Title: Physics objectives
1MultiPurpose Detector MPD Status Report
NICA Round Table III Dubna, 5-6 November
2008 V.Kekelidze
- Introduction
- Physics objectives
- First approach to MPD concept
- Progress in MPD project preparation
- - software environment MPDROOT
- - activity of physics groups
- - End-Cap concept development
- - progress in RD of detectors
- - IT infrastructure
- Plans for 2009
- Conclusions
- The new JINR accelerator facility NICA will
provide - collisions of a variety of ions (from p to U92),
- with max energy ?SNN 9 GeV
- mean luminosity of L1027 cm-2s-1 (for UU
collision) -
- It will allow to study in-medium properties of
hadrons and nuclear matter equation of state
including a search for possible manifestation of
de-confinement and/or chiral symmetry
restoration, phase transition QCD critical
end-point - in the energy region of ?SNN 3-9 GeV
- the Multi Purpose Detector MPD should be designed
- and constructed to carry out these relevant
- at the first stage of experiment it was proposed
to study hadron productions in various ion
interactions - on energy centrality scanning
- leptonic probes - feasibility is under study
- probably requires a dedicated experiment
4MPD experiment first stage objectives
- Event-by-event fluctuation in hadron productions
- (multiplicity, Pt etc.)
- HBT correlations indicating the space-time size
of the systems involving p, K, p, ? - (possible changes close to the de-confinement
point) - Multi-strange hyperon production
- yield spectra (the probes of nuclear media
phases) -
- Directed elliptic flows for various hadrons
- .
5MPD Project Preparation
- The first LoI version is available
- MPD conceptual design is proposed with an
acceptance close to 4p - Alternative solutions are indicated for some of
the subdetectors taking into account possible
sharing of commitments by potential collaborators - organization of the corresponding Collaboration
is in progress
- The MPD Collaboration
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, RF
- Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical
- Physics, NAS, Ukraine
- Nuclear Physics Institute of MSU, RF
- Institute of Applied Physics, AS, Moldova
- new members are welcome to join
A consortium was organized involving GSI, JINR
other centers, for the IT module development
6MPD conceptual design
General View
- 0.5T solenoid with closed yoke
- Major tracker - TPC
- Inner Tracker - silicon strips
- for tracking close to the interaction region
- Outer Tracker
- straw barrel (optional)
- Time Of Flight RPC
- ( start/stop sys.)
- for charged particle ID
- ECAL shashlyk type
- for e, ?, ?0 reconstruction
- End Cap Tracker
- to cover enlarged ? region
- - challenging task
- for tracking in solenoid field
7Further Progress in Project Preparation
directions of activity
- development of theoretical models corresponding
generators - A.Sorin, V.Skokov, V.Toneev, K.Gudima,I.Mandjavidz
e, J.Musulmanbekov et al.
- maintenance development of software environment
- MPDROOT - group of O.Rogachevsky
- Detector concept optimization for various physics
tasks - charged hadron production- D.Arkhipkin
et al. - ?, ?0 and hyperon production A.Kechechyan,
M.Tokarev et al. - leptonic observables A.Olchevsky, I.Tyapkin
et. al. - other groups leaders to be
- End-Cap concept development
- O.Rogachevsky, V.Golovatyuk, A.Zinchenko,
D.Arkhipkin, - V.Peshekhonov, Yu.Kiryushin et al.
8Further Progress in Project Preparation
directions of activity
- detector RD progressing in many groups
- beam test facility preparation plans
under discussion - E.Strokovsky, G.Trubnikov, A.Kovalenko
- IT infrastructure development Yu.
Potrebenikov et al. - management program corresponding software
preparation - Yu.Potrebenikov, D.Madigozhin, N.Molokanova
- MPD allocation ( cost estimates), engineering
harness designs - Russian State Specialized Design Institute
(Rossatom, Moscow) - N.Agapov, A.Shabunov,V.Borisov
9Progress in MPD Project Preparation
- Development of the MPDROOT software
- - general framework
- GEANT-4 based simulation
- detector geometry
- track reconstruction
O.Rogachevskys group
Detector geometry in MPDROOT
TOF (RPS based)
11Event display (geometry selected tracks)
12Physic tasks first steps
Lambda reconstruction A.
