Mental Disorders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mental Disorders


... gene exposed to tumultuous environment inner-city, domestic abuse, etc) ... Identify with the opposite sex and show preference in cross-dressing. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders 
  • Mental disorders disturbances of an
    individuals behavioral or psychological
    functioning that are not culturally accepted and
    that lead to psychological distress, behavioral
    disability, and/or impaired overall functioning.
  • Mental disorders- THEN AND NOW


  • Psychological model emphasizes psychological
    factors in the development of mental disorders
    learning i.e. phobias, cognition irrational
    beliefs i.e. depression, and unconscious
  • Sociological factors emphasizes external
    factors such as negative environments poverty,
    homelessness, unemployment, inferior education,
    and prejudice.
  • Diathesis-stress model mental disorders result
    from a predisposition for a given disorder
    (diathesis) and stressors in an individuals
    environment that tend to activate or stimulate
    the predisposition. (Example genetic factors,
    early traumatic experiences, personality traits
    predisposed an individual whether the
    individual experiences the disorder depends on
    their environment i.e. antisocial aggressive
    gene exposed to tumultuous environment
    inner-city, domestic abuse, etc).

Assessment and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders
DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorder IV
  • It is the official diagnostic tool used by
    psychologist.This manual help psychologist to
    describe and classify mental disorders. Major
    Diagnostic Categories page 539.
  • The book describes diagnostic features- symptoms
    that must be present. It looks at variations in
    age, gender, culturally related features, some
    things that are normal in one culture are not
    abnormal in others (eg. incest African tribes).
  • Disorders are classified along five axes Axis I
    clinical disorder, Axis II personality
    disorder/mental retardation, Axis III medical
    conditions, Axis IV- psychosocial or
    environmental conditions, and Axis V- GAF
    global assessment functioning.

Limitation of the DSM-IV
  • The manual is mainly descriptive doesnt
    attempt to explain.
  • The manual also attaches labels to people and the
    person may then be perceived in terms of that
    label certain stigma associated.

Disruptive Disorder
  • Divided into two categories
  • 1. Oppositional defiant disorder
  • 2. Conduct disorder.
  • The essential feature of ODD- a recurrent
    pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient,
    and hostile behavior toward authority figures
    that persists for at least 6 months.
  • Usually start when children are young (ages 3 to
    7) and can lead to more serious disorder
    conduct disorder which begins somewhat later

Conduct disorder
  • Involves more serious antisocial behaviors that
    go beyond throwing tantrums or disobeying rules.
  • Here the child impedes on the basic rights of
    others and violates major age-appropriate
    societal norms or rules.
  • Children are seen as being aggressive towards
    people and animals, destroying property, being
    deceitful and engaging in theft, violations of
    rules i.e. running away, staying out at night,
    truant from school.

 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • ADHD persistent pattern of inattention and/or
    hyperactivity that is more frequent and severe
    than is typically observed in individuals at a
    comparable level of development.
  • Causes are both biological and psychological.
    Low birth weight, oxygen deprivation at birth,
    and alcohol or drug consumption. Psychological
    factors include parental intrusiveness or over
    stimulation parents who just cant seem to
    leave their infants alone.
  • Treated with drugs Ritalin


Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • Disturbances in eating behavior that involve
    maladaptive and unhealthy efforts to control body
  • a. Anorexia Nervosa
  • Excessive and intense fear of gaining weight
    coupled with refusal to maintain a normal body
  • More common in women than in men. Why?
    Sociological factors women feel pressure to
    live up to the images of beauty shown in the
    media. Psychological control family pressures

  • b. Bulimia
  • Persons engage in recurrent episodes of binge
    eating eating huge amounts of food within short
    periods of time and then engage in some activity
    that will prevent them from gaining weight.
  • Usually women, and unlike anorexics, bulimics are
    of normal weight so it is harder to detect that
    something is wrong with them.
  • Seem to have same sociological causes wanting
    to be thin as defined by society.

  Autism Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Involve lifelong impairment in mental or physical
  • The essential features of autism are the presence
  • abnormal or impaired development in social
    interaction dont use nonverbal behaviors such
    as eye contact and communication and
  • a restricted repertoire of activity or interest
    repetitive pattern of behaviors.
  • Children with this disorder seem to be
    preoccupied with themselves and to live in a
    private world.

Mood Disorders
  • Demonstration of swings in mood from very
    elated to very dejected. Although we have all
    felt some level of sadness or happiness persons
    suffering from a mood disorder have swings that
    are extreme, prolonged and impair daily

What constitute the diagnosis of depression?
  • Major Depressive Episode
  • Persons suffering from depression should have
    five or more symptoms for at least 2 consecutive
  • Symptoms include profound unhappiness most of the
    day, nearly every day diminished interest or
    pleasure in all, or almost all activities
    eating, sports, sex significant weight loss when
    not dieting or weight gain insomnia or
    hypersomnia fatigue or loss of energy
    psychomotor agitation or retardation (feeling of
    restlessness or being slowed down) recurrent
    thoughts of death, diminished ability to think or

