Title: Demand Driven Vocational Training Certification
1- Demand Driven Vocational Training
Certification Recognition of Skills - Situation Analysis India
- Presentation by Y.P. Sharma
- Director
(Trg.) - DGET
- Yp_2007_at_yahoo.com
- Ministry of Labour Employment
- http//dget.gov.in
2Main Focus
- Situation Analysis India
- Labour Market Oriented Vocational Training
- Skill Upgradation Vertical Mobility
- Benchmarking of Skills Recognition for Skill
3Situation Analysis- India Vocational Education
(VE) Vocational Training (VT)
- Internationally, the terms Vocational Education
- and Vocational Training are used
interchangeably - or the use of combined term- Vocational
Education and Training (VET).
- In Indian Context- education and training
- have been traditionally separated.
4- Vocational Education (VE) Vocational Training
(VT) in India - Vocational Education refers to vocational
courses being offered in schools for Grades 11
and 12 students under a Centrally Sponsored
Scheme 'Vocationalization of Secondary
Education. Ministry of Human Resource
Development (MHRD ) has overall responsibility. - Vocational Training is offered through separate
training institutes set up for the purpose
.Ministry of Labour Employment has over all
responsibility . -
5National Vocational Training System(NVTS) Manageme
nt Structure National State Level
- Vocational Training is a concurrent subject
- DGET is the nodal department for formulating
policies, laying down standards, curriculum
development, affiliation of institutes/ courses,
trade testing and certification. - Two tripartite bodies, viz. The Central
Apprenticeship Council (CAC) and the National
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) advise
Central Government on various aspects of VT - Corresponding State Councils advise the State
Governments in respect of vocational training at
State level. - The State Governments are responsible for
implementation of Vocational Training Programmes
at the State level .
6National Vocational Training System
(NVTS) Management Structure National State Level
- State Government Departments deliver
vocational training through - - Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)- under the
administrative and financial control of the
respective State Government . - Industrial Training Centers (ITCs)- privately
funded and managed (some get support from State
7National Vocational Training System(NVTS) Vocatio
nal Training for school leavers
- Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS)
- Vocational Training is offered through more that
5000 institutes (ITIs/ITCs) in 107 trades for
student with 8th to 12th class pass duration
6 months to 3 years . - ITI Graduates after completion of training and
qualifying the Trade Test are awarded National
Trade Certificate (NTC) and perceived as
semi-skilled workers - Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS )
- Shop floor training is offered through 20,700
establishments in 153 trade for student with 8th
to 12th class qualification and ITI Certificate
holders duration 6 months to 4 years . - Trainees after qualifying the Trade Test are
awarded National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC)
and perceived as skilled workers
8National Vocational Training Scheme
- In-service Training
- Long term , Short term tailor made courses are
offered at specialized institutes set up by
Govt. of India at selected ITI s . -
- Women Training
- 25 seats reserved in general ITI s.
- One National and 10 Regional Institutes for
women offering Basic, Advanced Instructor
Training . - Women ITIs/Wings - 837 with 47,000 seats
9Routes to Skills Progression for School leavers
- ITI graduates may enter as Trade Apprentices
and qualify as skilled workers. - Vertical mobility for ITI graduates -
provision for lateral entry in second year have
been kept in Diploma Courses offered at
Polytechnics . - Vocational Education graduates may enter as
Technician Apprentices under Apprenticeship
Training Scheme .
10 Routes to Skills Progression for workers
- Industrial workers upgrade their skills through
short term training programmes offered at DGET
field Institutes and selected ITIs in
specialized areas. - These trained workers are perceived to be highly
skilled - Various Ministries at Central and State level
are also providing specialized training to
workers as per the requirement.
11National Skill Standards(NSS) and their importance
- NSS are set up primarily to specify the minimum
skill and knowledge requirements that the workers
are expected to possess in specific occupational
areas . - Used as a tool for unifying all training
programmes, training standards, training material
. - A National skill testing and certification system
can be establish. - Acceptable means of assessing the competency of
skilled manpower. - Mobility and opportunities in terms of employment
and promotion with in the country and abroad. - NSS for 107 trades under CTS 153 trades for
ATS are developed and in force.
12Demand Driven Vocation Training- present scenario
- New trades are introduced regularly to ensure
that skilled man power is available in employable
emerging areas . - Unpopular trades not relevant to the market needs
are deleted . - Periodic review updation of course curricula
involving experts from Industry. -
13Demand Driven Vocational Training- present
scenario Centres of Excellence (Coe)
- 500 ITIs (100 from domestic and 400 with
World Bank assistance) are being upgraded into
Centre of Excellence . The highlights of the COEs
are - flexible multi-entry/ multi-exit, multi-skilling
modular courses as per the needs of
Industry - active participation of Industry at every stage
for development of COE viz from assessment of
training needs , development of Curricula,
selection of trainees to testing of trainees and
assisting in placement of ITI graduates
14National system of Testing Certification
Testing and Certification (Skills acquired
through formal training )
- A well established trade testing certification
system in the country. - 28 All India Trade Tests held annually for
different levels. - Trainees of ITIs/ITCs and trade Apprentice in
companies are subjected to trade tests at the
national Level . - Written and Practical test , Question Papers are
prepared involving trade experts from Industry - Test papers moderation by academicians.
