Title: Understanding Your Hearing Conservation Hearing Check
1Understanding Your Hearing Conservation Hearing
The DD2216
The Purpose of a DD2216 is to record annual and
follow-up hearing thresholds for individuals
routinely hazardous exposed noise. Before this
form is used a reference audiogram must already
be filed in the individuals health record. A
DD2216 is also used to record 90- Day,
termination or other audiograms.
Patient Data
Annual Test
The difference between the current test and the
reference test is used to determine if an STS has
occurred. If there is an STS on the annual test
follow-up testing is required..
Who Gets a 2216? All noise exposed and/or
ototoxically (drugs or chemicals that are toxic
to the inner ear) exposed active duty and DoD
civilian personnel receive a DD2216 audiogram
annually. These individuals should also receive
90-Day (test performed 90 days after exposure to
noise tests for susceptibility to noise exposure)
and termination audiograms (performed at the
termination of active duty or civil service
Follow-up 2