Title: Collaborative Program PlanningTeaching
1Collaborative Program Planning/Teaching
- Welcome
- Library Media Specialists
2Library Media Services Location 9629
Albert Pimienta Instructional Supervisor 305
Dwight Bailey 305 995-2233
Roxanne Palenzuela 305 995-2241
Luz Gomez 305 995-2283
Showanda Richardson 305 995-4587
3Our Contributors
- Milene Del Rio, NBCT
- Coral Gables Elementary
- 14 yrs. Library Experience
- mdelrio_at_dadeschools.net
- Cindy Stafford
- South Miami Senior
- 3 yrs. Library Experience
- cstafford_at_dadeschools.net
- Teacher of the Year (this year!)
4Collaborative ProgramPlanning and Teaching
TEC Component 2-407-005
General Objective
To prepare the participant to be the
instructional leader in the schools
instructional program through collaborative
planning with teachers and the integration of
information literacy skills in the curriculum.
5Specific Objectives
- Understand the library standards and guidelines
of the national, state and district goals and
objectives. - Identify the appropriate roles of library media
specialist and classroom teacher in an integrated
information skills program. - Name advantages of an integrated approach to
skills instruction over skills taught in
isolation by library media specialist. - Identify differences among coordination,
cooperation, and collaboration.
6Specific Objectives
- Identify methods of collaboration with teachers
to ensure that the school library media program
is able to meet the individual needs of students. - Collaborate with teachers in the creation and
implementation of the content area standards,
goals, and objectives. - Plan and teach the latest research techniques and
strategies that are applicable to the content
area and assignment. - Collaborate and communicate with teachers and the
technology specialist to identify and use the
full range of learning technologies required to
meet the students information needs.
7Specific Objectives
- Recognize the importance of participating in
curriculum teams and collaborative planning. - Identify the elements essential to collaborative
work, including time, trust, climate, resources. - Establish effective interpersonal relationships
that demonstrate an understanding of curriculum
objectives, effective listening and negotiation
of responsibility of activities. - Describe and explain the instructional design
8Follow Up Activity Due November 14, 2006
- Develop an integrated lesson plan
- addressing a district curriculum objective
- an appropriate information literacy skills
objective - specifying the roles of the teacher and the
library media specialist - include instructional materials that the teacher
and/or the library media specialist develop - If possible, a library media specialist and a
classroom teacher will work together to complete
this activity - Submit the collaborative planning work sheet from
your lesson.
9Follow Up Activity (continued) Due November
14, 2006
- Each participant will complete an Action Plan
that spells out what steps will be taken back on
the job to apply the newly learned concepts and
skills. Plan should be shared with
principal/department/grade level chair that
observes and shares feedback.
Due November 14, 2006
11What is Collaboration?
- to work jointly with others or together
especially in an intellectual endeavor - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
- http//www.m-w.com/
- We are professionally defined by those with whom
we collaborate
12Why Collaborate?
- To increase student achievement (Florida Study
2003 http//www.sunlink.ucf.edu/makingthegrade/) - Work with Teachers
- To support the curriculum
- To build and establish positive rapport
- Work with Students
- Promote information literacy
- Create meaningful instructional experiences Add
other links to more articles
Read articles, summarize, and SHARE!
13Types of Collaboration
- Cooperation The Library Media Specialist is
primarily a provider of resources as requested.Â
No co-teaching, co-planning, or co-assessment is
involved. - Coordination The Library Media Specialist is
primarily a provider of resources and teaches
minimal introductory how to use the library
lessons. No co-planning and no co-assessment. - Collaborative The Library Media Specialist
plans, develops materials, teaches, and evaluates
student work and the overall project
collaboratively with the classroom teacher.
14Collaborate with your schools
15Collaborate with your schools
16Collaborate with your schools
- Electives/Special Area Teachers
17Collaborate with your schools
18Collaborate with your schools
19Collaborate with local business
- Community Stakeholders
- Milene Cold Stone Creamery
20Collaborate with your
- Professional Colleagues
- American Library Association
- American Association of School Librarians
- Florida Association for Media in Education
- Miami-Dade Media Specialists Association
- M-DCPS Library Media Services Department
21Where Do We Begin?
- Youthe library media specialist
- Obtain administrative support.
- Implement a flexible schedule.
- Create buy in Link curriculum to information
literacy standards - Get out of the Library!
- Sell yourself and your library media program
- Attend grade level and department meeting
- Be flexible in working with everyone.
- Choose a fan with whom you begin your
22How/ Where Do We Collaborate?
- One on One
- In the classroom
- In the library media center
- In the copy room, staff lounge, hallway
- Via e-mail
- Curriculum / Grade Level /
- Departmental Meetings
- Staff Meeting
23How Do We Assess Collaboration?
- Reflect and discuss the process with teachers
- Reflect and discuss with students
- Include information literacy standards in a task
rubric. - School Library Rubric K-5
- New Haven Public Schools
- Rubistar
- See Packet too!
Complete Collaboration Self Evaluation Checklist
24Formal vs. Informal Plans
- Collaboration
- LMS and CT or group
- Established set of expectation
- Agreed upon product/outcome
- On- the- Fly
- In the hallway
- Via e-mail
- Collaborative Planning Worksheet
- more formalized planning
Milene shares collaborative planning worksheet
- BE The Go To NOT
- The Go For
26Before Collaboration
- Know your Clients.
- Know your Collection.
- Know your Curriculum.
27Know Your Clients
- Office of Performance Improvement
- Know your students reading and achievement
levels- compare to district and state levels - Office of Strategic Planning
28Know your Curriculum
- Use your time!
- Sunshine State Standards
- Competency Based Curriculum
- Information Literacy Standards
Dont run a parallel program get them to
29Know Your Collection
- Destiny
- Print age of collection report.
- Want more?- Destiny Training on 11/9
30Collaborative Planning Process
- Collaborative Plan Worksheet
- Plan to meet at the end of the unit to evaluate
- Record what worked and what did not
- Record suggestions for future use
- Poll students and reflect on the outcomes
- Make it better for the next time.
31Collaborative Planning Resources
- More Collaboration Tips
- Library Instruction.com
- Collaboration How, What, Why
32Collaborative Planning Resources- 2
- School Library Media Activities Monthly
- Library Media Connection
- Destiny
- WebQuests
- MarcoPolo