Title: Why work
1Why work at waste in school? RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
IN EDUCATION Martin Allman BSc (Hons),
PGCE Waste Education Officer martin.allman_at_cumbria
2- Why work at waste in school?
- Waste and the National Curriculum
- Sustainable Schools
- The 3Rs, the 3As and the 3 Is
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Barriers
- Potential solutions
- Our offer
3- Justification
- Sector produces 615,117 tonnes of waste per year
- (Waste Watch, 2005)
- WRAP estimate 71kg per person per year
- If sector had a LATS target ? CCC, LATS fine
68million (in Cumbria c. 571,000 or c.5.4 of
schools budget) -
- Main resource paper 1 tonne ? 17 mature trees
- Expenditure
- National Curriculum
- Sustainable Schools
4 - The 3 Rs
- Reduction simply make LESS waste, take LESS
space - Reuse find ways to give waste a second life
- Recycling collect for reprocessing
5 - The 3 As
- Attendance via a wider, more engaging
educational offer - Attention interactive T L via real life
contexts - Attainment matching T L to an evolving
6- The 3 Is
- Interest new contexts, stories that link
learning to life - Inclusion we all make waste, we can all do
something about it - Infrastructure the means to take action, the
potential for an integrated education/service
7 - Waste and Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) - Simple stories for complex issues the coke
can, the carrier bag - A Gateway to the Global Dimension people,
places and products - S3 tool contributing to OFSTED Self Evaluation
Form (SEF)
8- Barriers
- How schools waste is classified chargeable
household waste often collected as commercial,
not household - Financial pay as you throw!
- Resource constraints congested curriculum,
staffing, knowledge skills
9- Potential Solutions
- Reduction less waste means less need for waste
management (inc. recycling its NOT the
answer!) - Work smarter better procurement, better
practice (take it back/home), extra and
infra-curricula offer - Partnership between schools, community and the
waste industry
10- Our offer
- Direct tuition visits from waste mngmnt
officers/industry - INSET twilight sessions for teaching and
non-teaching staff - Incentive schemes RR4S, Scrap Arts looking
into others - Forming partnerships schools, the community,
the industry - Consultancy advice, guidance, research,
signposting - Support Eco Schools etc, T L Resources,
funding bids
11Why work at waste in school? Martin Allman,
Waste Education Officer martin.allman_at_cumbriacc.go
12Schools Expenditure
Source Waste Watch, 2005 after BESA
13- National Curriculum
- Where waste fits
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
(DfES/NC, 1999) - enables pupils to develop the knowledge,
skills, understanding and values to participate
in decisions about the way we do things
individually and collectively, both locally and
globally, that will improve the quality of life
now without damaging the planet for the future
opportunities for pupils to develop their
understanding (exist) in - Geography
- Science
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Citizenship
- Activities also create links to Mathematics,
English, DT, Art
14Sustainable Schools "Every school should be an
environmentally sustainable school, with an
active and effective recycling policy (moving
from paper to electronic processes wherever
possible) and a school garden or other
opportunities for children to explore the natural
world. Schools must teach our children by example
as well as by instruction."
Tony Blair, Prime Minister, Sept 2004. Useful
website http//www.teachernet.gov.uk/sustainables