Title: European Institutions
1 European Institutions
How do they work and how to work with them? ENTP
training days 15th May 2006
2The Three Main Institutions(1)
3The Three Main Institutions(2)
- The European Commission
- EU executive branch
- Implements solely two policies competition and
trade - Implements other policies in co-operation with
the Member states - Monopoly of the legislative proposals
- Defends the European Community interest
4The three Main Institutions(3)
- 2) The European Council
- Represents the governments of the 25 Member
States - Co-executive with the Commission in some policies
- Co-regulator
- 3) The European Parliament
- 732 members representing the people of the
European Union - Co-regulator of most EU policies
5Others EU institutions
- European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- Main role is to represent employers, trade
unions, farmers, consumers and the other
interest groups that collectively make up
"organised civil society ". - Committee of the regions (CoR)
- Main role is to represent the regional and local
authorities of the European Union
6The Main Actors In the European Commission
- 36 Directorates-General including
- DG Environment
- Initiate and define new environmental
legislation . - DG Regional Policy
- helping the European local authorities to
generate sustainable development - DG Employment, social affairs and Equal
Opportunities - Development of an European Social Model with
more and better jobs in an inclusive society
based on equal opportunities - DG Energy and transport
- ensure that energy and transport policies are
designed for the benefit of all sectors of the
society, businesses, cities, rural areas and
above all of citizens. - DG Education and Culture
- Initiate regulation and programs on education,
youth, sport and cultural issues
7The Main Actors In the Council of ministers
- The Council
- - 9 specialized Councils (competitiveness
employment, social policy and health..) - - Adopts the Commissions proposals and
implements the regulations - COREPER and working groups
- - Ambassadors or Counsellors from the 25 Member
States - - Discuss and negotiate the proposals of the
Commission - General Secretariat
- - Civil servants in charge of reporting and
helping - - Directorate General I responsible for
protection of the environment, education, youth
and culture - - Directorate General G responsible for Economic
and social affairs - - Directorate-General C responsible for
Competitiveness, Energy, Transport and
Information society
8The Main Actors in the European Parliament
- 20 Parliamentary Committees including
- Committee on the Environment, Public Health and
Food Safety - - responsible for environmental policy and
protection measures concerning sustainable
development - Committee on Regional Development
- - responsible for regional and cohesion policy
concerning the European Regional Development
Fund, the Cohesion Fund relations - - upholds relations with the Committee of the
Regions, interregional cooperation
organisations and local and regional authorities - Committee on Transport and Tourism
- Committee on employment and social Affairs
- Secretariat a purely administrative role
9Overview on EU Policy
Political Priorities of the EU
- The Lisbon Agenda (competitiveness)
- European research area
- Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Life long learning
- Unemployment rates
- Sustainable Development
- Social and territorial Cohesion
- The regional policy
- The social agenda
10How to work with the EU (1)
Knowing what is happening
- Political audit and situation analysis Define
what are my needs - Information gathering and monitoring gathering
general informations about the EU - Policy research drafting notes about a specific
subject - Strategic advice and planning Find out the main
persons responsible and the next important steps,
11How to work with the EU (2)
Changing what is happening
- Participation in the consultation process (white
papers, green papers or others consultations) - Political contact building and familiarization
visits to Brussels - Meeting with EU officials and MEP
- Lobbying activity (sending amemdment, position
papers) - Coalition building finding others relevant