Title: Teaching Techniques
1Seminar III Communications I Speaking
Al Estes
2Seminar III Communications I Speaking
Al Estes
3The ExCEEd Model
- Structured organization
- Based on learning objectives
- Appropriate to the subject matter
- Varied, to appeal to different learning styles
- Engaging presentation
- Clear written and verbal communication
- High degree of contact with students
- Physical models demonstrations
- Enthusiasm
- Positive rapport with students
- Frequent assessment of student learning
- Classroom assessment techniques
- Out-of-class homework and projects
- Appropriate use of technology
Teacher As Role Model
4The ExCEEd Model
- Structured organization
- Based on learning objectives
- Appropriate to the subject matter
- Varied, to appeal to different learning styles
- Engaging presentation
- Clear written and verbal communication
- High degree of contact with students
- Physical models demonstrations
- Enthusiasm
- Positive rapport with students
- Frequent assessment of student learning
- Classroom assessment techniques
- Out-of-class homework and projects
- Appropriate use of technology
Teacher As Role Model
5Seminar AgendaCommunications
- Speaking (Communications I)
- Writing (Communications II)
- Questioning (Communications III)
- Non-Verbal (Communications IV)
College classrooms are fundamentally dramatic
arenas in which the teacher is the focal point,
like the actor or orator on stage.
Lowman, p. 23
The ability to stimulate strong positive emotions
in students separates the competent from the
outstanding college teacher.
Lowman, p. 23
All lectures are performances.
Wankat Oreovicz, p. 93
7Speaking 100 The Basics
Minimum essential qualities for a clear
8Speaking 101 Beyond the Basics
- Vary volume.
- Vary speed.
- Vary pitch, tone and intonation.
9Vary Pitch
as a
of your
mu sic.
10Speaking 101 Beyond the Basics
- Vary volume.
- Vary speed.
- Vary pitch.
11Speaking 101 Beyond the Basics
Now its your turn to try!!!
Caseys Revenge
12Speaking 101 Beyond the Basics
- Vary volume
- Vary speed
- Vary pitch
- Avoid idiosyncrasies
- Use a variety of genuine gestures
NOTE You cant do this with notes in your hands.
13Speaking 200 Stimulating Positive Emotion
- Drama
- Humor
- Timing
- Music
- Physical position and movement
- Spontaneity
14Seminar III Communications I Speaking