Title: Outline of the day
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2Outline of the day
- 9.30 Arrivals, Coffee and welcome
- 9.45 Opening Prayer
- 9.55 How to survive being an RE teacher?
- Sharing/ Why teach RE?
- 10.30 Teaching Learning I Some basics
- 11.00 Break
- 11.15 Teaching learning II what makes a good
lesson outstanding? - 12.30 Lunch
- 1.00 Teaching Learning III Using technology
to support teaching and - learning
- 2.45 Coffee and depart
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4How to survive being an RE teacher?
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7- Everyone can remember a good teacher
Can you think of a teacher who you found
inspiring or simply enjoyed their lessons?
What was it that made them a good teacher?
8You can also remember bad ones.
- What was it, would you say, that made them a bad
or poor teacher?
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10Developing a reputation
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12- What is the most difficult situation you have
confronted so far?
- How did you deal with it?
- Was it effective?
- Would you do it differently?
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14- How to be a teacher and still remain
- human
- How has being a teacher affected your life?
- Are you able to get a work/life balance?
- How can you survive into the future?!
15Ideas for survival
- Time management is the Key to sanity
- Over planning / Under planning
- Accept your limitations
- You work better with sleep!
- If you never say no, how much is your yes
worth - Doing one thing well is better than doing lots of
- Extra curricular activities
- Socialising
- Dont allow your friendship group to be only
teachers you need to be told when you are being
dull - Dont expect to be a super teacher
- Accept you could be wrong
- Dont take personal comments personally
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17Why teach RE?
18 19What are we trying to do? Describe your vision
for what RE should be like in a Catholic School
20The Curriculum Directory for Religious Education
- The aims of Religious Education in Catholic
Schools - Knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and
life - Knowledge and understanding of the response of
faith to the ultimate questions about human life,
its origin and purpose - The skills required to engage in the examination
of and reflection upon religious belief and
21Catholic 14-19 guidance
- The following have been identified as important
attitudes to be developed in and through a study
of religious education - an open-mindedness or spirit of enquiry
- attentiveness, appreciation, awe and wonder
- justice and compassion
- respect for and a sense of reverence for all
- peoples and the earth they inhabit
- self esteem, self-awareness and self-sacrifice
- wisdom, understanding and discernment..
22- Students will explore the life and teaching of
the Catholic Church the ultimate questions of
life the Churchs response through doctrine the
relationship between religious belief, personal
faith and lived experience awareness of and
respect for other religions and world views the
dignity of human life and work and the idea of
service of others for the common good.
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24Teaching Learning II
- Lesson design What makes
- a good lesson outstanding?
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26- What has been your best lesson so far?
- Why?
27Lesson Design
28Understanding how we learn
2. We think about them
Teachers/ other learners
Ideas stuff
4. New or reshaped ideas
1. Ideas go in
3. We demonstrate our understanding
29Learning lesson structure
Share learning objectives
Get their head round it
Pupil demonstration
Show what has been learnt
How effective was the learning
30So what makes a lesson outstanding?
31The lesson is at least good in nearly all
aspects and is exemplary in significant elements,
as shown by the exceptional enjoyment and
progress of the learners
32David Bell on Outstanding Lessons
- Difficult ideas or skills taught in an inspiring
and effective way indicate outstanding teaching - Teachers let go of prescribing outcomes and
encourage independent learning skills, which
involves creativity and taking risks
33Lesson Start
- Start with a hook- the primacy effect
- Students remember the starts of lessons more than
the middle bits
34How did this ship get here?
35How did this get here?
36Why do people suffer?
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50The BIG Question
Why do people suffer??
- Is this an important question for Christians?
- If yes why?
- If no why?
- Why do many people think it is important?
- How would you work out the answer to this
51Individualise the Learning
- Assessment for Learning
- Recognising preferred Learning Styles
52Modelling Learning Yourself
- Teachers demonstrate..
