State Studies- Alaska-1999,
Colorado- 2000, Delaware- in Progress,
Florida-2002, Illinois-2005, Indiana-2004,
Iowa-2002, Massachusetts-2002, Michigan-2003,
Minnesota-2003, Missouri-2003, New Jersey-in
progress, New Mexico-2002, North Carolina-2002,
Ohio-2004, Oregon-2001, Pennsylvania-2000, and
Certified Library Media Specialists make a
3The School Libraries are Much More Than Books!
Certified Library Media Specialists
4The Indispensable Librarian
T e a c h e r
Big 6, General Media Skills, Literature
Appreciation the Technology Scope Sequence
5Media Specialists Core Beliefs . . . . .
- Reading is a window to the world.
- Inquiry provides a framework for learning.
- Ethical behavior in the use of information must
be taught. - Technology skills are crucial for
- future employment needs.
6Media Specialists Core Beliefs . . . . .
- Equitable access is a key component for
education. - The definition of information literacy has become
more complex as resources and technologies have
changed. - The continuing expansion of information demands
that all individuals acquire the thinking skills
that will enable them to learn on their own.
7Media Specialists Core Beliefs . . . . .
- Learning has a social context.
- School libraries are essential to the development
of learning skills.
8The Indispensable Librarian
T e a c h e r
Big 6, General Media Skills, Literature
Appreciation the Technology Scope Sequence
9The Indispensable Librarian
T e a c h e r
Big 6, General Media Skills, Literature
Appreciation the Technology Scope Sequence
10Big 6, General Media Skills, Literature
Appreciation the Technology Scope Sequence
The Indispensable Librarian
T e a c h e r
11The Indispensable Librarian
Collaborative Partner
12The Indispensable Librarian
Staff in-service facilitated by the Media
We cull the web
We cull the web
Media Department J. Patrick Lewis Poetry Workshop
13The Indispensable Librarian
web 2.0
emerging technologies
Technology Leader
technology scope sequence
electronic report cards
web pages
14Indispensable Librarian
Technology Leader
15Indispensable Librarian
Principal Jim Lalik and LMS Laurie Olmsted give
podcasting a try!
Technology Leader
16The Indispensable Librarian