1Title III, Annual Measurable Achievement
Objectives (AMAO), and Implications of AMAO Data
to ELL Program Planning and Improvement
31st Annual Statewide Conference for Teachers
Serving Linguistically and Culturally Diverse
StudentsOak Brook Hills MarriottJanuary 9,
2008 Dr. Lilibeth Q. Gumia, Principal
ConsultantDivision of Data Analysis and Progress
ReportingIllinois State Board of Education
2What is Title III?
- Title III (English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act) of the
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 provides federal
financial support to state and local educational
agencies for language instruction of - - Limited English Proficient Students (LEP) or
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- - Immigrant Students
3What are the major goals of Title III?
- To help ensure that limited English proficient
(LEP) children - Attain English proficiency
- Develop high levels of academic competence in
English - Meet the same challenging State academic content
and academic achievement standards
4Who is accountable for meeting these goals?
- Title III holds
- States
- Local Education Agencies (LEA), and
- Individual Schools
- accountable for meeting these goals.
5What are the accountability requirements for SEAs
under Title III?
- SEAs, such as the ISBE, which received Title III
funds, are required to - Establish English language proficiency standards.
- Develop and implement English language
proficiency assessments. - Define annual achievement objectives for
increasing and measuring the level of LEP
childrens development and attainment of English
proficiency. - Hold LEAs/sub-grantees accountable for meeting
annual measurable achievement objectives.
6What are the accountability requirements for
LEAs/Sub-grantees under Title III?
- Must assess, on an annual basis the progress of
LEP children enrolled in Title III language
instructional programs in attaining English
proficiency in the five domains speaking,
listening, reading, writing, and comprehension. - Accountable for meeting annual measurable
achievement objectives. - Report on the progress made by LEP children in
meeting the State academic and content and
achievement standards for each of the two years
after these children no longer receive services
under Title III.
- The Three AMAO Criteria
- AMAO 1 (Progress) at a minimum,
LEAs/sub-grantees must assure annual increases in
the number or percentage of children making
progress in learning English - AMAO 2 (Proficiency) at a minimum,
LEAs/sub-grantees must assure annual increases in
the number or percentage of children attaining
English proficiency by the end of each school
year and - AMAO 3 (AYP) LEAs/sub-grantees assure the ELL
students are making adequate yearly progress
(AYP) on the states academic content
assessments. - Title III districts or sub-grantee must meet all
three criteria to meet AMAO.
8Common Goal of Title I and Title III for LEP
(ELL) Students
Title I Requirements
Title III Requirements
English Language Proficiency Standards
Academic Content- Standards
Academic Achievement
English Language Proficiency Assessments
Academic Content Assessments
Academic Achievement- Standards
English Language Proficiency and progress
9Illinois AMAO Targets AMAO 1 (Progress)
- AMAO 1 (Progress)
- Student Level An ELL student makes progress if
she/he makes a 6.0 proficiency level in any of
the four domains listening, speaking, reading,
or writing in any of the two years, 2005 or 2006
or makes at least a 0.50 increase in her/his
proficiency levels in any of the four domains
listening, speaking, reading, or writing within a
two-year period. - District Level 85 of the districts ELL
students must make progress on the ACCESS for
ELLs. This objective shall apply provided that
the number of students in the cohort is no fewer
than 30. -
- Note These targets were implemented starting in
FY 06.
10Illinois AMAO Targets AMAO 2 (Proficiency)
- AMAO 2 (Proficiency)
- Student Level An ELL student attains a
proficiency level of 4.0 or higher from their
composite scores in the ACCESS for ELLs for the
current year. - District Level 10 of the districts ELL
students attain a proficiency level of 4.0 or
higher from their composite scores in the ACCESS
for ELLs. This objective shall apply provided
that the number of students in the cohort is no
fewer than 30. - Note These targets were implemented starting in
FY 06.
