Title: ACTE Panel Discussion
1ACTE Panel Discussion
- Data Integrity How do you know that your data
is clean? - Cape Town Johannesburg Executive Forums
- 7 10 March 2008
- Panel to each give a basic overview of the steps
involved in the data collection process in their
sector - from collection of raw information to
cleaning of data to reports generated for clients.
3I regularly receive travel management reports
and data from my TMCs /
- The majority of respondents, 73, do receive
regular reports. - What advice do you have for those Corporates
Buyers that do not? - What could the reasons be for not getting
regular reports and where does one
begin rectifying the situation?
4The reports and data that I receive are in a
useful format
- 52 of respondents are not completely
satisfied with data formats. - What are the most pertinent issues with regards
to data formatting? - With so many different sources involved, is
there a solution for standardising formats? - Can the formats be customised to the
Corporate Buyers requirements and if so, how
does one go about requesting customised formats?
5I am confident that the data received is
- Only 24 of respondents are confident that
their data is accurate. - Buyers What are the most common inaccuracies
experienced? - TMCs/Suppliers What are the main reasons
behind inaccuracies? - Where can we begin to address this issue and
what are the roles of the different
parties in trying to improve data accuracy?
6I have a good understanding of how data is
captured and the processes involved before it
lands on my desk
- The majority of respondents do not understand
the data process. - Should Corporate Buyers be more involved in
getting to grips with this process in order to
have better control of expectations or is the
onus completely on Suppliers/TMCs to know
what is required? - TMCs/Suppliers Are you pro-active in
educating your clients regarding the data
processes, limitations etc? Are they receptive?
7I am aware that data and reports are cleaned
before I receive them
- 41 of respondents are aware that their data
is cleaned before they receive it. - What does it mean to clean data and is this a
common occurrence? - At what stage of data collection and collation
does the cleaning occur?
8I am aware of who cleans the data and on what
criteria it is cleaned
- The majority of respondents do not know who
cleans their data and on what criteria it is
cleaned. - Is it true that to a large extent, cleaning is
done manually? Does human error thus not play a
role here, leading to inaccuracies? - Who does the cleaning, what are the procedures
involved and on what criteria is data cleaned?
9I know what the variance is between reports
received and actual spend
- 30 of respondents know the variance on
reported vs actual spend. - If the majority of Corporate Buyers do not
believe that their data is clean, what needs to
be done to investigate spend variances? - What is the impact if Buyers are not aware of
variances and how does this hinder the effective
management of a Travel Policy?
10I find I sometimes need to double check data
- 73 of respondents double check the data they
receive from their TMCs/Suppliers 46 do so
often and 27 do so occasionally. - Why is this the case and is it an accepted part
of a travel managers job or does this stem
from a lack of confidence in the data integrity? - Will figures always need to be checked as a
matter of policy, no matter how accurate the
data and what are the implications for companies
that never double check data?
11I am able to independently verify data from the
original source
- 57 of respondents are not always able to
verify data from the original source. - Hypothetically, if data is inaccurate to begin
with, how does double checking it at the
original source help? - How does one go about using the original source
to verify the data received and are the benefits
strictly related to spend figures?
12I am able to independently verify data from
another source
- 43 of respondents are able to verify data
from another source. - How easy is it to get data from another source
and how often do comparisons need to be made? - How does one know which source is the accurate
one? - What are the implications of having to sort
through 2 sets of data?
13I use unverified data, provided by my
TMCs/Suppliers during
- 51 of respondents use unverified data during
negotiations 38 do so occasionally and 13
do so regularly. - If figures are either under or over reported,
how does this affect the negotiation process? - In an environment where trusted partnerships
are so vital, how does inaccurate reporting and
subsequent diluted leveraging ability affect
these partnerships?
14I am satisfied with the way my data needs are
dealt with by my
- Only 22 of respondents are consistently
satisfied that their data needs are being met
effectively. - Who does the data belong to? If a fee is
being charged for travel reports, do
TMCs/Suppliers not have a responsibility to
place higher priority on supplying accurate data
and if a fee is not being charged, can the
Corporate Buyer still expect to receive the data?
15Additional Info and Questions
- What advice can you give to your sector and to
the Corporate Buyers to improve data integrity
and the effective use of the data? - Are there any new developments in data capturing
in your sector that will lead to improved
integrity? - Where is South Africa in relation to the rest of
the world in creating effective data capturing
processes? - To what extent should the Corporate Buyer be
involved to assist in finding a solution to this
issue? - To what extent does the skills gap add to the