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Characterized by wide swings in mood between deep
    depression and mania.
  • Causes biological and psychological.
    Depression runs in family this support the
    argument for biological causes.
  • Research also shows that there seem to be some
    abnormality in brain biochemistry. It is found
    that levels of norepinephrine and serotonin are
    lower in the brains of those suffering from
  • They also found that these two neurotransmitters
    were higher in those suffering from mania

  • Psychological factors learned helplessness
    beliefs that outcomes of events are out of the
    control of the individual. One result in
    feelings of learned helplessness is depression.
  • Negative views about oneself also lead to
    feelings of depression. These persons possess
    negative self-schemas that is negative
    conceptions of their own traits, abilities, and

Anxiety Disorders
  • a. Phobias excessive fear that causes intense
    emotional distress and impairs daily functioning.
  • Most common phobia is social phobia persistent
    fear of social or performance situations in which
    embarrassment may occur.
  • Exposure to the social or performance situation
    almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety
    response, such as panic attack.
  • Causes Psychological factors learning
    classical conditioning.

  • b. Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
  • Panic attacks are what lead to a person being
    diagnosed with a panic disorder. Panic attacks
    are characterized by periodic, unexpected attacks
    of intense, terrifying anxiety. Some panic
    attacks occur due to specific situation.
  • One such case is panic disorder that is
    associated with agoraphobia, or fear of
    situations from which escape might be difficult
    or in which help may not be available. Take the
    form of intense fear of open spaces, fear of
    being in public, fear of traveling or fear of
    having a panic attack while away from home.
  • Claustrophobia fear of enclosed spaces

  • c. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Recurrent obsessions (thoughts) and compulsions
    (actions) that are severe enough to be time
    consuming or causes marked distress or
    significant impairment.
  • Most common fear is those of dirt, germs, or
    touching infected people or objects, disgust over
    body waste or secretions. The compulsive actions
    include repetitive hand washing, checking doors,
    windows, water, and gas counting objects a
    precise number of times or repeating an action a
    specific number of times, and hoarding old mail,
    newspaper and other useless objects.

  • d. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Disorder in which people persistently
    re-experience a traumatic event in their thoughts
    or dreams.
  • Feel as if they are reliving the event from time
    to time.
  • Persistently avoid stimuli associated with the
    traumatic event.
  • Persistently experience 2 or more of the
    following symptoms of increased arousal such as
    difficulty falling or staying asleep/
    irritability or outbursts of anger, difficulty
    concentrating hypervigilance exaggerated
    startle response.

Somatoform Disorders
  • Involves experiencing physical symptoms for which
    there is no apparent physical cause.

  • a. Hypochondriasis
  • Fear of having or the idea that one has a serious
    disease based on a misinterpretation of one or
    more bodily signs or symptoms.
  • Even after assurance from their doctors they
    continue to worry. Many hypochondriacs are not
    faking they feel the pain and discomfort they

  • b. Munchausens syndrome
  • These persons are usually faking. Devote their
    lives to seeking and often obtaining costly
    and painful medical procedures they know they
    dont need.
  • Why? Maybe to get attention. Persons run up
    medical bills that have to be paid by insurance.

  • c. Conversion disorder
  • Persons actually experience physical problems
    such as motor deficits (paralysis) or sensory
    deficits (blindness). No medical conditions to
    account for deficits.
  • Causes Psychological factors focus on inner
    sensations they tend to perceive normal bodily
    sensations as being more intense and disturbing
    than most people. Tend to be highly negativistic
    low self-esteem.
  • Sociological factors persons learn that they
    will get more attention and better treatment
    patients are reinforced.

 Sexual Disorders
  • Sexual dysfunction is characterized by a
    disturbance in the process that characterize the
    sexual response cycle (attain orgasm, erections)
    or by pain associated with sexual intercourse.
  • Sexual desire disorder involves a lack of
    interest in sex or active aversion to sexual
    activity. Persons report that they rarely have
    sexual fantasies and that they avoid almost all
    sexual activity and this causes them distress.

  • Sexual arousal disorder involves the inability to
    attain or maintain an erection (male erectile
    disorder) or the absence of vaginal swelling and
    lubrication (female sexual arousal disorder).
  • Orgasm disorder includes the delay or absence of
    orgasms in both sexes (female/male orgasmic
    disorder) and premature ejaculation (reaching
    orgasm too quickly) in males.

Sexual pain disorders
  • Dyspareunia genital pain that is associated
    with sexual intercourse in either males or
    females. Causes marked distress.
  • Vaginismus recurrent or persistent involuntary
    spasm of the musculature of the outer third of
    the vagina that interferes with sexual
    intercourse. Causes marked distress.

  • Recurrent and intense sexually arousing
    fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors generally
  • nonhuman objects,
  • the suffering or humiliation of oneself or ones
    partner, or
  • children or other non-consenting persons that
    occurs over a period of at least 6 months. These
    things are necessary for sexual arousal.

Gender Identity Disorders
  • These persons feel that they were born with the
    wrong sexual identity.
  • Identify with the opposite sex and show
    preference in cross-dressing. Many of these
    people undergo sex-change operations sexual
    organs are altered to resemble the other gender.
  • People usually undergo years of hormonal therapy
    and counseling before the actual therapy.
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