Title: Prevention Dialogues
1Prevention Dialogues
- Urban Environment
- February 14, 2007
dialogue or dialog Pronunciation Key  n.
1. A conversation between two or more people.
v. dialogued, or dialoged dialoguing, or
dialoging dialogues or dialogs v. tr. To
express as or in a dialogue. v. intr. 1. To
converse in a dialogue. 2. To engage in an
informal exchange of views
3Urban Environments
- This dialogue will be a web-based discussion
focused on the implementing prevention strategies
across densely populated resource rich
4What is urban?
- Urban culture is the culture of cities. Cities
all over the world, past and present, have
behaviors and cultural elements that separate
them from otherwise comparable rural areas. - Urban also implies a greater availability of
cultural resources (such as art, theatre, events,
etc) as compared to suburban or rural areas.
5Urban cities across US 1990
- In thousands
- Average population per square mile
6Densely populated cities inWashington State
7Defining factors of urban environments
- Social/diversity factors such as
- race,
- class,
- gender,
- lifestyle,
- economics,
- culture,
- politics
- Globalism
- suburbanization,
- multi-centered regions
8Programmatic Implications
- Broad Based Approaches
- Cost effective
- Work well for commonality
- Standardization
9Bell Curve
10Implications for services
- Specificity of services
- Cultural
- Ethnicity
- Racial/Ethnicity
- Neighborhood
- etc
11One size fits most?
12Whats working for you now?
13Whats challenging?
14Other issues to discuss?
15What do you want WCSAP to know?
- You will receive link to complete the evaluation
as you log out
17Questions, Thought, Comments ?
- Lydia Guy
- lydia_at_wcsap.org
- (360)754-7583