Title: The%20Dynamics%20of%20Mass%20Communication
1The Dynamics ofMass Communication
Seventh Edition
2Part 1 The Nature and History of Mass
3Chapter 2 Perspectives on Mass Communication
4A few perspectives we could use to study the Mass
- Historical
- Operational
- Technological
- Functional
- Critical / Cultural
5Functional Analysis
How to understood something by analyzing its
- Advantages
- generates concepts helpful in understanding
media behavior - makes us aware of gratification diversity
provided by media - provides a perspective from which to examine
the media
6Mass Communication Roles
- Various media provide different primary functions
- Macroanalysis how society uses the mass media
- Microanalysis how individuals use the mass media
7How Society Uses the Mass MediaThe Macroanalytic
- Surveillance role
- Warning surveillance (beware of threats)
- Instrumental surveillance
- Related issues
- Media credibility
- Media dysfunctions (negative consequences)
- Status Conferral
8Macroanalytic View Continued
- Interpretation viewpoint role
- Linkage connective role
- Transmission of Values socialization role
- Entertainment diversionary role
9How People Use Mass Media The Microanalytic
ViewThe Uses and Gratifications Model
- Cognition
- Diversion
- Stimulation
- Relaxation
- Emotional release (catharsis)
10 Microanalytic View Continued
- Social Utility
- Conversational currency
- Parasocial relationships
- Withdrawal
11Content and Context
It is not only the media content that determines
the audience usage, but also the social context
within which the media exposure occurs.
- Assumptions
- Audiences take active roles in interaction with
media - Media vies with other sources of consumer
satisfaction - Uses-and-gratification approach assumes that
people are aware of their own needs and can
verbalize them
12Critical / Cultural Studies . . .
. . . takes a macroanalytic view of the media and
examines such concepts as ideology, culture,
politics, and social structure as they relate to
the role of media in society
13History of the Critical / Cultural Studies
- Marx and the Frankfurt School (1930s 40s)
- British Modification (1950s 60s)
- Feminist Movement Influence (1970s 80s)
14Critical / Cultural Concepts
- culture the common values, practices, and
- rules the bind people together
- text object of analysis (programs, films,
ads) - meaning interpretations audiences take
- away from media text
15Critical / Cultural Concepts
- polysemic how audiences can impart different
meanings into any media text - ideology set of beliefs embedded within
texts, particularly social and political themes - hegemony socially dominated group
- accepting control groups position as natural
- and normal, thereby insuring the status quo
16End of Chapter 2Perspectives on Mass