Title: Humanitarian sector response
1Humanitarian sector response
- Business as usual
- Donor driven
- Unaware of scenarios
- 150 barrel ?
- Training on alternatives
2Can we predict the price of oil ?
Source The World Bank Group. Energy Unit, Energy
Transport and Water Department.
September, 2006
3Alternatives Local food production
Source Permaculture Research Institute
4- After 1 year
- No fossil fuels
- Permaculture design
- Food security
Passive water harvesting
Source Permaculture Research Institute
5- Plant biomass
- Kitchen waste
- Water
- Urine
- Manure
Soil regeneration quick compost
Source Permaculture Research Institute IDEP
6Are we building resilience or vulnerability ?
Source IMC, BBC
7Buildings and energy
Source Association la Voute Nubienne, SECMOL
8Transitional Settlements Maldives
Source Government of Maldives / UN OCHA
9Possible alternatives Light and power
Source East Africa Trust, Solar Aid
10A range of alternatives
- Various technologies to suit local context
11RESET objectives
- Increase awareness
- Training based on local research
- New models for new challenges
- Partnerships much already exists
- Consultancy for post disaster recovery
- Build a bridge technology response