The Dignity of Womanhood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dignity of Womanhood


the original beauty of woman. to the home of the human family. HOW CAN WE START? Good to know! ... Magazines. Information Material. Letters. Distributing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Dignity of Womanhood

The Dignity of Womanhood
  • An Initiative of the Womens Federation
  • for World Peace
  • European Chapter

2002 Hannover, Germany A Beginning

Women and Human Dignity
  • Where do we stand today?

What has been achieved?
  • Right of education
  • Equality in Politics and Industry
  • Voting rights
  • Valued as human being with human
    rightsRespected as woman and motherThe fact
    that it is widely accepted
  • that feminine values can bring a cosmic
  • Women in high positions heads of state

Rape as a weapon of war
  • But there still are

Trafficking of women
Enforced veils
Domestic violence
Marketing with the naked body
Child and enforced prostitution
Widow burning
FGM female genital mutilation
Honour killings
Sex problems at work
  • In Darfur and in other war torn areas like the
    Democratic Republic of Congo or in Burundi rapes
    are part of war strategy. Sexual violenceis
    deliberately used as a tool to destabilize and
    intimidate targeted groups of civil society.
  • According to UNICEF thousands of young women were
    raped in Darfur last year. Some of the victims
    were as young as 7 or 8 years old.
  • From autumn 2003 until spring 2004 alone over
    8000 women sought help from UNICEF after having
    been raped in the east of the DRC.
  • In connection with the war in Kosovo mainly women
    are the victims of violence and rape.

Trafficking of women
  • Nothing has changed, as prostitution and human
    trafficking for sexualexploitation constitute
    violence against women. Therefore, they are
    absolutely irreconcilable with the dignity and
    value of the human being, the maintenance of
    which is guaranteed by the International
    Declaration of Human Rights.

  • Domestic violence

In history, especially during the last century, 
many women have fought for equal rights Women's
shelters are a sign of the continual suppression
women bear in the family In Germany, every 4th
woman has experienced domestic violence .More
than 40,000 women flee to women's shelters each
year. The known cases are only 20 The
unreported (dark figures) cases are much higher.
Shame, guilt, fear or mistrust prevent the 
person  from reporting the incident Children
who experience violence at home, suffer from
internal psychological problems
  • Many European countries, over the last few years,
    have elevated the status of prostitution to a
    recognized profession by making it legal.In
    Germany, prostitution is categorised as service
    provision this means that women's sexuality is
    a service provided for men and assuch, women's
    bodies are merchandise available for purchase.
  • The prostitute does receive her right to claim
    her wages. Does she also have the right to live
    like any other woman? Is hers the right to be
    free from the daily degradation to a
    mereobject, one towards which the random partner
    freely practices his uncontrolled needs? Is she
    given the right of protection within oursociety
    in her capacities as woman, wife, mother and
  • When considering the wonderful human potential,
    latent in each woman on the basis of her natural
    undisturbed development, this state of affairs
    is unforgivable

  • Where ever there is advertising, on television,
    on the internet, in magazines and on bill boards,
    everywhere the female body is abused and used for
    commercial gain.
  • This manner of advertising has become so common,
    that it is used for numerous products.
  • In this way the image of women has been distorted
    and has been degraded to an object for sexual
  • This has nothing to do with gender equality in
    our society.
  • This kind of misuse has been opening the doors to
    violence against women and is harmful to their

  • Pornography
  • We are engulfed in a tidal wave of violence in
    literature and film with realistic depiction of
    sexual relationships, rapes and murders.
  • The wilderness of pornography in books,
    magazines, films and television is unprecedented
    in history.

Cause and Effect?
  • Everywhere the female body is abused as
    enticement for commercial profit.
  • A billion dollar industry is spreading the
    message that brutality torture, enslavement,
    disregard and humiliation of the feminine gender
    brings sexual entertainment.
  • As such the image of women has been distorted
    and has been degraded to an object for sexual
  • According to the estimate of a national
    criminal agency, 200,000-300,000 children are
    sexually abused every year.
  • Every year 13,000 rapes get reported.
  • The unofficial figure is estimated to be much

Human Rights for women too
  • According to the Human Rights Charter of 1948,
    all people have a right to life, freedom, and
    work, without being discriminated by race,skin
    colour or sex.
  • The reality that women, minorities, and  children
    are disadvantaged is obvious.
  • In some regions, to be born as a girl means less
    food, less healthcare, as well as diminished
    right to education and perspectives forjob
    training .
  • Even a basic right to life and existence is
  • The UN World Population report 2005 500,000
    Maternal Birth deaths !Poverty and missing of
    equal opportunities is given as the reason

Equality for both sexes in public and private
spheres is essential for development
Declaration of Human Rights 
  • Excerpts of the Preamble
  • Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and
    of the equal inalienable rights of all members of
    the human family is the foundation of freedom,
    justice and peace in the world,...
  • Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in
    the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental
    human rights, in the dignity and worth of the
    human person and in the equal rights of men and
    women and have determined to promote social
    progress and better standards of life in larger
    freedom, ...