- A preparedness to be different
- Risk taking behaviours- trying the unknown
- An ability to reframe failure as a learning
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54Who influences my views about love, sex and
55Vary the Pace
- There should be intervals of time for quiet
reflection- used to organise what has been gained
in the periods of activity - Creative inspiration often strikes when the mind
is in a state of playful relaxation
56Questioning in Depth
- Wait time
- Hierarchial questioning-descriptive, analytical
and speculative - Where pupils are encouraged to ask questions not
answer them - Its not the answer that enlightens but the
57No Hands up
58Conscientiously waiting for a pupil to think
through an answer (Before you break the silence)
59Should a Christian go to War? Justify your
opinion with reference to the sources we have
looked at you have 1 minute to work out your
Previewing a question in advance
60Using gimmicks to engage pupils
Phone a friend
61Go Multisensory
- We learn
- 10 of what we read
- 20 of what we hear
- 30 of what we see
- 50 of what we hear and see
- 70 of what we discuss with others
- 80 of what we experience ourselves
- 95 of what we teach
62The nature of Poverty
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65800 million people are malnourished
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68the richest 1 of the worlds population receive
as much income as the poorest 57
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7110,000 die every day from water and sanitation
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73860 million adults are illiterate
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77185 million people are unemployed 88 million of
185 million people are unemployed 88 million of
these are young people aged 15-24
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80nearly 11 million children under the age of 5 die
every year most from easily preventable or
treatable causes
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823 billion people live on less than 1.20 per day
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86Creative Enquiry
- Creative enquiry is our ability not only to
acquire information but to go beyond it by
inventing codes and rules. Learning involves the
search for pattern and regularity. Instruction
serves to assist children in the formation and
discovery of such patterns and regularity
87Example 2 - Prediction
88Key influences for Catholics
- Teaching of the church (Based on the traditional
teachings and the Bible)
89Will Susan steal Garys dinner money?
- Look at the statement cards below and work out
whether or not she is likely to take the money.
90- Susan is a Catholic and she has a strong faith
- Susan believes in justice people should not be
treated unfairly. - She has read in the Gospels that Jesus always
seemed to be on the side of the under dog - Gary in a bully
- Gary stole Marys (Susans best friend) dinner
money last week - Gary got in with a bad crowd a couple of years
ago - Susan is in a room on her own where Gary has left
his bag with his dinner money. - No one knows that she is there
- Getting money back from Gary would make Mary
happier - The end does not justify the means Catechism of
the Catholic Church 1753 - Susan feels bad about stealing but he deserves it
- Gary doesnt really realise the harm he does, he
thinks its a bit of a joke - Gary lives with his Mum and she never gives him
much pocket money, as she is too hard up - Mary is really upset but too shy to do anything
about the money being stolen - One of the Ten Commandments says You shall not
steal - Jesus said Love your neighbour as yourself
- Jesus said Forgive your enemies
- Susan has never stolen anything before in her life
91- What would influence her decision? Why?
- What conflict is there between following the
churches teaching and stealing the money? - Could a Catholic follow their conscience and
steal the money? - What would be difficult about following the
churches teaching? - What would be difficult about not following the
churches teaching?
92- What would influence her decision? Why?
- What conflict is there between following the
churches teaching and stealing the money? - Could a Catholic follow their conscience and
steal the money? - What would be difficult about following the
churches teaching? - What would be difficult about not following the
churches teaching?
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96Why is Jesus death and Resurrection so
97Madonna of the MeadowBy Belini (c.1540)
98In this lesson you are going to learn
- About the significance of the death and
resurrection of Jesus - To explain the iconography of a religious
99Annotate on your sheet explain all the symbols
in the picture
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107Conclude with a review
- Tap and plug
- Not what weve learned but how
- Any questions wed still like to ask?
- Education isnt how much youve committed to
memory, or even how much you know. Its being
able to differentiate between what you do know
and what you dont
108Being a teacher is like..
Hitting your head against a brick wall
Climbing a mountain
Managing a football team
Being captain of a ship
Making a movie
109Pacifism is like..
A leap in the dark
Standing up and being counted
Trying to stop a rain by standing in front of it
Water on a rock take time but eventually wears
Sending a mouse to fight a lion
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111Classrooms in 2007
112PowerPoint the basics
Part 3
113Using PowerPoint in lessons.
- Do
- ? Use it to help structure your lesson
- ? Use it to support visual learners
- ? Use it interactively to support kinaesthetic
114- Dont
- ? Rely on it for the whole lesson (be more
creative, use multiple activities) It is not a
presentation. - Write lots of text use it to convey basic ideas
etc - ? And dont.
115Dont Use
lots of effects
or bright colours
it may seem fun
But its annoying!
- and it detracts from the learning
116- black and sleek is far more classy
117Finding images
118Video clips
119How to.
- Dazzle
- www.pinnaclesys.com
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