Title: Definition of Human Resource Development
1Definition of Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development is any process or
activity that, either initially or over the long
term, has the potential to develop adults
work-based knowledge, expertise, productivity,
and satisfaction, whether for personal or group /
team gain, or for the benefit of an organization,
community, nation, or, ultimately, the whole of
McLean McLean 2000
2Purpose of Human Resource Development
HRD is about adult human beings functioning in
productive systems. The purpose of HRD is to
focus on the resource that human beings bring to
the success equation both personal success and
organizational success. The two core threads of
HRD are 1) individual and organizational learning
and 2) individual and organizational performance.
Ruona, 2000 Watkins Marsick, 1996 Swanson,
3 the most apparent connection is with human
resources (HR). But HR can be conceived of as
having two major components HRD and HRM. As an
umbrella term, HR is often confused with HRM.
Thus, many HR departments are actually limited to
HRM goals and activities such as hiring,
compensation, and personnel compliance issues.
Even when HRD and HRM are managed under the HR
title, their relative foci tend to be fairly
Swanson, 2001
4General Approach to Human Resource Management and
- Overview of Development disciplines
- Historical views and influences on HRM
- Human Resource Wheel and relationships
- HRM professionals
- roles
- Starting to focus on
- Career Development
5Roots and Perspectives for HRM...
- Imbedded in broader Management Philosophy
- Confusion and mixed history for HRM/D
- Early concept of Human Resources from Economics
and Management Writers - Based on normative ideas and practices but varies
in organizational application - Addresses human resources, human development,
change and learning (typically conducted in
organizational settings) - Interdisciplinary in nature and approach
6Defining HRM/D
- It is an emerging field (highly educated)
- It is a very dynamic field (new technology,
models, research) - It is multidisciplinary (including management,
organizational behavior, I/O psychology,
education, etc.) - It is in the broader human resources arena
(people profession) - It is a pervasive function in organizations
- (may not be a single department but done by
many people at all levels, e.g.,
personnel assistant to executive
search psychologist)
7Activities of HRD
- Training
- Training and development
- Employee development
- Technical training
- Management development
- Executive and leadership development
- Human performance technology
- Organization development
- Organizational learning
ASTD, 2000
8Definition of HRM
- HRM is the integrated use of management
function, training and development, organization
development, and career development to improve
individual, group, and organizational
effectiveness. - Integrated means that HRM is more than the sum of
its parts. Its more than management training
and development, or organization development, or
career development in isolation. Its the
combined use of all developmental practices in
order to accomplish higher levels of individual
and organizational effectiveness than would be
possible with a narrower approach.
9Definition of HRM (contd)
- Management functions deal with those aspects of
the organization that are concerned with the
people dimensions. These may include selection
of placement, compensation and benefits, employee
and labor relation, and health and security. - Training and Development focuses on identifying,
assuring, and helping develop, through planned
learning, the key competencies that enable
individuals to perform current or future jobs. - Organization Development focuses on assuring
healthy inter- and intra-unit relationships and
helping groups initiate and manage change.
Organization developments primary emphasis is on
relationships and processes between and among
individuals and groups.
10Definition of HRM (contd)
- Career development focuses on assuring an
alignment of individual career planning and
organizational career management processes to
achieve an optimal match of individual and
organizational needs. Career developments
primary emphasis is on the person as an
individual who performs and shapes his or her
various work roles. - To improve individual, group, and organizational
effectiveness means that HRM is purposeful. It
is instrumental to the achievement of higher
goals. Because of HRM, people and organizations
are more effective and contribute more value to
products and services the cost-benefit equation
11Human Resource Wheel
12Summary of Major Influences on HRM
13Key approaches to HRD
How HRM theorists view organizational
14Management Theory...
