Title: CMPT 370: Information Systems Design
1CMPT 370 Information Systems Design
Lecture Topic Concepts to Classes Class
Exercise Class Diagrams
- Instructor Curtis Cartmill, Simon Fraser
University Summer 2003
- This lecture looks at moving from analysis to
design. This is the first of several lectures
where we focus on techniques (diagramming) to add
to our skills in modeling - Class diagram vocabulary back to Chapter 2
- Class design choices drawing class diagrams is
a reflection of making decisions about design - Leveraging domain model concepts
3From Analysis to Design
- The line between What is Analysis? and What is
Design? is very fuzzy - We will move between the two as we both try to
understand the problem as well as create the
- Design encompasses two major issues
- Detailed Design
- Realization of system functionality as captured
in use cases - Elaboration of the analysis with considerations
for implementation - Architectural design
- Layering and organization of classes and packages
- Assignment of processes to computing facilities
- Re-use and component management
5Concepts to Classes
- Our work around CRC leads us naturally to
thinking about class design - Concepts -gt Classes
- Responsibilities
- What does the class know -gt attributes
- What does the class know how to do -gt operations
- A class is a descriptor of a set of objects with
the same attributes and operations. - Classes serve as templates for objects (instance)
- Each object created from the template (the
instantiation process) contains the attribute
values that conform to the attribute types
defined in the class. - Each object can invoke operations defined in the
- An attribute is a type value pair
- classes define the attribute type
- objects define the attribute value
- An attribute type can be a built-in primitive
(primitive data type) or it can be another class - a primitive is a class that is understood and
supported by the underlying object-oriented
software environment - integer, string etc.
- what is considered a primitive then is dependent
on the language of implementation
- An operation is a behaviour exhibited by all
objects of a class - Operations are implemented as Methods
- The three terms, operation, behaviour and method
are used interchangeably. - The operation can contain a list of parameters
that can be set to specific values when the
operation is invoked - The operation can return a value to the calling
object - Method Signature is referred to as the
combination of the operation name together with a
list of formal argument types, and return type
9Class Responsibilities
- Knowing responsibilities include
- Data, related objects, things that it can derive
or calculate - Doing responsibilities include
- Doing something by itself, initiating
responsibilities in other classes/objects,
controlling or coordinating activities in other
classes/objects - Which class is responsible for knowing/doing .?
- That (class) which knows (data) does
(operations). - The translation of responsibilities into
methods/operations is influenced by the
granularity of the responsibility. - Methods are implemented to fulfill
10Class example
- Attribute names and method names are descriptive
- Attributes are private, methods are either public
or private - Upper case and lower case are indicative of Class
and Object, - upper case -gtClass,
- lower case -gt Object
- Attributes are private to enforce encapsulation
- The only way values within an object can be
changed are through an objects operations. - Also called information hiding
- Generalization is a kind of relationship
between a generic class and a more specialized
kind of that same class. - This is a superclass subclass relationship
- Makes it unnecessary to restate already defined
Polymorphism allows a method signature to be
identical across various classes yet have the
method perform different behaviour Polymorphism
is used in overriding attributes and operations
in a generalization relationship, but can also be
used in other cases
- Permits the incremental description of a subclass
by reusing and then extending superclass
descriptions - i.e. If GraduateCourse.register() did some work,
and in it called its parent Course.register() to
do some delegation of work - Polymorphism relies on Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance is when a subclass can
inherit from more than one superclass - Can lead to conflicts in inherited attributes or
methods from multiple parents - Some languages use Single Inheritance coupled
with Interfaces to simulate Multiple Inheritance
15Abstract classes
Abstract class is a class that does not have any
object instances. At least one of the abstract
class operations are abstract (signature is
defined, but method implemented in the subclass)
A class can be abstract only if all of the
subclasses constitute the entire set of objects
that can be instantiated
16Class Association
- In Concept Diagrams, classes are associated
through association relationships which are
binary - A university offers courses
- A course is offered by a university
17Class Association
- In Class Diagrams, classes are associated
through link attributes - All associations are has
- All associations are one way
- Hollow diamond indicates aggregation
- Filled diamond indicates composition
18Aggregation and Composition
- Aggregation is a whole-part relationship between
a class representing an assembly of components
and the classes representing the components. - Aggregation aggregation by reference (weak)
- Composition aggregation by value (strong)
- The life/existence of the object is dependent on
the life/ existence of the relationship
19Aggregation and Composition
- Aggregation aggregation by reference (weak)
- Textbook Example Crate contains Beer Bottles
- Composition aggregation by value (strong)
- Textbook Example Book has Chapters, and a
Chapter has Sections (Chapters and Sections
couldnt exist without Book)
20Notes on Class Diagrams
- Usually Aim to show the following information
- Classes, Associations and Attributes
- Interfaces with Operations and Constants
- Methods
- Navigability (Attribute Visibility of Classes)
- Dependencies
- Getters and setters are implied and are not
necessarily modeled - UML has a ltltcreategtgt method implied for classes
- Aggregations are modeled as Collection type
relationships - Redundant to put in attributes with the
relationship. Implied that the relationship (and
thus attribute) is named by the Class name. May
not always be the case
21Class Diagram Syntax Semantics (1)
22Class Diagram Syntax Semantics (2)
23Class Diagram Examples
24Class Diagram Examples
25Advanced Topics for Classes
- Classifiers Interface, Datatype, Signal,
Component, Node, Use Case, Subsystem - Visibility public, private, protected
- Scope Instance (object) or Class (static)
- Elements Abstract, Root, Leaf, and Polymophism
- Multiplicity (if applicable, top-right corner)
- Attributes (visibility, type, properties
frozen) - Operations (direction in/out, guarded,
concurrent, etc.) - Template Classes (Specify Template Parameters)
26Class Exercise
- Simple Class Diagram
- Class Diagram with Domain Model Information as
set of first-iteration classes - Complex Class Diagram Scenario
- Strategies for using a variety of Artifacts to
generating Class Diagrams