- National Trade Certificate and National
App.Certificate are awarded under the aegis of
NCVT to ITI Graduates and Trade Apprentices
15National Vocational Training System
(NVTS) Recognition- employability perspective
- Certificates awarded under CTS and ATS are
recognized qualification for employment under
States and Central Government deptts /
Undertakings . - National Certification has credibility both with
in the country abroad . - Industrial workers after skill upgradation are
awarded certificates at the institute level,
which is recognized by sponsoring organization. .
16National Skill Competition - need to participate
in World Skill
- Skill Competition for Craftsmen -- 13 trades
once a year - Skill Competition for Apprentices 15 trades -
twice a year -local, regional All India Level
. - Awards
- Best Craftsmen , Best Apprentices - Merit
certificates Cash price. - Best State Certificate of Merit running
shield - Best Establishment - Certificate of Honour from
the Honble President of India running trophy
. - Work Skills Competitions conducted jointly by
DGET CII once a year in nine trades for
its member industries . -
- .
17World Skills Competition - Participation
- No Participation at international level .
- India decided to become member of World Skill
participate in Worldskills Competition . - Work skill competition jointly conducted by DGET
CII are being modified in line with Worldskills
competitions . - Experienced gained would be useful for
reorienting the training programme offered in the
country to make it world class.
18Vocational Training in Informal Sector
- In India , a large number of workers have
acquired skills in an informal manner - Family tradition/ occupation or by virtue of
being in employment in a particular trade for a
long time. - The skills acquired are in varying areas of
activities - The size of the informal economy in India is
large and about 93 of the total work force is
engaged in the informal economy. - Lack of testing certification of their levels
of skill - attainment results in stagnation without
any scope for elevation.
19Testing and Certification Initiatives for
recognizing informal learning
- Need for introducing system for Testing
Certification of skills acquired informally - Initiative for Testing and Certification of
skills of workers who have not undergone any
formal institution training was taken up. - Implemented through 3 approved agencies/bodies
and 17 State Governments - Competency based skill standards have been
developed for 47 skill areas mainly for
construction sector .
20New strategies Skill Development for informal
- To provide skill training to, economically weaker
section less educated persons - a new
framework for skill development is being
evolved. Competency oriented employable skill
training will be offered on modular basis. - The scheme envisaged to train and certify 1
million persons in five years in employable
skills . - Thereafter 1 million people will be trained every
year . - These acquired qualifications will be expressed
in terms of learning outcomes. For skill
progression of this target group a national
qualification frame work is being evolved.
21ILO recommendation 195 on frame work for
recognition and certification of skills adopted
by the ILO conference at ninety second session
Geneva,17th June,2004
- Measures should be adopted , in consultation with
the social partners and using a national
qualification framework, to promote the
development, implementation and financing of a
transparent mechanism for the assessment ,
certification and recognition of skills including
prior learning and previous experience,
irrespective of the countries where they were
acquired and whether acquired formally or
informally . - Such as assessment methodology should be
objective, non discriminatory and linked to
standards. - The national framework should include a credible
system of certification which will ensure that
skills are portable and recognized across sectors
industries , enterprises and educational
institutions. - Special provisions should be designed to ensure
recognition and certification of skills and
qualifications for migrant workers.
22Skill mobility
- Globalization of trade and employment has brought
in a qualitative change world over. - Mass movement of people across the national
boundaries - Manpower has become a potent force as a good
source of foreign exchange earning and
regeneration of economic growth . - People are also migrating with a view to
upgrading their skills. - India has a vast reservoir of skilled,
semi-skilled and unskilled manpower . - India being young country, larger number of
Indians can emigrate to other countries for work
if they are given proper training, counseling and
23Skill mobility Issues
- Development of National Qualification framework
including certification which will ensure that
skills are portable and recognized across
boundaries . - Mutual recognization of Qualification framework
and harmonization of skill standards . - Obstacle free mobility of workers .
- Raising skill levels of Indian workers .
24Skill mobility Approach
- Development of National Qualification
framework - A Nationally agreed framework that would guide
and reflect the agreement of stake holders
required to be developed. - Such Framework will act as a bridge between
different national systems of acquiring skills
and facilitate transparency, mobility and
progression of different levels of skilled people
working in and outside the country. -
25Skill mobility Approach
- Mutual recognition of Qualification and
harmonization of skill standards - Projection of employable areas and development
of acceptable skills standards - Cooperation agreement with partner countries for
a coherent framework of qualification. - Mechanism to acquire skill needed and get it
certified by appropriate authority. -
26Skill mobility approach
- Obstacle/ barrier free mobility of workers
- Mutual recognition of qualifications .
- Avoid discrimination while evaluating the foreign
countries qualification . - ( In practice national qualifications are
considered superior) - Build up mutual trust and confidence through
regular contacts - Easy/ fast track visa to workers having
recognized qualification -
27Skill mobility approach
- Raising skill levels of workers
- Measures to upgrade Skill standards of workers
with active participation of stake holders . - Measures could include having skills competition
amongst partner countries . -
- Skill Capital of the World
- Re-orientation of the training courses to
produce workforce of world standards - Benchmarking of skills acquired informally
for Skill mobility of the workforce.