Title: Interdisciplinary Idea to Interdisciplinary Effectiveness: Values, Conflicts, and Reward
1Interdisciplinary Idea to Interdisciplinary
Effectiveness Values, Conflicts, and Reward
- Mary Stansbury
- Kent State University
2Research Area
- Digital Divide aka Digital Inclusion
3My interest
- Inequities are wrong
- Opportunity
- Openness
- Quality of life
4Research Connections
- Digital Inclusion
- First Group of Projects
- LIS, Political Science
- Second Group of Projects
- LIS, Nursing, Communication Studies, Adult
Literacy, Sociology
5Group 1 Research Project Premises
- More than access
- Low-income not understood
- Uninformed policy-making
- Consequences are dire
6Group 1 -- Team
- Stansbury LIS
- Mossberger Political Science
- Public Administration
- School-to-Work
- Empowerment Zones
- Tolbert Political Science
- Civic Participation
- Research Methods
7Group 1 Values, Conflict, Reward
- Values, Conflict
- Do some good
- But do some good right
8Group 1 Values, Conflict, Reward
- Values, Conflict
- But do some good right
- Working through the disparities of research
paradigms (including doctoral students) - Working through the differences in personal
approach - Hallway talk
9Group 1 -- Rewards
- Grants received
- Semester off for research (3 of 3)
- Multiple papers and articles
10Group 1 -- Rewards
- Book
- Virtual Inequality
Beyond the Digital Divide - 2003, Georgetown University Press
- Reviews in Pol. Sci. v. LIS
11Group 1 -- Rewards
- Tenure and Promotion (3 of 3)
- Kent State U. Boyer Model for TP
- Institutional support at all levels for
interdisciplinary research
12Project Methodology
- National telephone survey
- Targeted low-income
- Extensive questionnaire
- Rigorous analyses
13Access Divide -- Probabilities
- Least likely to have Internet at home
- Poor
- 39 for low 63 for high
- Older
- 43 for 61 year olds 67 for 28 year olds
14Access Divide -- Probabilities
- Least likely to have Internet at home
- Less educated
- 44 for high school 65 for college
- Democrats
- 54 64 for Republicans
15Access Divide -- Probabilities
- Least likely to have Internet at home
- African Americans
- 37 54 for Whites
- Latinos
- 41 54 for Whites
16Access Divide
- Sees libraries as community gathering places
- Poor
- Women
- Latinos
- African Americans
17Skills Divide
- Features of the Skills Divide
- Basic skills
- Applications-related skills
- Information literacy skills
18Whats the probability that. Someone with low
education has low computer skills? 55 20 if
high education
19Skills Divide -- Probabilities
- Most likely to need assistance
- Poor
- 42 for low
- 30 for high
20Skills Divide -- Probabilities
- Most likely to need assistance
- African Americans
- 45
- 34 for Whites
1. Take advantage of the opportunities in
attitudes and interest.
- 2. Program support is needed.
- Technical support
- Grant-writing and evaluation
3. Skill acquisition within context of everyday
problem solving.
24Group 2 -- Premises
- Inequities are wrong
- Resolution through collaboration
- Health information literacy is critical
- Electronic resources may not be sufficient
25Group 2 -- Team
- Nursing
- Communication Studies
- Adult Literacy
- Sociology
- College Research Coordinator
26Group 2 -- Values
- Do Good
- Do Good Right
- Less conflict
- More difficult to make choices
- Larger group and different personalities
27Group 2 Projects, Culture
- Grant Proposals
- Research Agenda Planning
28Questions or Comments?
- Mary Stansbury, PhD
- mstansbu_at_kent.edu
- 330-672-0015