Title: European Research Council
1European Research Council
- Starter Grant Competition 2008
- Info Session
- IUA Marie Curie, TCD Science Gallery, 15-05-08
2What is ERC/IDEAS?
- ERC is the body / IDEAS is the FP7 programme
- 7.5b part of the 50b FP-7 programme (2007-2013)
- Whereas COPERATION targets top down research in
thematic areas such as Space, Security , ICT ,
Health etc, IDEAS is bottom-up i.e. pure,
PI-driven, academic research! - This is NOT your typical consortium project with
partners in multiple countries! - An ERC/IDEAS grant is typically owned by one PI,
conducting research in 1 location - Covers ALL areas of research science,
engineering, humanities and social sciences - AdG1 has budget of 517m. Will fund approx 300
grants (at average of 1.7m)
3What grant schemes does the ERC operate?
- Starter Grant (StG)
- Aimed at young early stage researchers who are
attempting the transition to independence or are
consolidating a recently established independent
group. - Grant sizes up to 1.5m for up to 5 years ?
200-300 grants - Advanced Grant (AdG)
- Aimed at established research leaders
- Grant sizes typically up to 2.5m for up to 5
years ? 300 grants
4Who is eligible for the Starter Grant competition?
- 3-8 years post PhD
- In theory anyone can apply..as long as your
host institution supports you (signs off) - BUT..you will need to be the VERY BEST in the
3-8 year post PhD cohort!! - The success rate in the first Starter Grant
competition was 3 (9000 applicants). However the
recent Advanced competition is likely to be more
in the range of 15 - All disciplines, any nationalityas long as work
is carried out in EU members states or associated
5Evaluation criteria (I)Scientific Excellence is
the sole Criterion
- Potential of applicant
- Quality of proposal
- Research environment
- Referees and panels evaluate and score criteria
under Heading 1 and Heading 2 numerically which
will result in the ranking of the projects - Criteria under Heading 3 will be considered as
"pass/fail" and commented but not scored
6Evaluation criteria (II)ERC Starting Grant
- Principal Investigator Potential to become a
world class research leader - a. Quality of research output
- Has the Principal Investigator published in high
quality peer reviewed journals or the equivalent? - To what extent are these publications
ground-breaking and demonstrative of independent
creative thinking and capacity to go
significantly beyond the state of the art? - b. Intellectual capacity and creativity
- To what extent does the Principal Investigator's
record of research, collaborations, project
conception, supervision of students and
publications demonstrate that he/she is able to
confront major research challenges in the field,
and to initiate new productive lines of thinking?
7Evaluation criteria (III)ERC Starting Grant
- Quality of the research proposal
- a. Ground-breaking nature of the research
- Does the proposed research address important
challenges in the field(s) addressed? - Does it have suitably ambitious objectives, which
go substantially beyond the current state of the
art (e.g. including trans-disciplinary
developments and novel or unconventional
approaches)? - b. Potential impact
- Does the research open new and important,
scientific, technological or scholarly horizons? - c. Methodology
- Is the proposed research methodology (including
when pertinent the use of instrumentation, other
type of infrastructures etc.) comprehensive and
appropriate for to the project? Will it enable
the goals of the project convincingly to be
achieved within the timescales and resources
proposed and the level of risk associated with a
challenging research project?
8Evaluation criteria (III)ERC Starting Grant
- Research Environment
- a. Transition to independence
- Will the proposed project enable the Principal
Investigator to make or consolidate the
transition to independence? - b. Host institution normally applicant legal
entity - Does the institution hosting the project have
most of the infrastructure necessary for the
research to be carried out? - Is it in a position to provide an appropriate
intellectual environment and infrastructural
support and to assist in achieving the ambitions
for the project and the Principal Investigator? - c. Participation of other legal entities
- If it is proposed that other legal entities
participate in the project, in addition to the
applicant legal entity, is their participation
fully justified by the scientific added value
they bring to the project?
9What is the proposal structure?
Self evaluation Major contributions International
recognition Inspire the young Field-switching
- A. Admin forms in EPSS (online early pre
registration) - B. 28 page (? uploaded PDF) application
submitted via EPSS - Section 1
- Emerging leadership profile 2 pages
- Curriculum Vitae 2 pages
- Early achievement record 2 pages
- Extended Synopsis 5 pages
- Section 2
- Scientific Proposal 15 pages
- Section 3
- Research Environment 2 pages
Standard academic CV Include funding id
Top 10 pubs. Monographs Patents Presentations Expe
ditions Conferences Prizes
Short form proposal
Long form proposal
the HEI
10What is the process for evaluation?
- 28 page (? uploaded PDF) application submitted
via EPSS - Section 1
- Emerging leadership profile 2 pages
- Curriculum Vitae 2 pages
- Early achievements record 2 pages
- Extended Synopsis 5 pages
- Section 2
- Scientific Proposal 15 pages
- Section 3
- Research Environment 2 pages
High Volume priority
Step 1 evaluation
Step 2 evaluation
Fund/Not Fund
11Who will evaluate my proposal?
- 3 research domains (300m)
- Physical Sciences Engineering (39?) 10 panels
- Life Sciences (34?) 9 panels
- Humanities Social Sciences (14?) 6 panels
- Applicant selects panel the s/he wishes to
evaluate his/her proposal - Each panel is 10-15 peer reviewers, with panel
chair (supported by remote referees) - Interdisciplinary panel (NOT chosen by applicant
panel chairs will bring forward special cases
10 of budget held for this scenario)
12The Evaluation Panels
The panel names are accompanied by a list of
panel descriptors indicating the fields of
research covered by the respective ERC panels.
LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and
Biochemistry molecular biology, biochemistry,
biophysics, structural biology, biochemistry of
signal transduction LS1_1 Molecular biology and
interactions LS1_2 General biochemistry and
metabolism LS1_3 DNA biosynthesis, modification,
repair and degradation LS1_4 RNA synthesis,
processing, modification and degradation LS1_5
Protein synthesis, modification and
turnover LS1_6 Biophysics LS1_7 Structural
biology (crystallography, NMR, EM) LS1_8
Biochemistry of signal transduction
13What are the key dates?
- The starter grant competition will probably open
in July 08 - The submission deadline depends upon the domain
you select - Physical Earth Sciences end Oct 08
- Humanities and Social Sciences mid Nov 08
- Life Sciences mid Dec 08
- Evaluation through late 2008/early 2009with
results.maybe by Q2/3 2009
14What supports are there to help me?
- The ERC work programme
- The ERC User Guide the detailed information
you will need to write your proposal - Monitor the ERC website and sign up for alerts
- http//erc.europa.eu/
- Your NCPs
15Key Contacts in Ireland for the ERC
Serving the Science community
Dr. Graham Love Science Foundation Ireland T
353 (0)1 6073284 F 353 (0)1 6073201 E
http//groups.google.com/group/erc-ireland ?
science engineering
Serving the Humanities Social Sciences
Ms. Sorcha Carthy Irish Research Council for the
Humanities Social Sciences T 353 (0)1
6603652Â F 353 (0)1Â 6603728 E
scarthy_at_irchss.ie W www.irchss.ie
http//groups.google.com/group/FP7HSS ? HSS
- http//www.fp7ireland.com/default.aspx ? the new
FP-7 Ireland website