Title: Persuasion
- Attitudes are positive or negative evaluations of
objects - Affectemotion, liking or disliking
- Behavioractions directed towards the object
- Cognitionsthoughts and beliefs about the object
- Attitude formation
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
- Observational learning
- Heredity
- Function
- Accuracyknowledge, or object appraisal, function
- Consistencyvalueexpressive , egodefensive
- Social approvalsocial identity or
2Attitudes and Behavior
- Historyattitudes fail to predict behavior
- Lapiere Attitudes vs. Actions
- Lack of crosssituational consistency in behavior
- When will attitudes predict behavior
- Theory of reasoned action
3Attitudes and Behavior
- Measurement
- Level of measurement
- Accessibility
- Automatic
- Norms
- Self-awareness
- Frequent use
- Direct experience
- Knowledge
- Yale
- Who says what to whom with what effect?
- Whothe source of the message
- Whatthe content of the message
- Howthe channel of communication
- To whomthe target of communication
- Four steps
- Attention
- Comprehension
- Acceptance
- Attitude change
5Elaboration likelihood model
- Cognitive responseGreenwald
- Central/peripheralPetty and Cacioppo
- Peripheral
- Shortcuts
- Superficial
- Unstable
- Central
- Accuracy
- Motivation and opportunity
- Stable
- Organized previous theories and findings
6Argument Quantity and Quality
7(No Transcript)
8Persuasion Overview
9Which attitudes resist persuasion?
- Strong attitudes
- Commitment
- Biasing of response
- Selfrelevant
- Central processing
- Selftalk persuades
- Agreement encourages positive selftalk
- Inhibiting counterarguments if person disagrees
- Distraction
- Decreases the effectiveness of strong or
pro-attitudinal arguments - Increases effectiveness of weak or counter
attitudinal arguments - Knowledge to evaluate
- Attitude inoculationpresent and refute weak
10Dual Process
- Motivation
- Personal relevance
- Need for cognition
- Ability
- Lack of time
- Distraction
- Insufficient information
- Persuasion most effective
- Peripheral
- Audience disagrees
- Weak message
- Central
- Audience agrees
- Strong arguments
11To be accurate
- Shortcuts
- Credibility
- Expertise
- Communicator style
- Trustworthiness
- Speak against interests
- Lack of intent to persuade
- Others responsesFavorable response from others
in the audience
12The Sleeper Effect
- Discounting cues
- Peripheral (credibility) and central processing
13- The person
- High involvement
- Greater processing
- Emotional shortcuts
- Classical conditioning
- Good mood reduces central processing
- Fear
- High fear
- No solution
- Defensive avoidance and denial
- Minimize applicability to self
- Solution to reduce feareffectiveness
- Interactions
- Expertise and complexity
- Low in need for cognition
14To be consistent
- Heider
- Balance theory
- Festinger and dissonance
- Cognitive consequences of forced complianceLeon
Festinger and James Carlsmith - Independent variable
- Control , 1, 20
- Dependent variable
- How enjoyable the task
16- Forced or induced compliance
- Effort Justification
- Postdecisional
- Insufficient justification
17Hypocrisy and Dissonance
- Im a hypocrite and so is everyone else Group
support and the Reduction of cognitive
dissonance, by Blake M. McKimmie, Deborah J.
Terry, Michael A. Hogg, Antony S. R. Manstead,
Russell Spears, and Bertjan Doosje - Hypocrisy paradigmcommit to socially desirable
attitude and alter previously inconsistent
behavior - Social supportimpact dissonance
- Comparison with self-concept or normative
information - Induce dissonance and see if change in attitude
- Basic hypothesisdissonance and group
identification - Group support would reduce dissonance when group
membership was salient - When an ingroup was non supportive individuals
would distance themselves from the group
- Independent
- Salience of group
- Group salient
- Differences from University B students
- Group not salient
- Individual
- Group support or nonsupport for behavior
- Group is generous (behavioral nonsupport)
- Group is not generous (behavioral support)
- Hypocrisy manipulation
- Attitude towards generosity
- Generosity checklist
- Dependent
- Attitude towards generosity
- Group identification
19Results Attitude Change
20Results Group Identification
21Boundary conditions
- Choice
- Commitment and irrevocability
- Aversive consequences
- Physiological arousal
22- Self-Affirmation theory
- Interaction of self-esteem and dissonance
- Individual with high self-esteem may bemor eprone
to dissonance - Cultural effects
- To gain social approval
- High self-monitors and women more presuasible in
public settings