Title: Mental Health is a Serious Issue
1Mental Health
Same world, different view
2Let's live life one heart beat ...one thought
...one feeling at a timehttps//mimood.com/
3Characteristics of good mental health
- They have satisfying personal relationships.
- Active listener
- Able to meet the demands of life
- Expresses emotions in healthy ways
- Feels good about themselves
- Uses health skills
- Stress management
- Decision making
- Conflict resolution
- They make their own decisions
- Feels comfortable with other people
- Can be part of a team/group
4Characteristics of poor mental health
- Aggressive and passive
- Emotions control behaviors
- Is pessimistic (negative)
- Ignores/denies problems
- Can not accept change
- Lets stress control life
- Does NOT share feelings
- Aggressive and passive
- Depressed
- Runs from conflict
- Close minded
- Needs to run the group
5What word to you see first?
6Consult Psychiatrist Online
- Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental
disorders that affect your mood, thinking and
behavior. Examples of mental illness include
depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia,
eating disorders and addictive behaviors. - Many people haveĀ mental health concernsĀ from time
to time. But a mental health concern becomes a
mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms
cause frequent stress and affect your ability to
7(No Transcript)
8Mental Health QuizPlease reply saying true or
- Mental illness is more common than diabetes.
- Mental illness occurs in 1 out of every 4
families in the U.S. - Mental illnesses are treatable.
- Being mentally impaired/challenged is very
different from having a mental illness. - It takes medication, years of intense therapy,
and counseling to treat a mental illness. - If you answered true to all youre a M.I. whiz!
9Optical Illusions
- Same picture, different view
10(No Transcript)
11Which middle line is the longest?
12Say the color of each word
13Do you see a face or a word?
14Relate how you felt if you could not figure out
an optical illusion to a person with a mental
Illness and/or disorder.https//mimood.com/mental
15Multiple Personality Disorder(Dissociative
Identity Disorder)
- Two or more separate identities or personality
- Anxiety is your bodys natural response to
stress. Its a feeling of fear or apprehension
about whats to come.
- An extreme, irrational fear of an object or
18You are part of the PROBLEM if you
- Attempt to punish, threaten, bribe, or preach
- Cover up or make excuses for their behavior
- Take responsibility for the person
- Keep the problem to yourself and chose not to
tell someone
19You are part of the SOLUTION if you
- Remain calm, unemotional and factually honest in
speaking to the person about your concerns - Attend support groups
- Encourage your friend to seek help
- Do not cover up or avoid the situation and
confront the person with your concerns
20STEPS to help someone with a mental illness
- 1. Share Concern Skill
- I care/love
- I see
- I feel
- Listen I want/would like, I will
- 2. Ask the tough questions
- Are you depressed? Are you starving yourself?
- 3. Tell a trusted adult
21Behavioral Health care
- Get a best mental health services in battle creek
22Contact Us
- Phone No- (269) 969-6108
- E-Mail- marjanehr_at_mimood.com
- Website- https//mimood.com/
- Thank You!!!!!