Title: Castaic Union School District
1Castaic Union School District
2What is a Standard?
- A standard is a description of something you
want a student to learn.
- A standard tells us what students should
know and be able to do.
- Standards are designed to help students do
better work in school.
3Why Are We Moving to Standards Based Curriculum?
- The state of California now requires all
students to receive instruction in and
master the standards for each grade level.
4What Does this Mean To My Childs Education?
- Standards-based instruction is key
- to ensuring your childs success.
- Everyone will know the standards
- Students
- Parents
- Teachers
5How Will Student Achievement Be Measured?
- Students achievement will be measured by
comparing each students performance to
clearly stated criteria for the standard.
- Standards-based reports clearly communicate
student progress, towards mastery of each
6What Will The New Report Look Like?
- The standards-based report will inform parents
about students progress towards mastery of the
standards using a rubric score of - Advanced
- Proficiency
- Approaching
- Below
7Explanation of Marking
Rubric for Standard-Based Report
8Proficient (3) Meets Grade Level Standard
- The student meets the standard as it is
described by the grade level benchmarks.
- The students demonstrates proficiency in the
majority of grade level tasks.
9Approaching (2) Approaching Grade Level Standard
- The student is beginning to meet, and
occasionally does meet the standard as it is
described by the grade level benchmarks.
10BELOW (1) Does Not Meet Grade Level Standard
- The student is not meeting the standard as it
is described by the benchmark for this grade
11Advanced (4) Exceeds Grade Level Standard
- The student exceeds the standard as it is
described by the grade level benchmarks.
- The student, with relative ease, grasps,
applies, and extends the key concepts,
processes, the skills for the grade level.
12 The Standard has not been assessed this
13Castaic Union School District
- Each teacher may address standards in a
variety of ways to meet students needs.
14Thank You For Joining in this Partnership with Me!
If you have special concerns about your childs
program please contact me for a conference.
15(No Transcript)