Kechechyan et al. generated reconstructed 1000
decays in AuAu at ?SNN 9 GeV
mass resolution spectra
? 11 MeV/c2
13Physic tasks first steps
charged hadron production K/? ratio
D. Arkhipkin et al.
yields particle ratios reference points
14Physic tasks first steps
Electromagnetic observables A.Olchevsky,
I.Tyapkin, etc.
15First estimation of lepton background
V.M.Golovatyuk, S.P.Lobastov et al.
electron / positron production by URQMD
MPDROOT 1000 interactions of Au Au
origin of vertices (MC) of all produced e? with
p gt 200 MeV/c
16Progress in TPC design
Yu.Zanevskys group
?lt1 0.1GeV/c lt Pt lt 3GeV/c B0.5T Br/Bz
10-4 Ar/CH4 90/10
first stage goal - pad structure optimization
design geometry description simulation of
electron clusters along the track
electron drifts in the TPC gas volume gas
amplification induced charge on the pads pad
signal readout
17Pad Structure
Progress in TPC design
Yu.Zanevskys group
18Progress in TPC design
AuAu collision (1100 tracks)
all pad signals in the event
Signals on pads for different ADC samples
5th sample
905th sample
19Typical track reconstruction efficiency
ECT complementary toTPC to extend pseudorapidity
20MPD End-Cap conception development
21MPD End-Cap conception development
straw wheels
occupancy /straw lt 15
occupancy per channel could be reduced by
implementing sampled straw
22End-Cap concept development
Straw Wheels geometry in MPDROOT
ECT - Straw Wheel each consecutive layer is
rotated with respect to the previous one to cover
all gaps and to provide necessary hits (60
layers in total)
23End-Cap concept development ECT
- to enlarge the acceptance over pseudo rapidity
region End-Cap elements have been added - - ECT (Straw Wheels)
- TOF (RPS chambers)
Requires further development probably 1 2
extra planes with high granularity
24End-Cap concept development
to improve tracking vertex reconstruction
efficiency additional2 CPC for ECT 3 disks
of SSD for ITare proposed
25RD progress in RPC modules for TOF
V.Golovatyuks group
10-gap RPC module prototype assembling
installation of the fish-line coiling on the
external readout board
fish-line is using as a spacer
installation of the glass electrode with the
conductive paint
assembled prototype with the fast preamp
developed by ALICE on the base of NINO chip
26RD progress in Shashlyk ECal
A.Olchevsky, I.Tyapkin, etc.
ECal module with 9 avalanche PD
27RD progress in Shashlyk ECal
Sampling ADC front-end electronics (50 MHz)
constructed by the group of Dr. S.Basylev
28RD progress in Shashlyk ECal
A.Olchevsky, I.Tyapkin, etc.
Energy resolution data and simulation
- New type of calorimeter using avalanche photo
detectors, - has been successfully tested for the first time
- It was shown a wide dynamic range high energy
resolution - expected for such calorimeters
- First estimations indicate potential possibility
- to reach 100 ps level in time resolution
29ECAL (shashlyk) potential possibilities
A.Olchevsky, I.Tyapkin, etc.
Energy resolution 2.5 /vE ? good p
identification Time resolution 80ps /vE ?
TOF for charged particle id ? suppression of
pile-up electronic noise
30RD progress in Segmented Straw
to provide achieve low occupancy safe
operation in harsh environments
V.Peshekhonovs group
- a prototype is developed for the beam testing
with - double Layer Detector
- (anode high-voltage)
- FEE (low-noise amplifiers)
- DAQ (interface PCI-Express
- 64-channels TDC)
Double Layer Detector contains 2x48 straws (?