11Illinois AMAO Targets AMAO 3 (AYP)
- AMAO 3 (AYP)
- The district must make Adequate Yearly Progress
(AYP) for ELL students served by programs funded
under Title III. Calculations are based upon
similar formulas used for Title I Adequate Yearly
- Must have participation rate of 95 in both
reading and mathematics. (Participation) - In 2007, 55 of LEP students must meet or exceed
standards in Reading and in Mathematics
(Performance). - The AMAO-AYP is waived for school districts
that have fewer than 45 students with valid
scores in an LEP subgroup. -
13Illinois AMAO Measures or Assessments Used for
AMAO Calculations
14Illinois Title III Districts or Sub-Grantees
The number of ELL students served by Title III
districts increased by approximately 19 from
2004 to 2007.
15Chart 1. AMAO Performance of Title III Districts
2004 through 2007
16Chart 2. Percent of Students at 4.0 Proficiency
Level or Higher On Each Domain
35 of Grades 1-12 ELL students attained 4.0
proficiency level or higher from their composite
17Chart 3. Percent of Students at 5.0 Proficiency
Level or Higher On Each Domain
8.1 of Grades 1-12 ELL students attained 5.0
proficiency level or higher from their composite
18Chart 4. Percent of Students Making at Least a
0.5 Increase in their Proficiency
Levels in 2007 from 2006 On Each Domain
Data elsewhere showed that 66 of all grades 1-12
ELL students made at least a 0.5 increase in
their composite proficiency levels in 2007 from
19Chart 5. Percent of Students Making at Least a
1.0 Increase in their Proficiency
Levels in 2007 from 2006 On Each
Data elsewhere showed that 42 of all grades 1-12
ELL students made at least a 1.0 increase in
their composite proficiency levels in 2007 from
20Chart 6. Percent of ELL Students Making at Least
a 1.0 Increase in their Composite
Proficiency Level in 2007 Given
their 2006 Composite Proficiency
21What does the data tell us?
- It appears that ELL instruction and curriculum
need to focus on improving the English language
proficiencies of - All students in writing, particularly that of
grades 1-2 and 6-8 - High school students in listening and speaking
- Grades 6-8 in reading
22What does the data tell us?
- Except in writing, grades 1-2 students made
higher proficiency gains than other grades. - All students are making higher progress in
reading than in other domains.
23What does the data tell us?
- Students at lower grades (1-5) in lower
proficiency levels (L1-L3) tend to make faster
gains than students at higher grades (6-12).
24Chart 7. Four-Year LEA or Sub-Grantee
AMAO Tracking
25Meeting AMAOs
- AMAO status is applied to an entire LEA or
sub-grantee. - The State will provide notification to LEAs or
sub-grantees of their AMAO status and take
additional corrective action(s) to ensure that
AMAOs are met. - 2007 is the fourth year for AMAO calculations and
determinations in Illinois. -
26Meeting AMAOs
- LEAs or sub-grantees that fail to meet AMAOs must
notify parents of students participating in
Title III funded programs of its failure to meet
AMAOs within 30 days of receipt of notification
from the state. (Title III Public Law 107-110
SEC. 3302). - Templates are available for high incidence
languages at http//www.isbe.net/bilingual/htmls/t
27NCLB Sanctions and Possible Courses of Action
- If an LEA or sub-grantee fails to meet AMAOs for
two (2) consecutive years - The SEA must provide technical assistance to that
LEA or sub-grantee - The LEA or sub-grantee must develop a District
Improvement Plan (DIP) to ensure that AMAOs are
met in the future. - Specifically address in the improvement plan the
factors that prevented the LEA or sub-grantee
from achieving the AMAOs.
28NCLB Sanctions and possible courses of action
- If an LEA fails to meet AMAOs for four (4)
consecutive years - 1. The State must require the LEA or
sub-grantee to modify its curriculum, program, or
methods of instruction or - 2. The State must make a determination on
whether the LEA or sub-grantee shall continue to
receive Title III funds, and require the LEA or
sub-grantee to replace educational personnel
associated with the LEAs or sub-grantees
failure to meet such objectives (Title III Public
Law 107-110 SEC. 3122 (b) (1-4)).
- ISBE at www.isbe.net
- ISBE English Language Learning
- www.isbe.net/bilingual
- NCLB contact at nclb_at_isbe.net
- NCLB info at www.isbe.net/nclb
- AYP info at www.isbe.net/ayp
- SES provider info at www.isbe.net/nclb/pdfs/sespro
vider - USDE information at www.ed.gov