Political Discourse Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Discourse Analysis


The last 5 weeks (Part 1) we have looked at: ... linked Papua New Guineans to cannibalism and said he would 'get rid of celebrity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Political Discourse Analysis

Political Discourse Analysis
  • Language, Media, and Politics (with a special
    focus on the representation of Islam, in
    recognition of the University of Essexs Islamic
    Awareness Week, 18 22 February 2008)

Sociolinguistics LG232
  • The last 5 weeks (Part 1) we have looked at
  • Macro-level the ways language is politicised by
    different groups (language movements,
    governments) to achieve certain aims.
  • Such as national unity, regional identity, as a
    basis to claim rights/resources for minority
  • The ways in which multilingualism is managed in
  • And that for power to exist, there must be
  • What we havent looked at resistance at the
    individual level in terms of use of language
    (weeks 23 25)
  • Or actual language use

Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Draws heavily on the work of Foucault.
  • Discourse statements about things, which come to
    be considered true
  • And which produce ideological positions
  • Discourses on medicine, psychiatry even
  • Also draws on theorists such as Bourdieu
  • Discourse can also be conversations, written
    material (such as newspapers, or political
  • But even these discourses produce concepts and
    truths and limit what can and cannot be said
    about a subject in a particular context
  • Critical Discourse Analysis looks at real
    natural language
  • (as opposed to, e.g. syntacticians, who look at
    made-up examples)

Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Sees words, utterances not in isolation
  • But in relation to other utterances, etc.
  • All discourse seen as TEXTS to be read
  • In webs or networks of relations of power
  • Context specific
  • And the same language or concept can be used and
    interpreted in very different ways
  • Particularly concerned with language used in
    political speeches and the media
  • So not just context specific, but
  • Though it has implications for individual
    language use what words or phrases might we NOT
    use now that were acceptable 30 years ago?
  • E.g. terms considered racially derogatory,

Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Sees language and discourse as social practice
  • And as productive of knowledge which maintains
  • Not just a top-down operation of power
  • Power/Knowledge
  • CDA enables resistance by understanding power
    relations and their manifestation in discourse

Case Study 1 Sharia Law in Britain
  • Sharia law Islamic / Muslim law which basically
    (depending on your interpretation) is a moral and
    criminal code
  • Requires giving alms (aid) to the poor as a moral
    duty that money loaned should not be subject to
    interest that your savings at the end of the
    year (not income) should be taxed by 10 for the
    good of the community
  • Northern Rock? Sub-prime credit crisis?
  • Certain brands of Sharia provide for punishment
    for e.g. adultery
  • The most potent symbol of Sharia in British
    society is states like Sudan, Saudi Arabia (often
    Western-backed, with the exception perhaps of
    Iran) which cut off the hands of thieves, stone
    adulterers to death.
  • Though most scholars would agree that this is not
    the true intention of Sharia law, and is simply
    an authoritarian political system or state
    misusing the tenets of Sharia for social control
  • And the Arabic proverb tabash fi elbeit
    elaumi, shauf (the weak sighted man in the
    house of the blind is he who sees best)
    emblematic of Foucaults riposte to the criticism
    that no-one is outside discourse allowing for
    power/resistance within the confines of
  • Makes the people accountable to Allah through
    the Government, rather than the Government
    accountable to the people. (Price, field notes
  • Claim it is based on the Koran but dont forget
    the Christian Old Testament is full of smiting
    and stoning eye for an eye, tooth for a
  • And Tower of Babel punishment for

What the Archbishop Said
  • From the text of Archbishop Williams lecture
  • Among the manifold anxieties that haunt the
    discussion of the place of Muslims in British
    society, one of the strongest, reinforced from
    time to time by the sensational reporting of
    opinion polls, is that Muslim communities in this
    country seek the freedom to live under sharia
    law.  And what most people think they know of
    sharia is that it is repressive towards women and
    wedded to archaic and brutal physical
  • This lecture will not attempt a detailed
    discussion of the nature of sharia, which would
    be far beyond my competence my aim is only, as I
    have said, to tease out some of the broader
    issues around the rights of religious groups
    within a secular state, with a few thought about
    what might be entailed in crafting a just and
    constructive relationship between Islamic law and
    the statutory law of the United Kingdom.
  • In this sense, while (as I have said) we are not
    talking about two rival systems on the same
    level, there is some community of understanding
    between Islamic social thinking and the
    categories we might turn to in the non-Muslim
    world for the understanding of law in the most
    general context.  There is a recognition that our
    social identities are not constituted by one
    exclusive set of relations or mode of belonging
  • Our social identities are not constituted by one
    exclusive set of relations or mode of belonging
    almost Foucauldian or post-structrualist in its
  • http//www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/1575

