Title: Classes and Objects
1Classes and Objects
2Classes and Objects
- Objects
- Things that must be created during the program
execution. - Contain data, which other object can manipulate
and query by sending messages. - Classes
- Definition from which we create objects.
3Creating (Instantiating) Objects
- An object is created using a constructor defined
by the class. - Typical object creation statement
- ltclass name1gt indicates the type of ltvar namegt.
- new is a keyword that indicates that an object of
type ltclass name2gt is to be created.
ltclass name1gt ltvar namegt new ltclass name2gt
4Creating (Instantiating) Objects (contd)
- ltclass name1gt and ltclass name2gt are usually the
same. - There can be any number of arguments, including
5Object creation examples in Java
// With no arguments. Defaults to
today. GregorianCalendar cal new
GregorianCalendar() // With arguments to set to
a specific value. // Corresponds to 25 Oct 1929,
not Sept. Need to read docs. GregorianCalendar
cal new GregorianCalendar(1929, 9, 25) // To
eventually transform String to ints. Integer
intObject new Integer(224)
6Object creation examples in Java
// Can separate variable declaration from object
creation GregorianCalendar cal // Right now
cal null cal new GregorianCalendar()
null is a java keyword to indicate that no value
is assigned to a variable. A variable is not of
much use until it has been assigned a value.
7Exceptions to typical object creation.
- The String class is a special case that does not
require the use of the new keyword. -
String str hello
8Exceptions to typical object creation.
- Through inheritance, the variable does not need
to be the same type as the object created. -
// GregorianCalendar is a subclass of
Calendar Calendar cal new GregorianCalendar() S
ystem.out.println(Month is
cal.get(Calendar.month)) // The following will
not work Calendar cal new Integer(20)
9Sending messages to objects
- Objects communicate with each other by sending
messages. - They send messages by calling methods defined by
the class from which the object is created. - Messages can be used for modifying the data in
the object or querying about the content of the
- A method declaration is of the form
- Where
- ltreturn-typegt can be a primitive type, a class
name or void. - ltmethod namegt is a valid identifier.
- ltargsgt is a list of comma-separated objects,
constants or variable. The list can be empty. - For now all methods will be public. We will look
at the role of static later
public ltstaticgtltreturn typegt ltmethod
11Examples of methods
// A StringBuffer is a more powerful
String StringBuffer strBuffer new
StringBuffer(This is ) // Append does not
have a return value but the content of // the
strBuffer object will be modified. //
declaration public void append(String) strBuffer
.append(a long String) // toString does not
modify the content of strBuffer, but returns // a
String object representing the content of
strBuffer // declaration public String
toString() System.out.println(Value of
strBuffer strBuffer.toString())
12Static methods (class methods)
- Static methods are methods that send messages to
the class itself, not the objects. - They are rarely used to modify data, but rather
to get general information from a class. - Some argue that static methods are not proper for
object-oriented programming. But they do prevent
a lot of headaches.
13Static method use
// From the Math class. All the methods are
static. // method declaration public static
double cos(double) float cosValue
Math.cos(0.23) // A class that creates objects
can also have static methods. // method
declaration public static int parseInt(String) in
t intVal Integer.parseInt(224)
14static class variables
- Most classes and objects have variables that you
can not see from the outside. For instance - The argument 544 has to be stored somewhere in
an Integer object. Is it stored as an int? a
String? Something else?
Integer intObject new Integer(544)
15static class variables (contd)
- In general, we get the information about content
of the object or class by sending methods. For
instance -
- Many classes define static variable, which are
usually constant, and can be accessed without
using a method.
Integer intObject new Integer(23) int intVal
16static class variables (contd)
- Static class variable are usually defined as
- where the final indicates that the value can not
be changed. - The convention is to capitalize all the letters
in var name.
public static final lttypegt ltvar namegt ltvaluegt
17Examples of static variable use
double pi Math.PI GregorianCalendar cal new
GregorianCalendar int monthIndex
Calendar.MONTH int monthValue
cal.get(monthIndex) // now monthValue contains
a number between 0 and 11. // It would be 8 if
ran in September. cal.add(Calendar.DATE,
1000) // The date now stored in cal in 1000 days
from today. Cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 5) // We
added another 5 years to the date
18Static class variables
- In the previous example
- Math.PI referred to a well known constant.
- Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DATE and Calendar.YEAR
are determined by the way the Calendar class
stores the data internally. It is easier and less
error prone for someone to write
cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) than to write cal.get(2)
19Moving objects around
int i 10 int j i // Now both i and j hold a
value of 10. i 20 // now i 20, j 10. But
StringBuffer str1 new StringBuffer(This is
) Integer str2 str1 // both str1.toString()
and str2.toString would return This is
. str2.append(a long String) // both
str1.toString() and str2.toString would return //
This is a long String
20Whats the difference?
- int is a primitive type, while StringBuffer is a
class. - A variable of a primitive type is assigned a
value, while a variable of a class type is
assigned a handle to an object which exists
independently of the variable.
21In pictures primitive types
int i, j
j 30
30 is written is space allocated for j. There is
no connection between i and j.
Space is allocated for i and j. Values undefined
i 20
20 is written is space allocated for i
j i
20 is written is space allocated for j
22In pictures objects
GregorainCalendar c1, c2
Space is allocated for c1 and c2. Values set to
c1 new GregorianCalendar()
GC object
An object is created for the GregorianCalendar.
But the value of c1 is really the address
(reference) where the object is located.
month8 year2003
23In pictures objects (contd)
c2 c1
GC object
No new object is created. Both c1 and c2 point to
the same object.
month8 year2003
c2.add(Calendar.MONTH, 2)
GC object
Content in the object is modified. We the
modification whether we access from c1 or c2.
month10 year2003
24What if we want a copy of the class
- Most class have a clone() method define. So after
- c1 and c2 will refer to two different objects.
Changing the content of one object wont affect
the content of the other.
GregorianCalendar c1 new GregorianCalendar() Gr
egorianCalendar c2 c1.clone()
25Java language loose ends keywords
- Keywords are words reserved by the language for
writing code. For instance, - public, static, void, int, float, double,
boolean, for, while, if, else, class - are all keywords. There are many more.
- Keywords CAN NOT be used as identifiers. You can
not use public as a variable name.
26Java language loose ends casting
- A variable of a given type can be cast to a
variable of a different to the cast operator (). - Not all casts are valid. What doesnt
instinctively make sense is probably wrong. - Some casts are implicit. There is no need to
27Cast examples
int i 23 float f i // OK. Dont need to
specify int -gt int i f // Wont compile. Need
to be explicit about cast i (int) f //
OK boolean b (boolean)f // Wont compile //
Can cast objects as well. More on this when we
look // at inheritance.