Title: What does NACD do for my district
1What does NACD do for my district?
Show me
2Technical Assistance Funds
- FY 05 collectively, MO SWCDs received
- 221,279
- Mechanism contribution agreements
- System is not perfect
reimbursement for assisting NRCS implement Farm
Bill programs
3How did NACD make this happen?
- Suggested improvements in Technical Service
Provider (TSP) policy and rules. - Made conservation districts eligible as TSPs...
- So they can receive 50 cost reimbursement.
We wish it were this easy!
4Section 319 Funds
- Calendar Year 2004 collectively, MO SWCDs
received 570,985 - Each year, Section 319 Nonpoint Program funds
5How did NACD make this happen?
- NACD spent significant time protecting base
dollars. - Efforts include continually relaying district
success stories to congress.
- NACD has delivered
- Since 1990, 319 funds have grown from 37 million
to 209 million annually.
209 Million
6Farm Bill Program Funds
- Fiscal Year 2005
- MO cooperators will receive over 50 million in
financial assistance through Farm Bill
conservation title. - (excludes technical assistance funding).
7Farm Bill Program Funds
Environmental Quality Incentives Program was part
of the total. For 03, 04, and first half 05,
MO cooperators received 48,555,432.
8Farm Bill Program Funds
Financial Assistance to MO Producers (Programs
Administered by NRCS) FY 2004 FY
2005 EQIP 17.8 Million 17.9 Million WRP
14.7 Million 11.6 Million GRP
3.2 Million 2.8 Million FRPP
600,000 612,000 WHIP 510,000
541,000 Watersheds 4.6 Million
4.3 Million CSP 2.5 Million
12.7 Million TOTAL 41,410,000 50,4
9How did NACD make this happen?
- NACD led concerted partnership efforts during
formation of 2002 Farm Bill. - NACD members testified before congressional
committees. - NACD employed its grass roots network to send
specific messages to congress members. - Many of you participated.
10NRCS Conservation Operations
Approximately 22 million Approximately
193,000 for each MO SWCD
11How did NACD make this happen?
- NACD works hard to protect this account within
NRCS budget - NACD emphasizes funds should pay for technical
assistance for cooperators without regard to
program participation - FY 2006 NACD supports 878 M for this account.
12NRCS Conservation Operations
FY 2005 Final
FY 2005 Admin
FY 2006 House
FY 2006 Senate
FY 2006 NACD
13Conservation Operations and the Farm Bill
- Nationwide, Year 2000
- Less than 10 of USDA conservation staff paid
with Farm Bill funds - Other 90 paid mostly with funds from
Conservation Operations account - Most of their technical work addressed Farm Bill
program participants - So essentially, Farm Bill programs drained
Conservation Operations left it unable to
fulfill its purpose.
Where Do Their Salaries Come From?
Farm Bill
Conservation Operations
14What did NACD do?
- NACD fought for each program to pay for its own
technical assistance. - Argued that Conservation Operations funds should
pay for service without regard to program
participation. - In early 2005, Congress agreed.
- Today, about 50 paid from Farm Bill
- Today, districts enjoy additional 3000 USDA staff
Farm Bill
Conservation Operations
15District Office Overhead
- How much does your district pay to rent office
space? - How much do you pay for your district employees
to drive NRCS vehicles? - Probably minimal or nothing if you are co-located
with NRCS. - NACD lobbies Congress for these dollars.
- Cost FY 05 Covered 336 SWCD employees at 1.1
16Conservation Security Program
17How did NACD make this happen?
- NACD worked with coalition.
- NACD communicated with key congress members.
- NACD will continue to insist that Congress fund
program as entitlement.
18Funds from Fish and Wildlife Service
- FY 2004 33.6 M nationwide
- MOs share 90,000
19Building a grass roots network
- Job never ends.
- Principal Legislative Contacts (PLCs) in
virtually every state and territory. - Training sessions, educational pieces,
improvements in PLC communications
20Endangered Species Act Improvements
- NACD positioned to effect improvements
- Issue for all lands not just West
- NACD at the table
- Economical farming and conservation practices to
benefit endangered species
21Conservation Policy Development
- Nine NACD committees
- Paved way for districts to participate in fire
prevention - Supported Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative
earmarks (MO received 746 K in FY05) - Fought for rules for expanding programs to apply
to all producers - Conservation Security Program Fairly successful
covering all farm types
22Were Also Working On
- Drought
- Energy
- Climate Change
- Transportation
- District Official Candidate Recruitment
- Walk a Mile in My Boots
- Farm Bill 2007
- Information and Technology
23Own Your National Association
- We ask each district to pay at least 775.00 to
fund these activities and more. - If your budget will not allow it, please
contribute what you can.