What the media said he said
  • The Sun Williams had "handed al-Qaida a victory
  • The Express he had "surrendered to fanatics"
  • Interesting use of metaphor
  • Victory Surrender metaphor of battle/war
  • Implicitly Al Qaida adversary in the war on
  • Muslim fanatics but British/US soldiers in Iraq
    Our Boys.
  • The Daily Mail Ayatollah of Canterbury
    suggesting divided loyalties
  • traitor?
  • Archbishop Williams clearly did not propose the
    kind of dualism (duel-ism) which would form the
    basis of a battle

(No Transcript)
Anchoring using text with image Framing
distorting what was said in order to make it
  • Why was this picture NOT on the first page?
  • Why is he described as being in his pomp?
  • How can we read this choice of picture in terms
    of Archbishop Williams smiling, and in clearly
    religious dress?

  • Use Sharia law on bike thieves, says MP Boris
  • First it was Liverpudlians, then Papua New
    Guineans and then Jamie Oliver. Now Boris Johnson
    has a new target in his sights - bicycle thieves.
    Fed up with having his bike stolen and wheel nuts
    taken, the outspoken Tory MP and cycling
    enthusiast wants to get tough on bike thieves.
  • "I think these people deserve punishment and I'm
    calling for Sharia law for bicycle thieves."
  • In the past, Johnson has accused Liverpool
    residents of 'wallowing' in grief after the death
    of Iraq hostage Ken Bigley, linked Papua New
    Guineans to cannibalism and said he would "get
    rid of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver" if he ever
    ran the country.
  • (Daily Mail - 16th March 2007)

Case Study 2 Terrorists, Terrorism, and the War
on Terror
  • the problem of extradition of terrorists has
    given us much anxiety. It has imposed constraints
    on the work of our Security Forces and courts in
    the United Kingdom
  • There are thousands of these terrorists in more
    than 60 countries They will hand over the
    terrorists, or they will share in their fate.
    These terrorists kill not merely to end lives,
    but to disrupt and end a way of life. With every
    atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful,
    retreating from the world and forsaking our
    friends They stand against us, because we stand
    in their way ... We are not deceived by their
    pretenses to piety. We have seen their kind
    before. They are the heirs of all the murderous
    ideologies of the 20th century. By sacrificing
    human life to serve their radical visions -- by
    abandoning every value except the will to power
    -- they follow in the path of fascism, and
    Nazism, and totalitarianism.
  • What we witnessed in London last Thursday week
    was not an aberrant act. It was not random. It
    was not a product of particular local
    circumstances in West Yorkshire What we are
    confronting here is an evil ideology. It is not a
    clash of civilisations - all civilised people,
    Muslim or other, feel revulsion at it. But it is
    a global struggle and it is a battle of ideas,
    hearts and minds, both within Islam and outside
  • Who are the terrorists here?
  • Thatcher, 1978
  • Bush, 2001
  • Blair, 2005
  • (And how do/can we read this slide as a text?)

More stuff
  • Bush after 9/11
  • Bush and Steve Bridges

  • PDA / CDA
  • Overtly political in terms of its aims (Kress,
  • About framing of specific issues within specific
  • Concerned with representation of people,
    concepts, ideas (Stuart Hall ref) in particular
    ways that maintain (or challenge) asymmetrical
    power relations in society
  • Sees texts not just as individual words (and not
    even just words pictures and symbols too) but
    as whole bodies of information which have
    internal power relations, as well as power
    relations with external texts and discourses
  • We can use CDA to identify the ways in which
    ideologies of hatred and prejudice are
  • Thus, as individuals, we can formulate strategies
    of resistance!
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