Title: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
1The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- MOSES Application Changes
2Changes for Recovery Act Tracking
- Capture data elements to answer questions for
reports to the Governor, Feds, etc. - MAIN ITEMS OF INTEREST
- ARRA Indicator on
- Job Orders and Job Placements
- Participants
- Career Center Services
- Union and/or Apprenticeship Job Indicator
3Changes for Recovery Act Tracking
- Job Orders
- MOSES Staff View/Web Portal (Job Quest)
- Employer Services
- Including Rapid Response Services
- Participant Tracking
- Program Enrollments
- Job Placements
4Changes Recovery Act TrackingJob Order Changes
- New required questions added to job orders
- Is this job related to funding provided by the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)? - If Yes, enter the ARRA Project ID, if known.
- Is this an Apprenticeship position? Y/N
- Is this a Union position? Y/N
- If Yes, will this position be filled primarily
through a Union Hall(s)? Y/N
5Changes for Recovery Act TrackingJob Order Data
6Changes for Recovery Act TrackingEmployer
Services ARRA Indicator
7Changes for Recovery Act TrackingParticipant
- Added WIA ARRA Programs for tracking
- WIA ARRA Title I Adults
- WIA ARRA Title I Dislocated Workers
- WIA ARRA Title I Youth
- WIA ARRA Title I Summer Youth
- WIA ARRA Wagner-Peyser
- WIA ARRA Wag-Pey Reemployment Services
8Changes for Recovery Act TrackingParticipant
9Changes for Recovery Act TrackingPerformance
- Adults Tracking
- Adults (Title I Adults, D/W, Wagner/Peyser) are
on for all of the normal performance
measurements. - Included in cs_adhoc_title1_report table.
- Youth Tracking
- Year Round Youth (i.e. not Summer) are on for all
of the normal performance measurements. - Included in cs_adhoc_title1_report table.
- Summer Youthdifferent!
10Changes for Recovery Act TrackingPerformance
Tracking - Youth
- Summer Youth Tracking
- Summer is from May 1 September 30
- Enrollment before May 1 or after September 30 in
ARRA Youth All Performance Measures - Enrollment in Summer only One Performance
Measure - Work Readiness is the only performance
measurement for Youth enrolled in Work Experience
in the Summer component. - All other Youth, whether co-enrolled or enrolled
in a non-Summer funding stream, are on for all
the statutory performance measures. - Note Work Experience as defined in 664.460
of the law. - Work Readiness as defined in TEGL 17-05,
Attachment B.
11Changes for Recovery Act TrackingWork Readiness
Performance Measure
12Changes for Recovery Act TrackingChanges to
- For Title I ARRA Youth
- Older Youth include participants up to age 24
- (eligibility changes as well)
- Three (3) new Work Experience columns to easily
track the new Summer Youth Work Experience
Completion Rate - work_exp_start_date, work_exp_completion_date,
work_exp_completion_status - Three (3) new Work Readiness columns to easily
track the one Summer Youth Work Readiness
performance measure - work_readiness_set_date, work_readiness_completion
_date , work_readiness_attain_status
13Changes for Recovery Act TrackingTraining Course
Enrollment Window
14Changes for Recovery Act TrackingTraining Course
Enrollment WindowNon ITA Course Approval
15Changes for Recovery Act TrackingJob Placements
- New questions added to Job Placements
- Is this a Union position? Y/N
- Is this an Apprenticeship position? Y/N
- ARRA Related?
- If Yes, enter the ARRA Project ID, if known.
16Changes for Recovery Act TrackingJob Placement
Data Window