Title: Welcome to the MDGs
1Welcome to the MDGs
- Millennium
- Development
- Goals
2Six Billion Voices This world will do what we
- Did You Know? In wealthier nations, one out of
143 children dies before the age of five. In
low-income countries, it's one in 10.
3Why? The Millennium Goals
- More than 1 billion people in the world live on
less than 1.00 a day. In total, 2.7 billion
people struggle to survive on less than 2.00 a
day. -
4Why? The Millennium Goals
- Poverty in the developing world, however goes far
beyond income poverty. -
- It means having to walk more than a mile everyday
simply to collect water and firewood, and
suffering from diseases that were eradicated from
rich countries decades ago. - Every year, eleven million people die, most fo
whom are under the age of 5. - More than six million of these children die from
completely preventable or treatable causes like
malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia
5Millennium Development Goals
- Is anybody doing anything to eradicate poverty?
- The answer is Yes! And you can help.
6Millennium Development Goals
- This is not about being poor. This is about
living a slow death this is about the poverty
that kills.
7Millennium Development Goals
- In 2000 leaders from 189 nations -- including the
United States -- agreed to cut extreme global
poverty in half by 2015. 189 world leaders
unanimously adopted the Millennium Declaration,
8Millennium Development Goals
- "We will spare no effort to free our fellow men,
women and children from the abject and
dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty to
which more than 1 billion of them are currently
subjected." - - Kofi Annan
9Millennium Development Goals
- The declaration led to the articulation of eight
specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to
be achieved between - 2000
- and
- 2015.
10The Millennium Development Goals offer
- An unparalleled opportunity to make the world a
better place - A formal recognition that poverty can be solved
when both the rich and poor world work together - A practical and achievable set of targets for
international development by the year 2015
11Millennium Development Goals
- The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the
world's time-bound and quantified targets for - addressing extreme poverty, hunger and disease,
- lack of adequate shelter,
- exclusion-while promoting gender equality,
education, - and environmental sustainablity.
- The rights of each person on the planet earth to
health, education, shelter, and security.
12Millennium Development Goals
- They committed themselves and their nations to
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
13In a world where
- 1.2 billion people currently live on less than
US1/day - 28,000 children die from poverty-related causes
everyday - Every 3.6 seconds another person dies of
starvation and the large majority are children
under the age of 5. (Source UN Millennium
Project) - MDG 1 aims to
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15Goal 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
- Cut in half the proportion of people (starting
at the 1990 proportion) whose income amounts to
less than a dollar a day, and who suffer from
16In a world where
- 115 million school-aged children are not in
school - 133 million young people cannot read and write
- Every day more than 100 million children are
denied the chance to go to school - MDG 2 aims to
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18Goal 2Achieve Universal Primary Education
- All children both girls and boys should be
able to complete a full course of primary
schooling everywhere in the world.
19In a world where
- Two-thirds of the worlds illiterate people are
female. - MDG 3 aims to
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21Goal 3Promote Gender Equality Empower Women
- Eliminate gender disparities in primary and
secondary education at all levels.
22In a world where
- Over 11 million children under the age of five
die each year, most from preventable diseases - MDG 4 aims to
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24Goal 4Reduce child mortality
- Reduce the deaths of children under five years
old by two-thirds.
25In a world where
- More than 500,000 women die from complications of
pregnancy and childbirth every year - More than 50 million women suffer from poor
reproductive health and serious pregnancy-related
illness and disability - Every minute, a woman somewhere dies in pregnancy
or childbirth. This adds up to 1,400 women dying
each day-an estimated 529,000 each year-from
pregnancy-related causes. - MDG 5 aims to
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27Goal 5Improve Maternal Health
- Reduce maternal mortality by three-quarters,
so women need not fear childbirth.
28In a world where
- Malaria causes more than 300 million acute
illnesses and at least one million deaths
annually - Every 30 seconds an African child dies of
malaria-more than one million child deaths a
year. - An estimated two million deaths resulted from
tuberculosis in 2002 - Everyday HIV/AIDS kills 6,000 people and another
8,200 people are infected with this deadly virus.
- TB is the leading AIDS-related killer and in some
parts of Africa, 75 percent of people with HIV
also have TB. - Each year, nearly 2 million people die of TB,
despite the availability of inexpensive
treatments that are effective in up to 95 of
cases. - MDG 6 aims to
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30Goal 6Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
- Halt and begin to reverse the spread of
HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other
major iseases. -
31In a world where
- Over 2.4 billion people lack access to proper
sanitation facilities and one billion lack access
to drinkable water - More than 2.6 billion people-over 40 per cent of
the world's population-do not have basic
sanitation, and more than one billion people
still use unsafe sources of drinking water. - Four out of every ten people in the world don't
have access even to a simple latrine. - Five million people, mostly children, die each
year from water-borne diseases. - Every day 1.1 billion people have to drink
polluted water - Forests are disappearing at unprecedented rates
MDG 7 aims to
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33Goal 7Ensure Environmental Sustainability
- Make drinking water safer and improve the lives
of 100 million slum dwellers - Reverse loss of environmental resources
- Integrate principles of sustainable development
34In a world where
- Cows receive more aid than people (Europes cows
receive 2/day in subsidies) - Many developing countries spend more on interest
repayments on their debt than they do on health
and education combined - Only 5 of the worlds rich countries give the
amount of aid they committed to in 1970 - MDG 8 aims to
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36Goal 8Develop a Global Partnership for
- Enable donors, governments, corporations,
faith-based groups, non-governmental
organizations, and individuals to work together
to achieve these goals.