- Classical (Scientific) Theory- Fredrick Taylor-
The Principles of Modern Management (1911)
- select workers to match jobs (talent model)
- workers require training
- develop cooperative work model
- compensate by productivity (not seniority)
- design work efficiently
15Fayols Fourteen Management Principles
16Fayols Fourteen Management Principles (contd)
17Fayols Fourteen Management Principles (contd)
18The Roots of HRM
- Beginning in the late 1950s, critics of
mainstream economic theory-forerunners of what
was later to be called the human capital school
of economics- questioned whether demand for labor
is really a function of monetary or fiscal
policy. They regarded
- labor as a form of capital, not a factor of
production separate from and driven by it. The
human capital school has spawned the notion that
labor is a human resource, implying the abilities
and potential of people to contribute to their
work not only their talents and skills but also
their creativity. (1964) - (article from Fortune magazine)
19Economics the study of prices, goods, markets
and human value in organizational/political
- Adam Smith (Wealth of Nations, 1776) - production
depends on three key factors land, labor and
capital--labor is the pre- eminent factor in
production. (Marx accepted labor theory of
value). - Say and Mill - productive agencies combined to
produce goods - utility theory - Twentieth century economics assumes capital is
pre-eminent factor in production. - Keynes - labor not as critical, markets are
self-adjusting- suggest government intervention - Friedman - interest rates and money supply
promotes economic prosperity
20How Economics Influences HRM
- Governmental policies in both developed and
developing countries have increasingly emphasized
HRM as a means of helping individuals become
literate, prepare for employment, learn the work
of organizations employing them, and upgrade
individual skills to meet technological or other
changes. Unlike many other nations, however, the
United States has not established and integrated
industrial policy to govern the role of human
21The Human Relations School of Management
- Mayo, Roethlesberger, others (1930-1950s)
- Based on Hawthorne experiments
- Suggest social relations as important as money
- Pay attention to work groups, feelings
- Seen as manipulative, not really scientific
- Little relationship to output
22Highly philosophical, the human relations school
of management first gained prominence during the
recession of 1957-1958. Expanding on beliefs of
the human relations school, advocates of the
human resources school make a number of
- Individuals are creative by nature and deserve
greater self-direction and responsibility than
they are given in most organizations. - Individuals are capable of much greater
usefulness to their work groups and co-workers
than most management recognizes or tries to
exploit. - Work is as natural as play - indeed, people want
to work because it is an outlet for
self-expression and creativity.
23Latest in Human Relations Management
- In his seminal book, The Fifth Discipline,
Peter Senge (1990) points to five component
technologies converging to build organizations
that can truly learn and enhance their ability to
realize objectives. These are - 1. Systems thinking - a conceptual framework, a
body of knowledge and tools developed to make
the full patterns of organizational systems
clearer, and help managers see how to change
them more easily. - 2. Personal mastery - The organizations
commitment to and capacity for learning can be
no greater than that of its members. Personal
mastery is the discipline of continually
clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of
focusing our energies, of developing patience
and seeing reality objectively.
24- Five Component Technologies (contd)
- 3. Mental models - These are deeply ingrained
assumptions, generalizations, or pictures that
influence our understanding of the world and the
actions we take. The discipline of working with
mental models is an inward looking one of
learning to expose ones own thinking
effectively and make that thinking open to the
influence of others. - 4. Building shared vision - Leaders need to hold
a picture of the future they intend to create.
To be effective, leaders must translate this
personal vision into a shared vision. Genuine
commitment rather than compliance from the
organizations people is required. - 5. Team learning - How can a team with
individual IQs above 120 have a collective IQ of
63? Team learning is vital, because unless
teams can learn, the organization cannot learn.
25- Why is learning suddenly so important?
- Information is now the most valuable
organizational resource in virtually every
industry. - Keeping abreast of the rate of change in
information is the greatest organizational
challenge. - People that can learn rapidly will be in
greater demand than ever before. - Corporations than can retain their most
talented learners and develop the capacity for
organizational learning will enjoy a
competitive edge over the rest of the field.
Culture Building 2000
26Industrial/Organizational Psychological
Influences on HRM
- Early integration of Freudian Theory
- Unconscious drives, e.g., boss conflicts causes
of accidents - Career development grew out of unconscious needs
and parental direction - Behaviorists are second wave
- work skills, interests are conditioned through
reward and punishment - Career development grows out of
approach/avoidance continua - Person-centered approaches, e.g., Rogers
- People work best under conditions of positive
regard, caring management - Morale is a critical variable in worker
27Industrial/Organizational Psychological
Influences on HRM (contd)
- Cognitive psychologists recent impact
- Workers do best if they have information and
conceptual models for efforts - How workers view their jobs relates to their
belief about it
28The A, B, Cs of poor performance
(Dont have two emotional setbacks for the price
of one!)
29Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
(Aubrey Daniels, Other Peoples Habits)Based
on Behavior Analysis principles
Guides to the use of positive reinforcement
- Custom tailored to each employee
- Does not set limits on people (no IQ test)
- Does not judge on past performance
- Helps with self-confidence
- Reaffirms the morality of quid pro quo
- Behavior principles are universal
30Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
Attitudes that inhibit changing behavior
- Personality cant be changed
- People have to want to change
- Controlling people is not appropriate
- Change starts with the employees desires
31Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
The A, B, Cs of Positive Reinforcement
(AAntecedent BBehavior CConsequences
- Positive reinforcers - bonus
- Negative reinforcers - firing
- Punishment - demotion
- Penalty - withholding pay
32Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
Extinction of non-productive behaviors...
