Title: Beyond the Horseless Carriage Reprofessionalizing Our Work
1Beyond the Horseless CarriageRe-professionalizing
Our Work
- Presentation to
- VALE Users Conference
- Maintaining Excellence in Tough Financial Times
Through Resource Sharing - 8 January 2003
- by Anne G. Lipow
- Digital vs. virtual
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous
- Client or Patron or Customer or User
3Where We Are (in brief)
- Weve been good at moving with the times
- Adopt new technologies
- Change our procedures
- Focus on the user
- NJ librarians are ahead of others
- Open attitudes
- Experimental environments
- The challenge
- Break the mold
- Go beyond the horseless carriage
4Why Break the Mold?Its a Different World Out
- Your clients fast-changing world
- Emerging technologies
- no keyboard, no mouse, no wires, no box
- Products and svcs are increasingly available to
distant clients - (groceries, stocks, matchmakers, and, of
course, books and articles) - Publishers are testing e-books
- Location time of day (or night) are irrelevant
5More trends
- Your clients have customer expectations
- Personalized, convenient, uncomplicated to use
- timely, accurate, accessible when they need
you - Labor-saving, preferably free
- Staffed with personable, trustworthy experts
- Your clients needing help have alternatives
- Ever-smarter search engines
- Commercial information reference services
- New economic models for distributing information
are emerging
6Impact on LibrariesUse Patterns Are Changing
- Inverse relationship between use of the Internet
and use of the library - Circulation of non-fiction is declining
- Reference questions are declining
- Clients are getting their information from
Internet resources - and their questions answered from dot-com
reference services
7Meet some ref-dot-coms
- Cyberlibraries
- Questia
- JonesKnowledge
- Live reference help
- allexperts.com or expertcentral.com (free)
- answers.google.com (fee varies)
- liveadvice.com (fee varies)
- keen.com (fee varies)
- webhelp.com (10.00 buys 10 requests)
8More changes . . .
- Walk-in traffic is different
- Satisficing is on the rise
- Funders ask
- Do you need all that space?
- or Is reference still needed?
- or Are you still needed?
- or even Is the library still needed?
- And too many of us have no clear answers
9The Task AheadRethink everything except
- Core values
- Equitable access to information
- Lifelong learning
- Dignity of the individual
- Right to know
- Intellectual and academic freedom
- Professional ethics
10Rethink everything else
- Mission
- Organizational structure
- Vocabulary
- Functions
- Jobs
- Where you work
11First Ask, Is what I do professional?
- Professional employee any employee engaged in
work (From Lectric Law Library Lexicon) - predominantly intellectual and varied in
character as opposed to routine mental, manual,
mechanical, or physical work - involving the consistent exercise of discretion
judgment in its performance - of such a character that the output produced or
the result accomplished cannot be standardized in
relation to a given period of time
12Definition of professional employee (contd)
- Professional employee any employee engaged in
work - requiring knowledge of an advanced type
- in a field of science or learning customarily
acquired by a prolonged course of specialized
intellectual instruction and study - in an institution of higher learning or a
hospital - as distinguished from a general academic
education or from an apprenticeship or from
training in the performance of routine mental,
manual, or physical processes
13- Lectric Law Library Lexicon www.lectlaw.com/def.h
14SecondFocus on Yourself
- Make your work visible
- to yourself
- and to your users
15How? Examine every aspect of your work day
- Estimate the of your day spent doing
professional work redesign work to increase it - Move your participation in an activity up a level
- Re-conceptualize your work
- Become scarce
- Measure success in terms of new users
- Join the global society
- Focus on the distant user
- (and regard in-library users as distant)
- Institutionalize continuing education
16MeanwhileTake a New Look at Your Users
- Pay more attention to the faculty than to the
students - Cater to their preference for convenience
- Build a user-friendly e-branch of your library to
be where you users are - Serve special interest groups with special
services - Greet walk-in traffic at the door
17Recent observations by colleagues
- Our library instruction program appears to
have made a small difference in the types of
materials students chose and how they found
them. (Emmons Martin, Coll. Res. Libs., Nov.
2002) - Our place in academia is seriously threatened by
the Internet (Massey-Burzio, CRL News, Dec.
2002) - it is only within the last four or five years
that Web site development tools have made it
possible for developers without sophisticated
technological training and experience to create
Web sites. The art of Web site development is in
its infancy. (Robins and Kelsey, ITAL, December
2002) - Perhaps there is a place in this new world for
special library people, but not special
libraries! (Gawne, unpublished paper, 2002)
18 Models that Re-professionalize Us
- Slogans that represent a different image
- Over 1100 locations. 20,000 professionals. All
connected. - Kinko's has connected its over 1,100 locations,
20,000 professionals - and technology resources into a single, seamless
network, to meet - the demand of large and medium size businesses.
- Your best Internet connection is your librarian
- (Infopeople Project)
- Librarians office is not in the library
- Sabina Robertson (U of Melbourne)
- http//www.alia.org.au/conferences/alia2000/author
19Models (continued)
- Different types of libraries merge
- (Joint Use SJPL SJSU)
- A library merges with a non-library organization
to provide expanded services - Cerritos Public Library
- Fee services established to enable library to say
Yes, we can - NLCs Door-to-door delivery service
- http//www.nlc.gov.cn/dcylb/ehomepage.htm
- Staff recognizes the librarys programmatic
approach to staff development - Infopeople Project (infopeople.org)
20Even more models
- Move your job up a notch
- Library Terms That Users Understand
- http//www.jkup.net/terms.html
- The purpose of this site is to help library Web
developers decide how to label key resources and
services in such a way that most users can
understand them well enough to make productive
choices. (John Kupersmith) - Focus on the faculty
- Use electronic reserves to serve faculty
- http//www.lib.berkeley.edu/ANTH/
- My job is to understand their processes and
then work ours into theirs. (Suzanne Calpestri) - A well-built e-library
- http//www.library.unlv.edu/
217 Ways toReprofessionalize Librarianship
- Redefine professional work
- Become a scarce resource
- Spend more time analyzing redesigning services
than delivering them - Market, know the changing needs of your clientele
- Design instruction hand-in-glove with your
clientele - Create the needed service but dont appoint
yourself to deliver it - Share your job as well as your knowledge and
22To go beyond the horseless carriageA Different
Mindset Required
- Think Like Users Think/Expect
- Its the library thats remote. How to bring the
library to users where they are? - Goal Tiered services meeting differing needs
- Ill strive for equivalent service to distant and
- walk-in users
- Old Thinking to Discard
- How to bring the remote user into the library?
- Goal Expect/teach adults to find what they need
themselves - The walk-in client has priority over the one on
the phone
23More Old Thinking to Discard
More New-Think
- Our library serves whoever comes through our
doors - The staff in my library are the best people to
deal with our clients questions - We provide the same wonderful service using new
- Our library is where our clientele are (and where
they cant ignore its presence) - Our clients are best served by professional help
delivered when its needed, regardless of where
that librarian or service is - Weve gone beyond the horseless carriage and
shaped a new image of libraries and librarians
24Your Turn!
- Think less
- The library is the heart of the campus
- Think more
- The campus library is the local node
- of an international network of libraries
- that serves this community