Title: Overview of the Political and Policy Context
1Overview of the Political and Policy Context
- RCSLT Policy and Partnerships Team
2How is UK Government policy developed?
- Labour Party Policy (manifesto, NPF, Annual
Conference) - No. 10 Policy Unit
- Lead Minister and Advisers
- Parliament (MPs and Select Committees)
- Think Tanks
- Sector policy developments (best practice, new
drugs/treatments) - External drivers (media, events, EU,
Opposition, NGOs)
3UK Parliament Government Departments
House of Commons
House of Lords
Prime Minister
Cabinet Ministers
Government Departments
Home Office
Cabinet Office
HM Treasury
Wales Office
Scotland Office
NI Office
Dept. of Intern Dev
4Overview of key government departments in England
- Once Ministers have decided on the direction of
travel and set the vision on the future eg of the
NHS, it is the role of civil servants to turn
this vision into policy. Civil servants rotate
in the policy areas that they are responsible
for. They do not have clinical expertise for a
given area. - In England, the key Government departments that
the RCSLT has been developing a relationship with
include Department of Health, Department for
Education Skills and the Home Office.
5Policy Areas
There has been little public affairs/lobbying
type activity in England due to a lack of
capacity. The pressure has been for AHPs to work
together and ministers refuse to meet with
individual AHP organisations. Our profile
politically is good.
6The Scottish ExecutiveAccountable to people
through the Scottish Parliament
First Minister
Deputy First Minister
Scottish Executive Ministers
Minister for Communities incl. Equal Opps and
Local Authorities
Minister for Education and Young People
Minister for Lifelong Learning
Minister for Health and Community Care
Minister for Justice
Scottish Executive Departments
Justice Department (SEJD)
Health Department (SEHD)
Education Department (SEED)
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning (SEELLD)
Development Dept incl. Social Justice and Local
7The Scottish Parliament129 Members of the
Scottish Parliament - MSPs
Labour - 50
- How they can influence
- Committee
- Oral Questions
- Written Questions
- Motions for debate
- Members Bills
- Structures
- Committees
- Health Comm. Care
- Education
- Life Long Learning
- Communities
- Justice
- Cross Party Groups
- Children and Young
- Disability
- CI Working Group
- Party Spokespeople
Scottish Nationalists Party (SNP) - 25
Lib Dems - 17
Conservative - 17
Greens - 7
Scot. Socialist - 6
Independents - 6
8The Political Context N.I.
Assembly Dissolved
Assembly Reinstated
Members of the Local Assembly Reinstated
9Good Friday Agreement
Northern Ireland Assembly MLAs
Direct Government
North/South Ministerial Council The North/South
Ministerial Council (NSMC) was established on 2
December 1999, under the terms of the Good Friday
Agreement. It brings together Ministers from the
Northern Ireland Assembly and the Irish
Government, on a regular basis, to develop
consultation, co-operation and action within the
island of Ireland on matters of mutual interest
within the competence of both administrations.
10Northern Ireland Assembly M.L.As
- Policy relating to
- culture, arts and leisure
- education enterprise, trade and investment
- environment
- finance and personnel
- agriculture and rural development
- health
- social services and public safety
- higher and further education, training and
employment - regional development
- social development
North/South Harmonisation structures
Political constraints to policy development due
to cultural and religious differences
Working to the Agendas Of Two governments
11The National Assembly for Wales and Welsh
- Parliament passed the Government of Wales Act
1998, which established the National Assembly for
Wales, and the National Assembly for Wales
(Transfer of Functions) Order 1999, which enabled
the transfer of the devolved powers and
responsibilities from the Secretary of State for
Wales to the Assembly took place on 1 July1999.
Subsequently many acts of Parliament have given
new powers to the Assembly. - The Assembly decides on its priorities and
allocates the funds made available to it from the
Treasury. Within its powers, the Assembly
develops policy and approves legislation, which
reflects the needs of the people of Wales.
Politicians, who are accountable, through the
ballot box, to voters in Wales, make decisions
about these issues. - The National Assembly for Wales consists of 60
AMs as a whole. It has delegated many of its
powers to the First Minister he in turn has
delegated to the Cabinet ministers, the Welsh
Assembly Government. - Wales remains part of the UK and the Secretary of
State for Wales and Members of Parliament (MPs)
from Welsh constituencies continue to have seats
in Westminster. Laws passed by Parliament in
Westminster still apply to Wales.
12National Assembly for Wales60 AMs
First Minister
Welsh Assembly Government
Minister of Finance
Business Minister
Minister of Social Justice
Minister of Economic Development and Transport
Minister of Education and Life long Learning
Minister of Health and Social Care
Minister of Culture Welsh Language and Sport
Minister of Planning and Country-side
13RCSLT public affairs objectives should include
- To establish the RCSLT as an influential
professional body in the different parliamentary
legislatures on communication impairment - To promote and defend patients and RCSLT members
interests in support of RCSLT policies - To influence the views of politicians of all
parties, and the political parties, on
health/education development related issues - To offer politicians assistance in drafting
legislation, speeches, motions and questions - To advise the Policy and Partnerships Board and
the RCSLT Secretariat on opportunities across the
UK Legislatures to promote RCSLT policies - To continue to strengthen our influence with all
civil services and other policy makers. - For the future well bring back RCSLT Objectives,
a strategy and work programme that reflects the
above and where our messages are as clear as