Title: State of Maryland Government GPS Activities
1State of Maryland GovernmentGPS Activities
- Presented by
- Joseph M. White
- Maryland State Highway Administration
2Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering
Highway Information Services DivisionCounty
Improvement Packages and Map Updating
3- GPS is being used to collect new county and
highway alignment data for the verification of
the county highway improvement packages - The data is also being used to verify the
positional location of new features and existing
4- The GPS data is overlaid against existing Grid
Maps, aerial photography and SPOT satellite
images - This procedure is to insure quality and verify
positional accuracy of the existing maps
maintained by the SHA Mapping Team
5- After insuring quality the data is then used in
the grid map updating procedure - The Statewide Grid Maps are also used as the base
mapping for Maryland State Highway
Administrations GIS
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7- The Highway Information Services Division will
soon be investigating Electronic Road Inventory
to automate downloading GPS data into their
databases - This would eventually save more time with the
maps and database updates
8For more information contact
- Joseph White
- 410-545-5538
- jmwhite_at_sha.state.md.us
9Office of Environmental DesignLandscape
Operations Division
10- GPS is being used to provide survey and analysis
of various reforestation, wildflower, wetland,
natural regeneration sites and assess state
right-of-way for future mitigation - The data collected will be used in planning of
future road construction, highway maintenance,
mitigation and needs assessment - The collected data will also be used as a SHA GIS
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12For more information contact
- Lisa Spelker
- 410-545-2948
- LSpelker_at_sha.state.md.us
13Office of Highway Development Division of Plats
- Establish Horizontal and Vertical Control for
Highway Related Projects
14- GPS is being used to set control for all survey
jobs - All surveys are tied to the High Accuracy
Reference Network (HARN) - Establish new control monuments for densification
of the HARN - Establish control for Arial Photogrammetry
15- Also using GPS to delineate wetland areas
- This data is used in location of wetlands for
possible impact during road construction
16For more information contact
- Neil Eppig
- 410-545-8961
- NEppig_at_sha.state.md.us
17Office of Materials and ResearchPavement Division
- Automated Roadway Analyzer (ARAN)
18- The Aran uses a combination of high resolution
video, ultrasonic sensors, accelerometers,
gyroscopes and GPS to collect data at highway
speeds - The Aran records cracking, rutting, roughness,
grade, curve radius and more - It also records right-of-way video as a permanent
record of roadway inventory
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20- The data collected is incorporated with the Road
Performance information and can be used to
identify deficient road locations - The Construction History, Existing Road Surface,
Pavement Friction, Pavement Condition databases
are updated with the collected data and are part
of the SHA GIS
21For more information contact
- Paul Dorsey
- 410-321-3133
- Pdorsey_at_sha.state.md.us
22Office of Materials and ResearchGeotechnical
Explorations Division
23- GPS is being used to navigate to boring sites
prior to drilling, eliminating errors from taken
measurements off of plans - GPS is also being used to locate borings
previously drilled to be accurately plotted on
plans - While in the field if potential problem areas are
encountered such as sinkholes, unconsolidated
fills and low saturated areas, GPS is used to
locate these areas
24For more information contact
- Steven Boyd
- 410-321-3184
- sboyd_at_sha.state.md.us
25Wildlife and Heritage Division
- Burn and Drip GPS Mapped Boundaries
- Endangered Species Areas
26Burn and Drip GPS Mapped Boundaries
- A large area of overgrown pines are cut and small
areas at a time are burned - To protect a species of plant that only grows in
this area in the entire world
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28- GPS is also used for navigating to various ground
locations sited on air-video flights for
vegetation classification - GPS is also used to track sites of endangered
species, this information is kept from the
general public for safety of the species
29Contact for more information
- Tim Palmer
- 410-260-8559
- TAPalmer_at_dnr.state.md.us
30Maryland Geological SurveyResource Assessment
ServiceBathymetric Surveying of Drinking
WaterReservoirs Using DGPS
31Bathymetric Surveying
- Horizontal location is determined through DGPS
- Vertical Depth is determined through the use of
an echosounder - Data is asynchronous
- Quality control measures are enforced
32Asynchronous Data
- Data from the GPS and Echosounder are not logged
at the same time - GPS post-processing interpolates the location of
the echosounder data - Errors due to interpolation were kept to a
minimum by controlling survey speed (4 knots) and
obtaining a GPS fix every second
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34- Typically this type of survey is done in areas
that have seen a population density change over
the recent years
35Other ways Maryland Geological Survey is using
- Coastal Shoreline Change Mapping
- Water Well Location and Monitoring
- Sinkhole Location Mapping
36Contact for more information
- Richard Ortt
- 410-554-5541
- rortt_at_mgs.md.gov
37Public Lands Division
- State Park Trails and Boundaries
38- GPS is being used in the mapping of state park
boundaries and park trails
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40Contact for more information
- John Dulaney
- 410-260-8419
- Jdulaney_at_dnr.state.md.us
41Western Maryland Community College GPS Utility
- Community Base Stations
- Higher Education
- Employee Training
42Western Maryland Community College GPS Utility
- Community base stations will be located on the
campuses of Garrett Community, Allegany and
Hagerstown Junior Colleges - The base station data will be accessible through
a Frostburg State University web page - The Garrett Community College base station will
be NGS CORS compliant
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44Western Maryland Community College GPS Utility
- Classes will be available at all four colleges
- Estimated 150 credit students, 170 continuing
education students and over 18 local businesses
will benefit this program every year through
classroom training
45Western Maryland Community College GPS Utility
- The primary objective of this project is to
bolster the economic outlook of the area - GPS Receivers will be available to local
businesses to rent, enabling them to be more
competitive with the out of area businesses who
already use GPS technology
46Western Maryland Community College GPS Utility
- Contact for more information
- Steve Resh
- 301-784-5307
- steve_at_ac.cc.md.us