Title: International Legal Research
1International Legal Research Anne Burnett,
Reference/Foreign and International Law
Librarian Gabriel Wilner, Associate Dean
2Course Requirements
6 exercises x 5pts each 30 pts 1 final
exercise x 70 pts 70 pts some extra credit
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8Course Objectives
- develop efficient strategies for tackling
foreign intl legal research projects - learn about the structure and documentation of
intl, supranational regional organizations - increase understanding of foreign legal systems
- evaluate use print electronic resources for
foreign intl legal research
9Initial Questions for Researcher
- Is there a research guide on my topic or
jurisdiction? - Is there a treaty that applies to my topic?
10What is International Law?
- Public International Law
- Foreign or Municipal Law
- Private International Law
11Sources of International Law article 38, ICJ
- international conventions, treaties, etc.
- custom
- general principles of law recognized by
civilized nations - judicial decisions and the teachings of highly
qualified publicists
12The Basics
- online catalogs
- periodical indexes
- databases available to you
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Butler items
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19(international or transnational) and business
20Too many hits try narrower search or look at some
relevant records and use their subject headings
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33political science quarterly
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35political science quarterly
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37Periodical Indexes
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39Organization and American States
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41Check GAVEL
42Temple international and
43Index to Legal Periodicals (ILP)
- currently paper only
- not cumulative
- search by author, subject, case, statute
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