4 mm L 40cm) 400 segments (L
10cm/segment) FEE density FEE is 1 ch. / 1mm
31End Cap Wheel prototyping
V.Peshekhonovs group
Segmented prototype for EC 35o sector 6 layers
(R, 7o, -7o, R, 7o, -7o) Rin 300 mm, Ro1300
mm 192 straws ? 4 mm, L 1000mm
fragment of 4 layer wheel tracker
The first prototype should be ready for tests in
32RD progress in IT
Yu.Murin, V.Nikitin, et al.
(Kharkov), IHEP, Saint-Petersburg Uni.,
Saint-Petersburg Radium Inst., ITEP
Double side silicon micro strip sensor
(15x15mm2, 50um strips, 285 um thickness, 256
channels) mounted on a base plate with super low
mass cables for PS readout
33Zero Degree Calorimeter
A.Kurepin et al. INR
34Development of IT Infrastructure
Group of Yu.Potrebenikov
35Plans for 2009
- Completion of general MPD conceptual design
- preparation the corresponding document MPD CDR
- Continuation of RD for all subsystems
- in cooperation with (potential) collaborators
- Design and construction of prototypes for
- TPC module
- RPC based TOF supermodule
- Straw wheel segment
- ..
- Test beam facility preparation
- MPD LoI with first approach to the conceptual
design - is available since the beginning of 2008
- The next stage is - preparation of MPD
CDR - taking into account End Cap tracking
- particle ID performances
- RDs are well advanced in various subsystems
- A formation of appropriate groups is going on and
- the reparation of MPD project in general is
- Further development of the MPD project
- requires acceleration of the appropriate
Collaboration - formation
- General Agreements on Cooperation are signed
between the JINR and GSI, Helmholtz acc., INFN - cooperative works in this field of research
- are carried out together with many Russian
- world centers
- the collaboration is growing
38Thank you
- Further development of the MPD project
- requires the enlargement of MPD Collaboration
- New SPD project preparation has started
- General Agreements on Cooperation are signed
between the JINR and GSI, Helmholtz acc., INFN - cooperative works in this field of research
- are carried out together with many Russian
- world centers
- the collaboration is growing
41 Evolution diagram
Hadronisation, hadronic phase chemical
QGP formation hydrodynamic expansion
Hadronic phase kinetic freeze-out
Start of the collision
Chemical freeze-out finish of inelastic
interactions Kinetic freeze-out finish of
elastic interactions. ____________________________
_______ ) freeze-out here means to get
421. Search for mixed phase of strongly interacting
What to look for ?
Elliptic flow of central fireball matter
One has to measure the ellipticity parameter
?(Etotal) ?ps?/?py?
- New strategic course of the JINR in relativistic
heavy ions is proclaimed - to study of various phases of strongly
interacting matter - It is based on
- development of the home accelerator facility
- from Nuclotron to NICA
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics is a high priority
task in many scientific centers (BNL, CERN, GSI,
JINR,..) since last few decades
Theoretical motivation of relativistic heavy ion
study at JINR is well founded in the works
of A.Sissakian, A.Sorin, V.Toneev, G.Zinoviev et
44TPC geometry (MPDROOT)
45TOF (RPC based) geometry (MPDROOT)
46ZDC geometry (MPDROOT)
47Event display (geometry) under MPDROOT
48End-Cap concept development ECT
- Comparison of two versions of End-Cap tracking
- TPC alone
- TPC ECT (Straw Wheels) ETOF
- at various limits on momentum resolution
49ECT straw wheel
Stereo wheel construction each stereo wheel
contains 4 layers of radial straws with different
50MPD conceptual design
Towards 4p acceptance to cover a wide
pseudorapidity range
51DAQ Computing
- events 2 10 10
- disk space 10 000 TB
- PCs 1800
52Physics Objectives
FAZA at Nuclotron
S.Avdeev, V.Karnaukhov effects of phase
transition in thermal multifragmentation
HADES CBM A.Malakhov,
Yu.Zanevsky, Yu.Murin at SIS 18, 100/300 GSI
NA49 -gt NA61 at SPS CERN
G.Melkumov STAR at RHIC BNL
R.Lednicky, Yu.Panebratcev ALICE at LHC CERN
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