Title: Teaching Techniques
1Welcome to the ExCEEd Teaching Workshop
Norm Dennis
- Welcome Overview
- Introductions
- Break and Building Tour
- Administration
- Seminar I - Learning to Teach
- Dinner Games
3Objectives We Are Here To...
- Improve our teaching skills.
- Apply teaching learning theories.
- Use assessment small group techniques.
- Interact with others.
- Learn a little about Arkansas.
- Develop a passion for teaching.
4StrategyWe will do this by...
- A little theory, a lot of practice
- Focused on teaching skills
- High challenge, low threat
- Collaborative
- Collegial
5Ping Wei Director, Educational Activities
6Excellence in Civil Engineering Education
7ExCEEds Roots
- USMA (West Point)
- Department of CME
- Instructor Summer Workshop
- Train rotating military faculty
- 6 weeks
- A 40-year oral tradition
8ExCEEds Roots
- T4E Short Course at USMA
- NSF-funded
- 1996, 1997, and 1998
- 1-week long
- Incorporated the current body of knowledge on
teaching and learning
- 1995 CE Education Conference
- ASCE Faculty Development Initiative
- ASCE Committee on Faculty Development
- 1999 ASCE funds ETW
10Excellence in Civil Engineering Education
- Welcome Overview
- Introductions
- Break and Building Tour
- Administration
- Seminar I - Learning to Teach
- Ice-Breaker Dinner Games
12Getting to Know You
- Pair up with one person from your team
- Introduce yourself
- Name, current university, specialty
- A little personal data interests, hobbies,
family, pets, something funny... - Introduce your buddy
- Stand up in pairs
13Team 6
- Participants
- Shane Brown
- Dawn Cheng
- Deo Eustace
- Gerarda Shields
- Mentor Ron Welch
- Assistant Mentor Audra Morse
Classroom 291
14Team 5
- Participants
- Mike Baumert
- Stu Bernstein
- Sunanda Dissanayake
- Harold Park
- Mentor Deb Larson
- Assistant Mentor Toni Cioffi
Classroom 288
15Team 4
- Participants
- Carol Lamb
- Luke Lee
- Atila Novoselac
- Jennifer Shane
- Mentor Frank Mahuta
- Assistant Mentor Steve Burian
Classroom 286
16Team 3
- Participants
- Seamus Freyne
- Walter Gerstle
- Hiroshan Hettiarachchi
- Thomas Korman
- Mentor Roseanna Neupauer
- Assistant Mentor Glenn Morrison
Classroom 270
17Team 2
- Participants
- Chad Christina
- Louis Ge
- Jale Tezcan
- Claude Villiers
- Mentor Tonya Nilsson
- Assistant Mentor Aaron Budge
Classroom 269
18Team 1
- Participants
- Fredericka Brown
- Terhi Pellinen
- Gashwin Saleno
- Roy Xu
- Mentor Al Estes
- Assistant Mentor Gregg Fiegel
Classroom 268
- Welcome Overview
- Introductions
- Break and Building Tour
- Administration
- Seminar I - Learning to Teach
- Ice-Breaker Dinner Games
- Welcome Overview
- Introductions
- Break and Building Tour
- Administration
- Seminar I - Learning to Teach
- Ice-Breaker Dinner Games
21Administrative Details
- Workshop notebook
- Tab 1 Schedule/Maps/Blank Paper
- Tab 2 Team Assignments/Participant List/Lab
Assignments - Verify your personal data NOW
- Assessments
- Tab 3 Workshop assessment
- Tab 4 Teaching assessment forms/Board
Notes/Note Pad - Materials
- Tab 5-10 Handouts for each day
- Tab 11 Reference List
- Tab 12 Miscellaneous
22Classroom Assessment Technique 1
- Complete Background Knowledge Probe
- No names
- Hand to mentor
- You have three minutes
23Food Transportation
- Breakfast at the hotel
- Lunch - On your own
- Dinner - On your own
- Getting here around Fayetteville
- Cars,Vans
- Workshop starts at 745!!!
24Campus Map
You are Here
25More Administrative Details
- Course textbooks
- Lowman - Mastering the Techniques of Teaching
- Wankat and Oreovicz - Teaching Engineering
- Food and drink - clean up after
- After-hours access to classrooms
- Emergency phone numbers
- (479)575-4954 (479)973-4937
- Wear your name tag!
26More Administrative Details
- Dinner Clarion Atrium
- Thursday evening
- Cash bar after first drink
- Car pool from hotel
- Need number of guests by Monday morning
- Prime rib buffet with vegetarian alternative
27More Administrative Details
- Internet access in room 277 and 4190 during lunch
breaks and after hours. - USERID exceed
- PASSWORD exceed
- Entry into 277
- 1,4,2,3
- No later than 745 tomorrowCreate a mutually
agreeable name for your team - Decorate your teams poster by 800 Tuesday
- Have fun!!
29Welcome to the ExCEEd Teaching Workshop
Any questions?
30Getting to Know You...
- As you leave the room
- Stop in front of the video camera.
- Face the camera.
- Clearly say your first and last name.(Use the
nickname you prefer to be called.)
31Excellence in Civil Engineering Education