37Can it happen?
- If all the wealthy nations of the world work
together, we can accomplish all these
things by - 2015
- HOW?
38What One Can Do
- Pray
- Educate
- Advocate
- Give
39Church at work
- Lambeth 1998
- Jubilee 2000?
- GC 2000
- GC 2003
- ONE launches w/ support from ERD,
- GC 2006 top priority, goal all dioceses by 2007
- Become an intercessor on behalf of the poor and
those who work to address poverty. Prayer is
the way we join our work with Gods work, our
hope with Gods hope. It is the way we connect
our actions and love with the mission of God.
- Hold a U2charist.
- Whats a U2charist?
42- A U2charist is an Episcopal Eucharist service
that features the music of the rock band U2 and a
message about God's call to rally around the
Millennium Development Goals.
43- The U2charist is a great opportunity to reach out
to the people in your congregation and larger
community, especially young people.
44- This service the music and message of U2 about
global reconciliation, justice for the poor and
oppressed, and the importance of and of caring
for your neighbor.
45- Led by the global MDG ambassador, Bono, U2 is
calling people worldwide to a deeper faith and
engagement with God's mission. The U2charist
seeks to be an extension of this ministry.
- Use your power.
- Raise your voice.
- Join others.
- How?
48Advocacy Groups
- ONE Campaign www.one.org
- and ONE Episcopalian
49MDG Advocacy Groups
- Micah Challange
- Bread for the World
- R.E.S.U.L.T.S.
- CARE Action Teams
50Advocate EPPNThe Episcopal Public Policy
51- GIVE
- 0.7
- Tangible, measurable, proportional
- where your treasure is, there will your heart be
also. (Luke 1234) - Our relationship with wealth is our greatest
spiritual challenge. - Provides resources for common mission building
52But where to give faithfully?
- Wherever your heart leads you!
- There are many great choices at hand.
53Give Faithfully
54Give Faithfully
55Notable quotes
- "Ours is the first generation in the history of
the world with the ability to eradicate extreme
poverty. We have the means, the resources and the
know-how. All we lack is the will." Dr. Jeffrey
D. Sachs
56From Our New Presiding Bishop
- "This church has said that our larger vision will
be framed and shaped in the coming years by the
vision of shalom embedded in the Millennium
Development Goals a world where the hungry are
fed, the ill are healed, the young educated,
women and men treated equally,
57From Our New Presiding Bishop
- and where all have access to clean water and
adequate sanitation, basic health care, and the
promise of development that does not endanger the
rest of creation. - That vision of abundant life is achievable in our
own day, but only with the passionate commitment
of each and every one of us. It is God's vision
of homecoming for all humanity."
58The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- CARE Joe Iarocci of the Cathedral give 200
white bands for distribution around diocese
59The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- Diocesan MDG Task Force established Dec. 2005
begins survey of current MDG work around diocese - Parishes begin adding 0.7 minimum giving to
their budgets.
60The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- Parishes around the diocese do MDG studies Advent
2004 and Lent 2005, 2006, using Alkire and
Lloyds books, Preach the Gospel at All Times,
The End of Poverty and Bread for the Worlds
2006 Offering of Letters
61The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- Two U2charists, at St. Francis, Macon, and All
Saints, Atlanta help lead to the huge success of
a U2charist at General Convention, June 2006.
62The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- Stand Up Against Poverty global initiative joined
by 17 parishes around the diocese, Oct. 15, 2005,
setting a world record.
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65The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- Bishops Annual Address to council
- "I want to invite the Diocese of Atlanta to be a
leader among the dioceses of the Episcopal Church
and the Anglican Communion in support of the
Millennium Development Goals
66The Diocese of Atlanta at workan MDG timeline
- This is about a great deal more than putting a
rather modest amount of money on the table. It is
about education. It is about spirituality. It is
about faith. It is about discipleship. Can we
seriously call ourselves disciples of Jesus and
not be about the business of changing the world?
I don't think so."
67- Episcopalians for
- Global Reconciliation
- Ending Poverty. Uniting the Church
- Healing a Broken World
- www.e4gr.org
68What will you find on their website.
- U2 Eucharists
- MDG Toolkits
- What One Can Do
- Prayers, Sermons, Litanies
- Understanding the MDGs
- Ways to make your gift to the MDGs
69The World at work
70 Be part of an international movement to
71The World at work
- Stand UpAgainst Poverty
- Official Guinness Verification The world record
for the most people to 'Stand Up Against Poverty'
in 24 hours was set on 15 - 16 October 2006 for
the United Nation's Millennium Campaign and
involved a massive total of 23,542,614
participants in 11,646 events around the globe. - Africa - 3,624,381 Arab Region - 516,949 Asia -
18,195,126 Europe - 894,854 Latin America the
Caribbean - 54,901 North America - 163,066
Oceania - 93,337
72The Power of ONE together
- Every diocese - 1.2 million/year
- Every parish - 9.8 million/year
- Every Episcopalian - 354 million/year
- U.S. Government - 75 billion/year
- Rich Countries -- 175 billion/year
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77Thank you
78Powerpoint Presentation by
- The Rev. Canon Debra Shew
- Amanda Meng
- From the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta