Title: Professional Development
1Professional Development
- Deb Stone Director of Academic Human Resources
(debstone_at_uiuc.edu) - Tiy Goddard Manager of Professional Development
(tiy_at_uiuc.edu) - Mike Bohlmann Senior Manager of Information
Systems (mikeb_at_uiuc.edu)
3Audience Profile
- Civil Service or Academic Professional?
- Purely technical?
- Purely management?
- Mix?
4IT Careers
- Up is not the only way
- Emerging technologies new opportunities for
those prepared - Differentiate yourself
5Professional Development Plan
- Assessment of your current position
- Assessment of your skills
- Assessment of your desires
- Create the plan
- Follow through
6What are your current issues?
- Are you new to your job?
- Do you need to improve your performance?
- Do you want to move into management?
- Are your technical skills up to date?
- Do you want to stay in higher education?
- Do you want to stay at the University of
Illinois? - Does your life situation keep you in the area?
- Do you just not know the answers to these
7Pinnacles Foothills
- To think about moments and reflect
- Learn what they reveal about you
- Done best with a partner who can ask you
questions a mentor?
8Pinnacle Moments
- Describe a high point in your career
- What about that event was fulfilling or
invigorating? - 2 minutes
9Foothill Moments
- Describe a low point in your career
- What about that event was deflating or
disappointing? - 2 minutes
10Pinnacle Foothill Moments
- Verbally talk about the moment with someone
- They should summarize the qualities or traits
that they hear back to you - Think about these areas for your professional
11Six Questions
- What interests you most about recent developments
in your organization or field? - How do your current skills and strengths apply to
those interests? - What about your work is most important to you?
- What are your must haves in a job?
- What limits your options in your current job or
future jobs? - Is now the time to think about working in another
12Action Plan
- Consider where you are now and where you want to
be - Think of things you can do to get to there
- Organize into immediate, medium term, and long
13Follow Through
- Keep a journal of your plan and your action
- Review your plan and progress periodically Put
it on your calendar! - Find a mentor
14A Word on Mentors
- Main types
- Wise leader
- Peer mentor
- Confidante
- Keep you accountable
- Give you another perspective
15Personal Development Resources
- Deb Stone
- Director, Academic Human Resources
- Careers tab Career Enrichment Resources
- https//nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/cf/career/index.
17Know Yourself
- Self-Assessment Tools free in NESSIE
- Learn your thinking or working style
- Assess career interests
- https//nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/cf/career/index.
18AP Development Fund
- Eligible All 50 or greater FTE, non-visiting
Academic Professionals - Max award 500 every two fiscal years
- Generally requires matching funding from your
unit - Request must be submitted prior to the
19AP Development Fund
- Awards can be used for
- Conference/Seminar/Workshop registration fees,
either on or off campus - 8 Airfare
- 8 Reimbursement of automobile mileage
- 8 Taxis/Trains/Buses/Subways
- 8 Business Expenses (telephone calls, faxes,
etc.) - 8 Toll road charges/Parking charges
- 8 Meals/Lodging
- http//www.provost.uiuc.edu/resources
20Employee Tuition Waiver
- APs
- 25 FTE or greater for at least 3/4 of a term
- eligible for a tuition and fee waiver for
University of IL courses - Civil Service
- 50 or greater status, learner, trainee,
apprentice or provisional appointment - eligible for tuition waiver at Illinois
universities covered by the State University
Civil Service System
21Academic Outreach
- Degree and Certificate Programs
- Guided Individual Study Courses
- On-site and on-line options
- http//www.continuinged.uiuc.edu/outreach/
22Lectures/Luncheon Seminars
- Inside Illinois
- Calendar
- Know Your University Series
24The Premier Library
- Library Gateway
- Link from the campus homepage or
- http//www.library.uiuc.edu/
- Campus mail delivery available
255 Books to Consider Reading
- Strengths Finder 2.0
- Tom Rath
- Developing the Leader Within You
- John C. Maxwell
- Resonant Leadership
- Richard E. Boyzatis and Annie McKee
265 Books to Consider Reading
- If its to be its up to me How to develop the
attitude of a winner and become a leader - Thomas B. Smith
- The CEO of You
- Marsha Petrie Sue
27Training Resources for Professional Development
Tiy Goddard
May 28 Slide 27
28Training for Business Professionals
Mission We Provide and Connect Professional
Development Opportunities and Resources to the
University and to the Community.
- Open Enrollment workshops for University staff
- Free HR seminar series for Supervisors and
30Supervising Take the Stress OUT!
31The Trainers NetworkTeach Less to Learn More
32Custom Business Services
33Custom Business Services
- Strategic Planning
- Needs Assessments Other Tools
- Coaching
- One-on-one programs assist staff at all levels in
various areas - For increased productivity
- For workplace change
- For career planning
- In pursuit of professional goals
34New Initiatives
- Professional Development Programs
- Academic Professionals
- Other Employment Categories
35Other Formal Resources
- Public Affairs
- Decision Support
- Professional Organizations
37Decision Support
38Help Here _at_ Home
39Help Here _at_ Home
40Help Here _at_ Home
- Stretch Assignments on the job
- Intentional work-planning
- Training others
- Volunteering
42Informational Interviewing
- Brief conversation
- No obligation
- Information gathering on interviewees
- Field, Function, Organization
- Priorities
- Goals
- Skills
tel 333-8342 web www.T4B.uiuc.edu
- EDUCAUSE http//www.educause.edu/pd/16009Associ
ation for IT in higher education with a lot of
resources for professional development - Cultivating Careers http//www.educause.edu/cult
ivatingcareers/10452An EDUCAUSE publication on
professional development - Campus Human ResourcesStaff Human Resources
http//www.pso.uiuc.edu/Academic Human Resources
http//www.ahr.uiuc.edu/ - Training for Business Professionals
http//www.t4b.uiuc.edu/ - NESSIECareer enrichment and assessment -
cfm?Item_id3074 - Resources from the Provosts office -
http//www.provost.uiuc.edu/resources - Continuing Education - http//www.continuinged.uiu
c.edu/outreach/ - TechRepublic - http//search.techrepublic.com.com/
elopment.htmlArticles and columns on
professional development in IT - Planning guide inspired by materials from Pattie
Orr, Baylor University pattie_orr_at_baylor.edu