Title: Chapter 15 Multinationals and Migration
1Chapter 15 Multinationals and Migration
a. Multinationals
Link to syllabus
2FDI Foreign Direct Investment (p. 347)
- Flow definition Flow of funding provided by
investors (usually firms) to establish or acquire
foreign companies or to expand or finance
existing foreign companies that the investors
own. - Key is sufficient ownership to control or
influence the management of the foreign company. - Stock definition Total value of existing
funding (equity and debt) of foreign companies
that has been provided by investors that own
these foreign companies.
Multinational Enterprise
A firm that owns and controls operations in more
than one country
Portfolio vs. Direct Investment
3Figure 15.1 p. 348. Major Stocks of FDI, 2004
4Why do MNEs Exist? (pp. 349-50)
- Inherent disadvantages of operating a foreign
affiliate competing against local firms. - Firm-specific advantages of the MNE, especially
intangible assets. - Internalization advantages in using these assets.
- Location factors based on resource costs and
availability, customer demand, government
policies, and other considerations. - Oligopolistic rivalry that uses FDI in the firms
strategies for competing.
5Table illustrating transfer prices (Pugel, p. 356)
6Outsourcing by Toyota
Source NYT Oct 21, 2003
7Exporting Jobs and Sales
Source NYT April 19, 2004
8Narula/Dunning Investment Development Path
Source UNCTAD World Investment Report, 2006
10US Net International Position, 1988-2005
Source US DoC. http//bea.gov/bea/newsrelarchive/
11Link to IIP data
Link to intinv05_t2.xls
12US IIP, SCB Nov. 2005
13Accumulated Foreign Direct Investment into the
US, 2001.
14US. Direct Investment Abroad 2001
15US FI/GDP, 1900-2000
16Inward FDI Stocks in the US, by State.
Thompson International Economics Example 8.13.
Page 294
17 FDI inward stock, selected years (billions of
current US dollars)
Source World Investment Report
18FDI outward stock, by Region. Selected years
(billions of current US dollars)
Source seems to be WIR
19Inward and Outward FDI/GDP, 1980-2000
20Outward Foreign Investment, OECD Countries,
21Outward FI/GDP, Twentieth Century
22Outward FDI/GDP, Twentieth Century
23Japan Outward FI/GDP
24Example 8.6 FDI between US and Japan. Page 281
Thompson International Economics
25FI from Oil Exporters
US 2006 Outward FI 1,062b
Outward FDI 235b
Source NYT November 28, 2007
26Canada Inward Investment/Capital Stock
27Canada Foreign Ownership Ratios, by Sector
28Mexico Foreign Ownership of Capital, 1910-1990
29China NYT Nov. 24, 2002
30(No Transcript)
31Figure 7.1 EU FDI Inflows, 1984-98 page 148
Hansen European Integration
32Table 7.4 Intra-EU FDI Flows. Page 152
Hansen European Integration
33Figure 7.2 EU Cross-border MA in Manufacturing.
Page 149
Hansen European Integration
34Table 7.3 Share of firms main motives for MA
Page 191
Hansen European Integration
35Figure 7.3 Share of Intra-EU FDI, by Sectors. P.
Hansen European Integration
36Table 7.5 Share of Intra-EU FDI in MFG., by
Technology. Page 155
Hansen European Integration
37Table 7.6 Intra-EU FDI Flows of France. Page 156
Hansen European Integration
38Figures 7.4 and 7.5. FDI Net Outflows from
France inside the EU. Page 157
Hansen European Integration
39Figure 7.6 Trade and FDI between France and EU,
1998. P 159
Hansen European Integration
40US Inward Outward FDI Flows, 1982-2004