Title: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
1American Recovery and Reinvestment Act In South
John White - SCOSE
2Things to Remember
- This presentation is a summary of general
requirements - Source of funds matter
- Specific requirements of federal program
providing funds may vary You MUST review and
follow specific guidance provided by federal
agency distributing funds - Federal agency distributing funds must issue
supplemental guidance on jobs reporting for funds
they distribute
3For more detailed information regarding general
requirements see
- Implementing Guidance for the Reports on Use of
Funds Pursuant to ARRA of 2009, OMB June 22, 2009 - http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/assets/memoranda_fy2
009/m09-21.pdf -
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/recovery_faqs/
- http//www.recovery.gov/
4Updated Guidance to Agencies for Implementing the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-
OMB April 3, 2009
- http//www.recovery.gov/sites/default/files/m09-15
.pdf - Remember this is guidance to Federal Agencies but
provides valuable information and insight
5Each Federal agency required to establish website
that includes program specific requirements
- Domain name format www.agency.gov/recovery
6Each federal agency is required to provide
program specific requirements with each grant
- This includes ARRA requirements
7SC Comptroller General Site
- http//www.stimulus.sc.gov/
- SC Comptroller General directives to Agency
Finance Directors on tracking funds - http//stimulus.sc.gov/Reports.htm
8Key Concepts Terms
9Determining Who You Are
Federal Agency
Prime Recipient (e.g. State Energy Office)
Sub-recipient (e.g. Trident Tech)
Vendor (e.g. Acme Energy Auditing)
Vendor (Ajax Energy Services)
10Terms and Abbreviations
- CCR Central Contractor Registration. All prime
recipients must be registered in the CCR database
www.ccr.gov/FAQ.aspx - DUNS 9 digit identification number issued by
Dun Bradstreet for each physical location of a
business organization http//fedgov.dnb.com/webfor
m - CFDA Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
11Terms and Abbreviations Cont.
- Prime recipient non-Federal entity that
receives ARRA funds as a Federal award in the
form of a grant, loan, or cooperative agreement
directly from the Federal Government - Sub-recipient non-Federal entity that expends
Federal awards received from another entity to
carry out a Federal program but does not include
an individual who is a beneficiary of such
program - See OMB Circular A-133 for additional information
- See OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grant and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and
other Non-profit Organizations, as codified in 2
CFR 215 - http//www.whitehouse.gov/OMB/circulars/
12Terms and Abbreviations Cont.
- Vendor a dealer, distributor, merchant, or
other seller providing goods or services that are
required for the conduct of a Federal program.
Characteristics of a Vendor that distinguish it
from a sub-recipient are - Provides the goods and services within normal
business operations - Provides similar goods or services to many
different purchasers - Operates in a competitive environment
- Provides goods or services that are ancillary to
the operation of the Federal program and - Is not subject to compliance requirements of the
Federal program
13ARRA General Provisions
- Preference for quick-start activities ARRA Sec.
1602 - Recipients shall give preference to activities
that can be started and completed expeditiously - Recipients shall use funds in a manner that
maximizes job creation and economic benefit - Funds remain available for obligation until
September 30, 2010, unless otherwise provided in
Act ARRA Sec. 1603 - See specific guidance from Federal Agency or
Prime Recipient for possibility of shorter time
frame - Funds may not be used for any casino or other
gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf
course, or swimming pool ARRA Sect. 1604
14- Buy AMERICAN ARRA Section 1605
- Applies to only construction, alteration,
maintenance, or repair of a public building or
public work - All iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in
project must be produced in US - Applies regardless of size of projects
- Exceptions
- Anyone seeking an exception must obtain
determination of appropriateness and approval
from the granting federal agency - Federal Agency may have granted blanket exception
(e.g. see DOE website for exception on projects
contracted prior to ARRA) - Federally approved exception possible were
requirement will increase cost of overall project
by 25 - International Treaty exception does not apply to
South Carolina
15- Iron Steel - all manufacturing processes must
take place in the United States, except
metallurgical processes involving refinement of
steel additives. - Manufactured Goods - A good brought to the
construction site for incorporation into the
building or work that has been processed into a
specific form and shape, or combined with other
raw material to create a material that has
different properties than the properties of the
individual raw materials - no requirement with regard to the origin of
components or subcomponents in manufactured goods
used in the project, as long as the manufacturing
occurs in the United States. - e.g. iron or steel used as components or
subcomponents of manufactured goods used in the
project does not need to be produced in the
United States.
Updated Implementing Guidance for the ARRA of
2009 OMB April 3, 2009
16- Considerations regarding ARRA Buy American
Provision may not apply where the Recovery Act
requires the application of alternative Buy
American requirements for iron, steel, and
manufactured goods. - What should you put in your solicitation?
- Require contractor to certify compliance with Buy
American provision of ARRA or, if required in
guidance documents provided by federal agency,
other applicable Buy American provision(s)
Updated Implementing Guidance for the ARRA of
2009 OMB April 3, 2009
17- Prevailing Wages Fringe Benefits ARRA Sect.