Examples Talking on Phone, Problem Child in
- extinction burst
- emotional response
- behavior resurgence
- requires full control
- it takes time
- difficult to accomplish
33Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
The four errors in using positive reinforcement
- Perception errors (what people like)
- asking, observing, experientation
- e.g., time with daughter, golfing
- Contingency
- given close to desired behavior
- given after performance (e.g., coffee example in
newsroom) - Premack Principle (e.g., tax break)
- Results, not behavior
- Frequency
- requires repetition
- requires relationship
- consistent, long-term (not just once)
34Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
Dos and Donts of Reinforcement
- Establish yourself as reinforcing.
- Dont fake it.
- Dont use flowery language.
- Dont use the word but when reinforcing
- Dont reinforce and punish at the same time
35Behavior Modification and Positive Reinforcement
Dos and Donts of Reinforcement
- Dont reinforce and ask for more at the same
time. - Tell people they are appreciated, and tell them
often - Occasionally pair social reinforced with a
tangible item that anchors a memory. - Give people the opportunity to relive their
36I/O Sociologys influences
- Just as psychology is the study of individuals,
sociology is the study of groups, organizations
and societies. Sociology has historically
focused on customs, rituals, and other
meaning-laden interactions between people. - Present-day sociology is focusing on specific
issues - The interactionism school focuses on interactions
between society and individuals - The phenomenology school focuses on perceptions
of individual reality derived internally rather
than externally. - The ethnomethodology school focuses on everyday
methods that individuals use to acquire
knowledge about self and society.
37Educations influence
- Greeks and Romans did not equate education and
career preparationwork was distasteful (done by
slaves). - Middle ages found education was for priests and
nobility - Pre-industrial revolution, education reinforced
social position. - Twentieth century was the first link for mass
education related to human resources
development. - For social mobility
- had skill preparation (Morrill act)
- job status (e.g., doctorates)
- de facto recruitment and selection
38How pedagogy and andragogy differ
39Political Sciences Impact...
- Political scientists have more recently focused
on such issues as power, government, political
processes, political decision making, policy
analysis, policy formulation, and policy
evaluation. - Politics involves groups operating out of
self-interest, whether in government or in
organizations. As a result, the form, mission,
goals and structure of organizations are not
necessarily based on what is best for the
organization rather, they may be negotiated and,
to some extent, based on the self-serving
interests of key individuals and groups.
Organizations are governed by a dominant
coalition, much like a power elite, that enforces
its will through the control of rewards and
punishments of other organizational members.
40How Communication Theories Evolved
- Every school of management thought has made its
own assumptions about the communication process.
Scientific management, for instance, portrayed
the manager as information link between employees
and higher-level authority.
Fayol believed that the scalar chain, meaning
the differing levels of authority in
organizations, should be preserved by encouraging
workers to communicate only with immediate
superiors unless they get specific permission to
communicate with higher authority.
41 The mathematical theory of organizational
communications is seen as mechanical resembling
a radio transmitter and receiver. Shannon and
Weavers model is best known. This is
represented as
Signal Encoded
Received Signal (Decoded)
42Berlos Behavioral Communication Model
43Transactional communication model
44Future Forces for HRM
- The following lists the key forces that this
studys expert contributors expect to influence
HRM work and competencies in the 2000s. The
sequence reflects the degree of consensus among
the experts. Each force listed was considered
critical by at least 50 percent of the
respondents to the studys questionnaire.
1. Increased pressure and capacity to measure
workforce productivity, performance,
cost- effectiveness, and efficiency 2. Increased
pressure to demonstrate the value, impact,
quality and practicality of HRM services 3.
Accelerated rate of change and more uncertain
business environment
45Future Forces for HRM (contd)
- 4. Increased emphasis on customer service and
expectation of quality products and services
from the workforce - 5. Increased sophistication and variety of tools,
technologies, methods, theories, and choices in
HRM - 6. Increased diversity (demographics, values,
experience) at all levels of the workforce
7. Increased expectations for higher levels of
judgement and flexibility in worker
contribution (specifically, for more
creativity, risk taking, adaptation to change,
and teamwork) 8. Increased use of systems
approaches that integrate HRM systems and
technology in the workplace
46Future Forces for HRM (contd)
- 9. Changed emphasis in organizations from
loyalty to merit, accountability, performance,
and relevant skills - 10. Globalization of business increased and
expanded international markets, joint ventures,
overseas ownerships, and competition - 11. Increased need for commitment, meaningful
work, and participation on the job by a larger
proportion of the workforce - 12. Increased use of flatter, more flexible
organization designs, smaller, self-contained
work groups and reduced staff.