Resolution 217A (III) of Dec. 10th, 1948,
General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Article 1. All human beings are born free and
    equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed
    with reason and conscience and should act towards
    one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
  • Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights
    and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
    without distinction of any kind, such as race,
    colour, sex, language, religion, political or
    other opinion, national or social origin,
    property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
    distinction shall be made on the basis of the
    political, jurisdictional or international status
    of the country or territory to which a person
    belongs, whether it be independent, trust,
    non-self-governing or under any other limitation
    of sovereignty.
  • Article 3. Everyone has the right to life,
    liberty and security of person
  • Article 7.  All are equal before the law and are
    entitled without any discrimination to equal
    protection of the law. All are entitled to equal
    protection against any discrimination in
    violation of the Declaration and against any
    incitement to such discrimination.

Katharina von Siena
  • Eternal God,you created me and knewwhile you
    created me
  • in your image and light.With all your love
  • you created me,In your likeness
  • you created me

The original beauty of woman
  • Let us bring back the original value,
  • the original beauty of womanto the home of the
    human family

Good to know!
  • According to a survey of the Institute for
    Rational Psychology
  • (GRP) half of Germanys population dislikes
    the display of sex on TV and in advertisements.
  • Every second man and two thirds of the women feel
    pressured or intimidated by the continuous
    presence of sexual images in advertisements and
  • The discrimination of women in advertisement
    media is continuously the main complaint to the
    German Advertisement Agency.

Making our opinion public!
  • With the consciousness that as women we have very
    special values, abilities and special gifts, that
    our society needs, we will contribute to its
    positive development.
  • Therefore we will no longer allow that, by
    passively accepting sexist advertising, films and
    magazines that reduce woman to a sex object, the
    dignity of woman is violated and degraded
  • Therefore we ask you to participate with the
    Dignity of Womanhood campaign. It will give us
    the opportunity to invest in the designing and
    shaping of our society, for the benefit of
    future generations.

Distributing Information
Information Material
PRESENTATIONS regarding the theme Dignity of
  • An Historical Opportunity for Women to make an
    Active Contribution in building a Culture of
  • The power of femininity within me
  • The Culture of Peace
  • Feminine qualities of leadership
  • The dignity of womanhood throughout the ages
  • Living our dignity
  • Is peace possible?
  • Bridge of peace, a new way to heal the wounds
    of abuse, misunderstanding, intolerance,
    prejudice and war
  • Thought of Women's Federation for World Peace
  • Becoming a pillar in the Bridge of Peace
  • Unseen spiritual power of women
  • Empowering Women From Within
  • Reconciliation as a basis for creating a
    sustainable culture of peace

Write letters of Protest
  • Ladies and Gentlemen,
  • On, I noticed at/inyour
    advertisement for
  • As a woman, I am writing to express my
    indignation about this advertisement.
  • Are you aware of the fact that violence towards
    women constitutes by far the most frequent
    violation of human rights? An issue many times
    ignored but, since decades homes exist for
    battered women and children, taking refuge from
    the dangers of violence, sexual intimidation and
    bodily and psychological abuse.
  • Even on a private level these are criminal acts,
    oftentimes not recorded due to the economic
    dependence of many women on their partners. This
    sex-oriented, domestic violence is closely
    connected with lack of respect towards and
    equality of women in the awareness of society.
  • Through sexualized language and advertisements,
    through misuse of the female body as advert-gag
    for the greatest variety of products, this
    lacking equality is being reinforced and
    encouraged very subtly and, with it, not only the
    domestic violence against women but also the
    abuse of children.
  • I, therefore request that you take responsibility
    by paying close attention in your choice of
    advertisements and would like to bring this
    to your attention that you, through ignoring
    this letter, may be found guilty of criminal
    acts and liable for prosecution.
  • Therefore, it is of paramount importance to
    withdraw, with immediate effect, the advert
    mentioned above.
  • A reply to this letter would be greatly
  • Name
  • Address

Signature Campaigns
  • Against the rapes in Bosnia
  • Against sex and violence in TV
  • For the Dignity of Women

  • The WFWP branch of Hannover (Germany) took on the
    theme Dignity of Womanhood. This initiative,
    having an information table, was well accepted by
    the citizens.
  • We are not alone with our indignation about the
    advertisements degrading women, which passes on
    completely wrong guidance and values
  • In 2003 a politician of Niedersachsen explained
    at a press conference, that the new media law
    should contain a passage for the protection of
    the dignity of woman.

Deutscher Werberat, Am Weidendamm 1A, 10117
A last thought
  • The creation is not yet finished!

We are the forerunners for our youth!
  • In every way, we women have the possibility to
    actively participate in the development of our
    communities and also to take the place where we
    wish to contribute.
  • We wish that many women join our protest action.
    Thus a great womens movement will evolve,
    protecting the Dignity of Woman.
  • We owe this to our youth, children and

The Creation is not yet finishedDorothee Sölle
  • . Do we want to give another answer to the
    creation, a tenderness for all living things on
    our earth, and do we wish to be the co-creator
    (as planned), created in Gods image? Clearly,
    the creation not only has a relationship with our
    beginnings (origin) but also always continues
    with us in our future.
  • The creation which began with the first creation,
    is not yet finished
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