Title: Zanyeni School Summer 2006 teacher exchange
1Zanyeni School Summer 2006teacher exchange
- Mrs. R. Bond, Mrs. W. Farmer and Dr. P. Holding
- Sir William Borlases Grammar School
- Marlow, England
2Summer 2006
- We spent two weeks in Setabataba village living
and working at Zanyeni School - Our main focus was working with the teachers to
offer new teaching strategies and to work on
lesson planning. - We stayed with local families and had the
opportunity to learn a great deal about local
life and to see first hand the challenges faced
daily by teachers and learners. - The following slides will hopefully give a
flavour of our time in the village and the school.
3A typical house in the village. The round
buildings are called rondavels and are used for
cooking and entertaining.
4We travelled with 3 teachers from Our Ladys
School in Hackney, London
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8Carrying water home from the standpipe
9Our loo
10Tina River valley
11Our neighbour and hostess Mrs. Lesesa
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15The foundation classrooms at Zanyeni School
16Morning assembly
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19The marching songto lessons
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21Sports day with Kanya Secondary School
22Primary games
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26Resource room
27Year three classroom
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29Year one maths
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31A new way to display work!
32Reception class
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34Feeding scheme for years R-4. Bread is delivered
and given to the children at break.
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36What kids do when they dont have video games or
tv entertain them
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38Laundry done in the river.
39Afternoon chores
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51Gospel choir
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53Listening to the choir
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62Wrapping up in our blankets when it gets cold!
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64Village life
- The next slides were taken by the students using
disposable cameras - They were asked to take photos of their homes and
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72Farewell and more
- The end of our stay came all to quickly.
- On our last evening the teachers created a
banquet for us and we were treated to a cultural
demonstration of traditional dances performed by
the students. - We headed off to Durban where we were able to
visit Hlulhuwe National Game Reserve and see some
of the Big five.
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