1606 - http//www.dol.gov/esa/WHD/contracts/dbra.htm
- Applies to only construction, alteration, or
repair (including painting and decorating) of
public buildings or public works - Contract greater than 2,000
- Applies to Contractors and Subcontractors
- Reports submitted on Form WH-347
- Protecting State and Local Government and
Contractor Whistleblowers ARRA Sect. 1553 - Post Notice of Rights and Remedies -
ms/MMO-legal-proc-docs.phtm - http//www.recovery.gov/sites/default/files/Whistl
eblowerPoster.pdf - US Comptroller General or Appropriate Inspector
General ARRA Sect. 902 Sect. 1515 - Examine records related to contract
- Interview officers and employees
- To the maximum extent possible, contracts shall
be awarded as fixed-price contracts through the
use of competitive procedures. - A summary of any contract awarded that is not
fixed-price and not awarded using competitive
procedures shall be posted in a special section
of the federal website established under Section
1526 of ARRA - Sole Source
- Emergency
- Procurements exempt from Consolidate Procurement
Code? - Indefinite Delivery Contracts?
- Interagency agreements?
19Guidance on Competitive Fixed Price Contracts
Unable to find Guidance for Non-Federal Recipients
- FAR not applicable to Non-Federal recipients but
provides insight - FAR Subpart 5.7Publicizing Requirements Under
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 - http//www.arnet.gov/far/current/html/Subpart205_
7.htmlwp1084394 - Will Federal Agency apply downstream to
Non-Federal recipients?
20FAR 5.705Â Publicizing-post-award.
- (b) Regardless of dollar value, if the contract
action, including all modifications and orders
under task or delivery order contracts, is not
both fixed-price and competitively awarded,
publicize the award notice and include in the
description the rationale for using other than a
fixed-priced and/or competitive approach. These
notices and the rationale will be available to
the public at the GPE, so do not include any
proprietary information or information that would
compromise national security. The following table
provides examples for when a rationale is
21(No Transcript)
22This suggests the following regarding ARRA
Sections 1554 1526(c)(4)
- 1. Applies regardless of value.
- 2. Applies to indefinite delivery contracts
(statewide or construction IDCs) depending on how
it was awarded - see FAR table mentioned above.
23Definition of phrase Competitive Procedures in
ARRA Section 1554
- Did not find anything that elaborates on
whether that phrase includes any type of
competition, e.g., two bids on a large emergency
contract, or is limited to "competitive
procedures" proscribed by law.
- State Local Government Recipients Implementing
Guidance for the Reports on Use of Funds Pursuant
to ARRA of 2009, OMB June 22, 2009 - Do not confuse your requirements with
requirements placed on federal vendors - Federal Contractor Reporting Requirements
Interim FAR 52.204-11
25Reporting Continued
- Reporting Data entered at www.FederalReporting.gov
- Recipients and Sub-recipients begin reporting the
quarter in which they receive an award - Those receiving an award prior to Sept. 30, 2009
must enter data for 1st report no later than
October 10th - includes funding from February 17, 2009
- Data must be entered within 10 days after the end
each subsequent quarter - Corrections to reports must be made within 21
days after end of each quarter - Each subsequent report is cumulative
26Prime Recipient Ultimately Responsible for ARRA
Sect. 1512 Reporting Requirements
- Federal Guidelines allow delegation of reporting
requirements to Sub-recipients. However, the SC
Stimulus Oversight, Accountability, and
Coordination Task Force has determined not to
allow SC Prime Recipients to delegate reporting
27Prime Recipient (e.g. SC Energy Office)
- Federal funding agency
- Award identification
- Recipient DUNS
- Parent DUNS
- Recipient CCR information
- CFDA number if applicable
- Recipient account number
- Project/grant period
- Award type, date, description, and amount
- Amount of ARRA funds expended to
projects/activities - Activity Code and description
- Project Description and status
- Job creation narrative and number
- Infrastructure expenditures and rationale, if
applicable - Recipient primary place of performance
- Recipient area of benefit
- Recipient officer names and compensation (Top 5)
- Total number and amount of small sub-awards
less than 25,000
28Recipient Vendor (e.g. Acme Energy Auditing)
Payment exceeds 25,000/Qtr.
- DUNS or Name and zip code of Headquarters
- Expenditure Amount
- Expenditure description
29Sub-recipient (e.g. Trident Tech.)
- Sub-recipient DUNS
- Sub-recipient CCR information
- Sub-recipient type
- Amount received by sub-recipient
- Sub-award date
- Sub-award period
- Sub-recipient place of performance
- Sub-recipient area of benefit
- Sub-recipient officer names and compensation (top
30Sub-recipient Vendor (e.g. Ajax Energy Services)
Payment exceeds 25,000/Qtr.
- DUNS or Name and zip code of HQ
- Report an aggregate number for the cumulative
jobs created or retained - Job created is a new position or an existing
unfilled position that is filled - Job retained is an existing position that would
have been cut but for ARRA - Estimates should be expressed as full time
equivalents - Provide a narrative description of employment
impact - Do not attempt to report on employment impact on
materials suppliers and central service providers
(indirect jobs) or local community induced jobs
32Job Creation Formula
- Cumulative ARRA funded hours worked (Qtr)
- Cumulative hours in a full-time schedule (Qtr)